Would it be a good idea to own a gun even though I live in a low crime mostly white county?

would it be a good idea to own a gun even though I live in a low crime mostly white county?

Owning a gun for self defense is a secondary reason to own one
It is your duty to own and know how to operate one so that if our gov ever goes full blown tyrannical you have the means to fight back
t Mexican Intellectual


>would it be a good idea to own a gun even though I live in a low crime mostly white county?
You'd be like the other 80% of gun owners

its good incase the economy crashes and everyone is going primal. mine just sits in the closet havent shot it in almost a decade but i do oil them up every few months

Why do you have a knife tied to a pistol? That isn't how bayonets work, it has to be a rifle.

Because you can.

Same reason you load up your 9mm with .308. Same diameter bullet so it fits no problem.

This guy gets it

No, you can always get one when it becomes needed. Meanwhile it brings unneeded danger into your home, especially for curious kids.

Yes. As an able bodied American male you should own a pistol and a fighting rifle. It is your duty to defend yours and others rights and freedoms. The last resort of which is to take up arms. No one is responsible for your safety but yourself.

You say ignoring the 30-06 in the pistol mags

stfu, its called a gun safe. Don't be retard and it wont be anymore dangerous then driving a car.Actually its FAR less dangerous then driving

Yes. Just keep it somewhere safe so kids don't reach it. You never know when you're gonna need one.

based Montenegro. Do they let you pack heat in Montenegro?

>you can always get one when it becomes needed
>"Hold on Mr. Criminal! I need to go buy a gun so I can shoot you for attacking me! Wait here."

except you're not supposed to do that and why would you when .380 costs more and you risk ruptured cases

>you can always get one when it becomes needed

Trying to acquire emergency equipment WHEN YOU NEED IT is a really, really bad plan. I looked at your flag and wasn't surprised.

Hey OP,

Get a handgun and a long gun, plenty of ammo and learn how to use them. It's a fun hobby at worst, a life-saving skill at best.

>except you're not supposed to do that and why would you when .380 costs more and you risk ruptured cases
.308 retard not .380.

oh well the joke wouldn't even work then fag because .30in is more like 7.5mm

>having a gun
>never shooting it

Good luck with that, jackass

Not without registration and licence, but why would I respect idiotic socialist laws.
>p-police will protect you citizen
>human life is more valuable than property so just ignore someone who breaks into your home
Plus this is Balkans, shit will hit the fan sooner or later.
I hope I never use weapons I have but it's dumb to not own them.

I'm a single man who lives 2 miles from the nearest family with kids

9mm and .308 are both 30 caliber.......

>would it be a good idea to own a gun even though I live in a low crime mostly white county?
Better to have and not need than need and not have.

Sometimes they just don't get it.

lrn2 oper8 ked
*unsheaths pistol bayonet*
*teleports behind you*
this, the fudd at my guns told me 30-06 will kill anything so I jewed him and bought a handgun and just loaded it with 30-06