What is your honest opinion about MGTOW?
I said, YOUR opinion, not Sup Forums's opinion.
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What is your honest opinion about MGTOW?
I said, YOUR opinion, not Sup Forums's opinion.
Let's discuss this topic
The only sensible choice if you've actually made anything of yourself, I've seen what marriage and divorce does to men.
It's the kikes' latest trick to stifle white people from reproducing.
Pussies unable to be in charge of their wives. They pretend to be edgelords, but really they're just weaklings who would rather hide than be a man.
Also their opinions are literally irrelevant since none of them will procreate due to paranoid delusions.
You don't have to get married to have kids
>What is your honest opinion about MGTOW?
too little resistance , too late, but I am grateful for every little thing
I checked out barbarossaaa et al (in his beginning years not later), and manwomanmyth, good classics I recommend them to everyone
I feel like I understand many mens' frustration with modern women but that most of the dudes in this movement are in it because they CAN'T get laid, not because they won't. Also if you're so happy going your own way, why shove it down others' throats? It puts me in mind of those pushy feminist lesbians who can't simply be content in themselves, they have to constantly force their shit in others' faces.
Other than that, I agree with the notion that only you can make you happy.
>I'm a permavirgin who cannot take responsibility and be manly enough to control my wife
I think it's about understanding not to get married, women are women just deal it with.
you haven't been through a relationship with a "modern" woman.
there are a lot of black men doing MGTOW.
>but that most of the dudes in this movement are in it because they CAN'T get laid
okay, i said give your opinion but you should at least try to prove what you are saying. you seem bitter.
>control women in 2016
yeah right.
no wife
no sex
not even talk bro
and no responsibility to any family since it distracts me from my way
Get married and stop being a pussy beta bitch.
>Just man up and sign this contract that gives someone the right to half your stuff whenever they want
>If you don't, it's because you're not a man
Jewish tricks haven't come anywhere since '39
>get married
wait, what?
there are so many trolls on Sup Forums, it's disgusting
Traditionalist gender roles is the natural state between men and women. You're no better than feminists who insist we should all be promiscuous degenerates. Get a nice Christian girl and control her, it's easy.
>control her, it's easy.
>no normals leaf
That's my leaf
>it's easy.
Reminder that if you're a virgin you are not MGTOW.
Giving up something you've never even experienced and can't even get doesn't count. You're just a loser trying to rationalize away how much of a loser you are.
Improve yourself to the point where you can actually score decent pussy, then you can talk about going your own way or whatever.
>it's a jewish trick to shame useless men into gitting gud and making big white families
ok Yehuda Rosenblatt
I will try to dominate a russian girl or a muslim one. Which one do you recommend?
she sleeps with chads,that knight guy was litterally a white knight cuck
>I can't control basic liberal bitches who are physically and mentally weak and easily brainwashed
You're not allowed to call yourself a man unless you completely dominate your wife
>no wife
>no sex
>no responsibility
Useless virgin whose genetics will perish. Good riddance.
You can have as many children as you want without getting married. I don't know why you retards don't know this. There is literally no reason to push for people to get married unless you're one of the Goldbergs profiting from it.
It's a great idea. More womens for this user.
MGTOW =/= Getting rid of your sex life
you are a shill
It's time for you to become a man, boy. A man who has no woman is no man at all.
>A man who has no woman is no man at all.
no problem I can do that
> Spawning more liberals
are u even trying
she will play submissive while building a huge juicy case against your ass.
more money for her when the time to get rid of you comes
It's a Jewish psyop to get people who would ordinarily try to better themselves to find a mate more likely to instead revel in their insecurity and be content to never breed, hence furthering the Jewish goal of eliminating the white race.
>You can have as many children as you want without getting married. I don't know why you retards don't know this. There is literally no reason to push for people to get married unless you're one of the Goldbergs profiting from it.
It's harder to break up a marriage than it is to break up a regular relationship. Marriage introduces a new layer of responsibility, and in a functional community you would be shamed for even thinking about divorcing.
I am 99% MGTOW after having my fiance fuck another man, get angry at me when I found out (her mother tattled on her), then when I broke off the engagement, the ex-fiance told me how she planned to fuck around on me in marriage.
You will never find a loyal woman who has been exposed to our fucking awful feminist society. It has removed all expectations from women and taught them they can be as horrible as they want and the legal system and public opinion will always support them.
>hurr de durr de derp just be more alpha and women won't backstab you
I have two friends who served in the military who are now cops. Both divorced by their cunt wives who cheated in marriage.
I think jilted men flock to MGTOW lifestyles the way divorced women flock to Tumblr tier feminism. For comfort.
Something bad happened to them, imposed by the opposite sex, and seek reassurance and guidance through tough times.
These groups push wider an already vast and echoing disparity between young people of the opposite sex. Marriage and family are soon to be an archaic and mundane alternative to selfishly pursuing ones own desires instead of helping others.
In a time where gibsmedat is what people desire over traditional lifestyle choices it's safe to say modern society is a shell of what once was considered normal.
I personally enjoy being married and raising a family with my wife. It works for me, and it works for me. I know a flood of Tyrone jokes and muh divorce memes are going to be thrown my way...but honestly when you marry your best friend concerns like this aren't an issue at all.
I hope in the future young people reading this can find happiness in traditional family values and hard work. The future belongs to you, don't hand it over willingly to migrant savages.
Do you really think it's true that you have to experience something when it's so easy to imagine? Especially if there is so much evidence on what it's like? My penis penetrates another persons clammy hole, she barely feels anything, I ejaculate. Just kind of seems gross user. I'd rather live in my own home, in my own space, not have to butt heads with another person constantly, enjoy life and friends, and eventually engineer a healthier child that I'll raise myself.
>to better yourself = trying to confrom to the wishes of the modern woman
once again you can have children without becoming a simp
>and in a functional community you would be shamed for even thinking about divorcing.
Shame the world is so dysfunctional though. Divorce is empowering, you go girrrrrl!
>letting women sue you
literally just beat the shit out of her and tell her to denounce her reports as false and stop prosecution
they are women you moron, they aren't able to do anything by themselves. they just listen to the man who is closest at any given moment. why do you think women love to stay with their "abusive" boyfriends/husbands? they love being dominated by a strong man, it's in their primal genes. if you beat her up, she is more likely to forgive you than to forgive some cuck who doesn't take control.
you massive french pussy
this. the amount of blindness in this thread is horrifying
>Shame the world is so dysfunctional though. Divorce is empowering, you go girrrrrl!
Yeah, it is a shame. But you don't just take it. You act like a man and do what's right. And if the cunt wants a divorce, then you shame her and expose it in front of everyone, or simply beat her up. women are groupthink central, and they'll bow to group pressure and/or alphas dominating them.
You have it backwards. When you better yourself you become more desirable.
Well, what makes you think you're valuable, say I'm not interested in your fat deposits, what do you offer me?
alright. beat your wife. props to you bro.
Politicized misogyny and gynophobia. Only for le supreme autists.
>I know a flood of Tyrone jokes and muh divorce memes are going to be thrown my way...but honestly when you marry your best friend concerns like this aren't an issue at all.
Honest question, do you think people intentionally marry someone they don't like? Don't you think every divorced man ever felt exactly the same way as you at some point?
when you CONFORM you become desirable to some brainwashed women.
i got it right the first time.
I think Marriage is a good thing, as in the Christian based Marriage. Modern Marriage is not that however, and is a giant scam from a man's perspective. Making kids is still something that needs to happen, but getting married is not.
If you beat her up, and she ends up being confident enough to report you, you will loose your privileges such as gun "rights" in the US. The problem rests with no-fault marriage laws.
MGTOW is filled with a ton of losers however. A lot of unfit basement dwellers. They can continue to hold the I don't want to get married position, but they should still strive to improve themselves. They'd be in a better position if the nation ever went full National Socialist.
MGTOW's ranks are nu-males with gutter trash tier genetics who never have sex anyway, them 'going their own way' is like niggers protesting climate change/capitalism by boycotting luxury car brands. While they have a few points about the institution of marriage, higher quality males shouldnt listen to these omega males and keep looking for a decent female to mate with
I would go mgtow, but I would have no time 4 my kiddos. I need a women, with good genes, who will do exactly as I say
Well, if she wants a divorce and ruin my life, then I will beat her up. I don't want to, of course, but you have to do what's right.
>MGTOW's ranks are nu-males with gutter trash tier genetics who never have sex anyway
alright you are a chill, we get it.
The science, the data, is supporting MGTOW
It's quite simple, it's basic biological impulse. The singular goal of any organism is to reproduce. Everything else is just window dressing. The organism that reproduces the most becomes the dominant organism in its niche. Giving in to selfish desires will do only one thing effectively and that's ensure the end of your genetic line. 8 billion + years of evolution stops with you because you would rather play vidya and masturbate to hentai than raise a family.
*starts thrusting hips and masturbating*
Can you really be called sentient?
Eh, the point is that they can't score. It's like the story of the fox and the grapes, i can't obtain something so i pretend i'm not interested because it sucks anyway.
you are a moron. sorry to break it up to you like that. you will end up in jail, you will get raped, and she will get your seeds and your money.
klassic kanadia shitposter
I want to raise a family, just I want to use what is available to me to ensure my children are healthy, happy and intelligent. I can even preserve and pass on some things that are unique about myself. This seems favorable to inseminating some poor random female.
MGTOW sounds okay in theory. They take the grievances of the MRA and build upon them. But then, they are also a bunch of anti-social neckbeards, and come off as having super autism.
>lol all mgtows are fucking losers1!!
What the fuck you dense cunts I just don't wanna get married, divorced and get fucked over for the rest of my life.
It's fucking retarded if you think MGTOW is all about being celibate and not fuckign women.
There are men out there who abuse this term, yes - but the current state of the marriage industry and expectations women place while giving very little and hardly meeting standards can make any man say "Yeah fuck this, I don't think ill get married".
>omg women don't fuck me - MGTOW time1!
If you do that you're just abusing the term, I watched this movement grow since about 08' and standardbearers have been post divorced men who have been fucked over.
Marriage reform needs to fucking happen and the gender bias in our court systems is ridiculous yet women have the gumption to complain about the 'patriarchy'
It doesn't mean to never have sex, it just means to not get married, that is, impregnate and leave her. Your genes get passed on and you're free on to continue your life.
Well, regardless on any disdain, those 'unfit basement dwellers' are slowly becoming the majority of males in western cultures. Berating them isn't going to fix the fucking problem. I dare say a portion of them are clear cut alphas that have either been duped into the lifestyle, or have lost all their fucks.
don't pay attention to the trolls. you are 100% right
Then pick a suitable mate. If that means bettering yourself somewhat in the process then you win doubly by getting a good mate and improving your personal situation for yourself as well.
There is nothing wrong with wanting sex you filthy omega male (as long as its in a loving relationship and not hook up degeneracy).
But there's no need to marry her. Just fuck and leave her, and move on to the next one. That's the alpha's way to go.
One one hand, It's rational. A woman will never love you quite like you want to be loved. Deep down they are pragmatic and it's all about what you can do for them and how you can make them feel. Sure, any woman even fucking Daenerys Targaryen can be reduced to an quivering mess who worships your cock but only by the most alpha of chads who have unlimited options.
Meanwhile, some guys know right off the rip that banging all kinds of sluts is frivolous and unnecessary and unless you're a natural Chad it's a lot of fucking work and effort and for what? Some just want to have "love" companionship and a relationship beyond sex. Those people are more likely to MGTOW once they realize that finding a girl like that who is also attractive in the least is virtually impossible. People on here and TRP and shit make it worse by calling these men "pussy beta bitches" etc. Most of the time when some anonymous person on the internet is calling you a "pussy beta virgin bitch" they're just trying to signal that they are a masculine alpha male chad thundercock -- like that's so impressive. I'm pretty sure most chads are just born chads.
On the other hand: it is a reason that white birthrate is dropping like a rock. Getting married and having children is a very noble thing especially if you are a person with traditional white values (that goes for minorities who want to hold a job, take care of kids, raise kids right, live a responsible life). Also, lots of MGTOW are NEETs because having children triggers a 'provider' instinct in men: when you have kids you become super motivated to work and provide for them. It's uncanny how powerful it is. Just completely giving up on that idea and checking out is shitty. It's much better for society and for you if you keep working at it and keep trying to make yourself a strong, determined, and desirable version of yourself so you can attract some kind of woman and have a family. Just don't get divorced, ever.
You do that with the basic bitches. The so-called 'nice girls', you keep them around and make them cook and clean for you and live de life.
Read pic related to see why MGTOW is retarded.
In reality you can have all the benefits of MGTOW while still having your cake and eating it too
>Well, regardless on any disdain, those 'unfit basement dwellers' are slowly becoming the majority of males in western cultures. Berating them isn't going to fix the fucking problem. I dare say a portion of them are clear cut alphas that have either been duped into the lifestyle, or have lost all their fucks.
The people who identify as MGTOW tend to be shit. Societies males show many traits of being MGTOW for sure. But they're not calling themselves MGTOW either.
>and you whine incessantly about women who do this
Pure pottery
I'm "borderline MGTOW" as I call it.
I'm sympathetic to their core arguments but not all of their arguments and definitely not all their conclusions and statements. I agree that marriage in it's current legal state and structure is a problem for men, but I'm not willing to throw out the concept altogether. I still want kids and I still want to pass my genes on, personally.
MGTOW needs to preach it's message to guys who are currently married more often. The ideas need to be put in their head and men need to be made aware of what they're getting into with modern women. This "DUR THEY CANT GET LAID XD LOLOLOL" meme spouting only serves feminists and cunts. Not to mention the fa ct that most leading MGTOW bloggers and such have been married and divorced.
You're letting them get away with screwing you over because you don't want to be associated with unsexually attractive people they think it's okay to screw over. One day it will be you who's screwed over and you won't see it coming because you blinded yourself in an attempt to get your dick touched.
Point taken.
I did not apply to MIT or Stanford, because I knew I wouldn't get in. But I don't make a lifestyle out of the fact that I'm not applying.
I'm not. The virgins do.
Keep circlejerking, sad virgins
No it's not. It's not alpha, it's fucking stupid. Alpha males raise their own families and ensure their genes pass on. Stupid neanderthals fuck and leave and go extinct.
MGTOW is the natural reaction to the breakdown of the institution of marriage.
Basically, our civilization is built on the following principles:
1. Men want to sex
2. To get sex, a man must marry a woman
3. To marry a woman, a man must impress her father
4. To impress her father, a man must have a good job or prospects
This turns the male sex drive into productive labor. Without this system functioning at any of the four levels society breaks because there is no longer an incentive for men to work any harder than the bare minimum required. A man can live happily hunting and fishing all day in a basic timber hut, or when society is still somewhat functional, he can live happily working a part-time job and playing video games the rest of the time in a studio apartment. Men don't need society, men built society because it got them wives and thus sex. If wives are off the table men will fuck off and civilization will inevitably collapse.
not an argument.
>implying your not a virgin.
Everyone on this site is quick to call everyone else a virgin because they're insecure about being virgins and they know how badly it stings to be called one when you are one.
And Sup Forums and only Sup Forums tries to pretend it's some alpha-tough-guy who's getting laid all the time despite spending all day shitposting.
I married an fat, angry, Filipino woman. I wish I had been redpilled years ago before this happened. My life is miserable. MGTOW could have prevented this. I wish I new the truth about women and race. I am just doing my best to not raise my son as an Eliot Roger.
mgtow = quitting at life
seriously if you aren't going to reproduce you should just kill yourself
MGTOW should evolve into Men Raising Families Without Marriage. MRFWM
What are you, 13? I'd argue most people realize, even on this board, that having sex isn't very difficult to accomplish and takes minimal effort. It's just that human kind is advancing to the point where sexuality is degeneracy.
>Alpha males raise their own families and ensure their genes pass on.
once the baby is on the way, the genes are effectively being passed on. what are you on?
> implying people take Sup Forums seriously
I'm shitposting, that's all. These threads are a joke. They won't change anything. Whites make up 5% of the world population and have the lowest birth rates and the highest immigration levels. It's over.
I think people feel pressured by social constructs to marry people they know they're not meant to be with. Cynicism and self doubt are why you asked me this question. Don't be so jaded because hurt your feelings once upon a time.
>Stupid neanderthals fuck and leave and go extinct.
In case you haven't noticed, that's the African genetic survival strategy and it's working very well for them.
>mgtow = quitting at life
you can still reproduce. if you keep control of your own life. stopa ssuming things like a potato
You only have to pay alimony of you divorce right?
Cant you simply not sign the divorce papers? IIRC a wife cant divorce by herself unless there's proof you abused her or cheated on her.
I don't mind MGTOWs, but I mind MGTOWs that call themselves MGTOWs
Cucks. Men have always been going their own way: by making a fuss out of an activity that defines a man, you are just a bitch (i.e. cuck) looking for approval from others.
>I'm shitposting, that's all. These threads are a joke. They won't change anything. Whites make up 5% of the world population and have the lowest birth rates and the highest immigration levels. It's over.
nice shitpost liar
Dating a woman, domesticating her, and impregnating her is actually.pretty.easy if you apply yourself and be confident. Ive got 2 babies with a goal of 4. I love being a father.
>Men have always been going their own way
>only one boy
I would've probably killed myself.
This is now a white baby appreciation thread.
>What are you, 13?
No but you are.
>I have a girlfriend, she just goes to another school that's why you don't see her.
That's the type of tween insecurity Sup Forums shows over this.
Uuhhh.... not if the kid dies. They're not animals, they don't come out and automatically take of themselves. You should be picky about who you want your genes to pass through so they end up going beyond that one random stroke of good luck. Maybe they get killed in a war? Blood lines dead. Maybe they're gay? Blood lines dead. Maybe they turn into a tranny because their dad wasn't around? Blood lines dead.
A true alpha male loves his children like he loves himself, he wouldn't put them at the mercy of a single mother for the sake of a one-night stand.
Why won't you conceive me, daddy?