Lets start with a good ol' YLYL thread starring Shkreli : youtube.com/watch?v=UxHXjQR9a9A

Other urls found in this thread:








wtf is this

This is now an Albanian thread, show your best Shqiptar-related pics

Can someone drop those cute map comics? Or at least a link to where i can find some.



Day of the rake when?

Purified autism


kek wtf

wtf is ''day of the rake''?

NATO "ministry of fighting Russian propaganda" meme using guide.


Lurk more.

Canada's day of the rope.

The culling of the leaves.


Le jour qu'on va remplacer la feuille pour la fleur de lys



Annex us soon please





what is this? a jihad for ants?


Sup Forums autism


Why don't you leafs beat the ever-loving shit out of that thing?


I lost.



A story of a guy with autism who's girlfriend broke up with him.


We've already sent our strongest champion after him






Yeah, that thing. Why do you let it live? Americans would tolerate no such thing. We already have plans to separate california and sink it into the ocean.

Fucking shit.

Because this madman is already to powerful. We have nothing that can stop him. Harper tried, look what happened to him.




Lying is just a requirement at this point isn't it

Based spic desu senpai

series finale, I did not see that shit coming





Post address. America will handle this.



You idiot Emergency Alert is for weather and Amber Alert is for kid napped children. The Presidential Alert is a 3rd kind of Alert that can't be turned off.

Source: I work for one of the big four cell providers in the US.

Don't be a retard

>asked her to be my waifu
>said no

If you think you can handle him

24 Sussex Drive



How many people have (You) raped today?


Is this fucking real?








Not me, I still use a landline phone.
The rest of y'all can just suck it and learn to love our new God Emperor.




Memeri T.V. is truly the greatest invention Arabs have ever come up with.



refined autism

Based Martin working golddigging thots

I wish.

Does anybody have that picture of hitler laughing with greentext to the side of all the things that "happened" during the (((holocaust)))


MEMRI stands for Middle East Media Research Institute. it was founded by Israeli intel officers to show us what's on TV in the caliphate

Accidentally said wiafu to my friend yesterday



Government delivered text messages is nothing new

Polandball on leddit. Only reason to go there

>Day of the rake



digits confirmski


Jeb has hard life