How do we solve the manchild problem?

How do we solve the manchild problem?

We wont.
Let everything fall apart.
Then go full hitler.

You start by posting about it on anonymous Atlantean basket weaving forums.
The next thing you do is kill yourself for thinking you aren't a manchild when you're wasting your time posting on an anonymous Atlantean basket weaving forum.

that evolves into this. Lets worry about the furry problem

The US elects a fascist who is in bed with Russia.
A Russian envoy is assassinated by a Turkish policeman.
WWIII starts.
Manchild problem solved.


Trannysealfags are the worst.

>The Pokemon brand is now officially targeting furries and manchildren because they are now the majority of the customer base


Take away welfare. It'll solve itself.

wtf i hate Sup Forums now!

You're kinda late

toys that release the gas

Most people live their lives subservient to the established power and societal norms because it provides you with a comfier, easier life. It has always been this way.
There are three classes, those who exist to rule, those who exist to serve, and those who exist to liberate.

We don't really have welfare here anymore, at least not like europe has.


You don't, you simply sit back and watch them leave the gene pool

>not Litten
Shit taste.

What problem?

Not really, they just usually have a more 'feminine' looking starter for RITTUR GIRR now.

Still 87.5% chance that it's male btw, that's for all starters and it's set based on what the ratio of male to female players was in RBY

muh bara hazubando
eat shit

What anime is this?