Can't we just nuke Mecca already?

Can't we just nuke Mecca already?

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we should

I think we have to silently take Pakistan first to make sure we disarm the mudslimes of nukes. Then, we can nuke Mecca.

Would you walk up to a hornets nest and hit it with a stick?

I'm worried that if we drop a nuke on mecca that stone somehow survives and muslims start using that as proof that allah has blessed them or something.


Not if all the hornets are in the one nest.
Destroy their "invincible" religious relics and prove that they're not what they thought they were.
Their faith is shattered. Their will is shattered. The culture disbands.

Nuke Mecca or face global Islamic domination.

I'm muslim, this wouldn't change anything but bring even more heat.

You need to deporte all the shitskins who can't into occident.

landing gear why?

... and I just thought that now it's come to bite us in the arse that we don't have nukes, so we can't strike back properly.

what's in the box?

Deus vult
Glass the cult
Praise kek
Break their neck

Sure. Right after we seize and haul that giant meteorite inside that idiotic Black Box they all worship for scientific study.

>Would you walk up to a hornets nest and hit it with a stick?
Yes. That's how you get rid of hornet nests instead of letting them spread


You have to go back.

nah, beeing nuked is not painfull enough.
use napalm on them.

Circling the cube is apparently about mimicking the Saturn hexagon cloud formation which is unknown to 99.9% of those who participate. Apparently the biggest secret among the controlling elite many centuries ago was astronomy. The Saturn hexagon was discovered with a deep space prove but it can and has been seen with a backyard telescope. A cube when seen where the interior corners align takes the shape of a hexagon.

I would like it if President Trump said that if a certain number of American are killed by islamists, then he WOULD nuke mecca. Say 10 or 20 thousands would trigger the retaliation.

(And the 'rock' would not survive a ground burst nuke. It's made of MUD and stucco.)

Safety first

This would be a most excellent happening if it did happen. Can't say these fuckers don't deserve this.

Oops guys.

we are using a flamethrower not a stick


Prove = probe


If the hornets nest was in my walkway stinging visitors as they walk up to the door i would.

No but I'd incinerate it though.


Praise Kek !

Because we'd kill more Muslims if we nuked Berlin.

With a stick - no.
With a flamethrower - yes.

kill it with fire

A nuclear stick that would disintegrate all the hornets?

Fuck yeah I would.

Yemen is already hitting Mecca with missiles. it won't be much longer until the Saudi's lose their war of attrition with Yemen.

t. never dealt with a real Hornets nest in his life

Those fags can't launch a long range missile.

Fuck them.



If we destroyed it would they start spinning on themselves like a broken compass?


ICBMs are in no way comparable to a stick you automatic-transmission shitter.


That shit is small potatoes, my dudes. If you really wanna get at the muzzies, you just ask Israel to fuck up that dome of the rock. Way more sacred to muslims than the box.

Nah, we can't do that. If Mecca was to be nuked and the world was to survive the impending jihad of every Muslim on the planet, it would need to have been another Muslim that did it. Trump doing that would result in our destruction, no matter how many support us.

Make sure it's full. Full of all those who travel there to worship and kiss a stone vagina

You're not allowed to photograph the box. That's why it has a covering. That photo shows under the covering which carries a death penalty

Until 1948 the muslim simians did not give a left over foreskin about Jerusalem and the Dome of the Rock.
Then, after 1948, the muslims started bitching and suddenly they claimed it to be their third most sacred place since 632 AD.

>pic related The not-quite-so-holy-yet-Dome-of-the Rock around 1930
>note the general state of disrepair and neglect!


I was thinking we should go and take their little black rock away until they learn to behave


A space rock that they think absorbs their sins

no they are under USA protection or better say the country where this shit is

add Medina to the list



What if Sup Forums orchestrated and carried out a terrorist attack to shock the islamic world using nothing but hypotheticals?

That's why we double tap

If we vaporize the entire thing, then they have no way to know which way to pray, they have nowhere to go to for hajj, it destroys the entire basis of their religion.

Why do muzzies worship a black cube?

yfw you must exterminate the Muslim for the sake of the world

Because it goes back to some obscure pre-islamic cult.

not to mention the guy is putting the sole of his foot on their magic space rock and that is a big sacrilegious no-no

Winrar. Whats in the box OP?

>Praise kek



>survive the impending jihad of every Muslim on the planet

That's a great opportunity to reduce world population.

You can try but it is impossible to destroy the Ka'aba.

The cube is a housing for a spot supposedly marked by god. They don't worship the cube, apparently.

It doesn't matter. It was already destroyed and can be rebuilt. All of Medinah is supposed to be destroyed in prophecy and eventually mecca is too so people have to go hide in the caves nearby.

That's on the outside.
Literally nothing.

You are a Jew arn't ya Ysy2wpwW ?

They didn't.

We should ask Russia to hack it.

I really hope that rock gets blown up within my lifetime.

Yeah then we definitely have to try

Don't even have to nuke it. Just blow up that fucking rock.

Germany doesn't have nukes.

Not gonna stop them from strapping it to one of their millions of regime-funded suicide bombers.

Its status is recorded in hadith. Why do you think they fought so hard to take it back after the crusaders took in before?


Islam is the only thing that can save Europe from degeneracy.
Anyone who thinks otherwise is a liberal faggot.

"Ka'aba" appears in the 5th and 52nd chapters of the Quran.

Ffs these people have been blowing EVERYDAY for as long as I can remember, how come they never run out. Would nuking them really help?

I would actually like someone to try. I'm curious.

>When he fought the umayyads
They built mosques everywhere they went. Earliest mosque in china is from the 7th century. It does mention the kabbah and it only mentions muhammed 4 times because he's referred to as the messenger of allah.

Wait a minute....that flag

Ibn Marwan destroyed some of it as did the Yemenis before muahmmed. It used to be bigger than it is now.

It's like a little temple room thing on the inside. With some columns and a table, with incense shit hanging from the ceiling.

Not entirely true. In their beginnings the Muslims used Jerusalem as their Qiblah (direction of prayer). Mohamed later changed it to Mecca to further consolidate power.

The Kaaba predates Islams by a bit and had been a holy temple/shrine place/area for hundreds of years.

The Kaaba has been destroyed and rebuilt many times throughout history.

It is where the realm of the divine and the realm of the earthly intersect.

this isn't how you start WW3, this is how you end 90% of life on earth.

no you have to wait until Eid or whatever the fuck you idiot

No if you do that, or anything as extreme, this facade might actually end.

Don't want it to actually end. War is very profitable. You need the sandniggers to sustain the inflation.

there is/has been some cool artifacts in there, if they are authentic. like abrahams foreskin or some shit.

Of course! If I can't reach it with a stick I get a hose or a power washer or a gun or something.

How can you even suggest not hitting a hornets nest when you see one? It's like a big red button that says "do not push". Irresistible.


Aisha's head?

Jewish lies.
Palestine was a busy and important province during the Ottoman Empire, it was a busy hub of culture and trade.

No, but I would nuke one.

Hornets are already buzzing all over the place, user. It's time to put on the safety goggles and gloves and spray the nest down with bug poison.

whats in the cube though

We should nuke it once for every American killed by Islam. Starting with the twin towers.

Nope, there is only a "بيت الحرام" (house of scaredness) mentioned.

>I can't deal with a few bees buzzing around.
>but im willing to accept millions of bees.