57% approval rating

What went [spoiler]right?[/spoiler]

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It's not like those numbers aren't inflated at all, right?

Nothing he basically presided over stagnation and people like him for some reason

I think he comes off like a snobby dick hear but a lot of people seem to like him

He's likeable and trendy.

As far as social/economic issues he's pretty okay nothing special, but is full retard at foreign policies.

he's had the media in his corner since day 1

Trump is a Great Showman an will be a Great President for you Burgers

>pass user since 2012

Leftism took the wheel and drove us right into a toxic pit.

He's a likeable guy but he's too much of an ideologue. He lost me when he and the deep state began to push their gun control, homosexual and transgender agenda.

if obama can be so popular by being so boring and middle-of-the-way without doing anything of note, then imagine how bombastically popular Trump will be

the only people who fall for the "muh calm presence Harvard edookytion" are trendy lefties with low test

Literally every list I've seen of his accomplishments include

>Muh obamacare
>Muh jobs
>Muh fixed economy

Literally a meme president who dindu nuffin, his biggest accomplishment is a socialist healthcare platform

Same (((people))) gave us Hillary's polling data before the election.

Fake poll.

This. No one trusts (((polls))) anymore.

The people who liked Hillary went to the polls. Apparently people who backed Trump were too embarrassed to poll or just didn't do it. Which is why the entire country(including himself) was blindsided when he won.

The presidential approval rating is an entirely different thing.

Obama could've eaten a child on live television and lefties would still fawn over him.

Isn't he the only Nobel "Peace" Prize winner to oversee the bombing of another (DWB)?

>majority of people think his policies are bad
>majority of people think the country is going in the wrong direction
>somehow has a high approval rating espite this
>Michelle says its because people love her so much and it translates to Obama
Do people really buy this?

Which president are you talking about cuz it can't be that nigger in the picture.




He has the media to spin everything in his favor and when things go wrong: it's the Republicans.

>when you dont have a job, but post about jobs all day

Job openings at all time highs yet right wing retards complain they can't get a job

he has 95% of non white support, even as crime rises in their cities

then add in some white democrat support and you get to 57% support


Why should anybody believe this approval rating?

Is it too late for Trump to overturn Obama's amnesty deal?

>right wing retard math


Trump will expand amnesty. Just like Reagan did. Right wingers worship Reagan for doing amnesty.

because the average millennial is a cuck. That is coming from one here. All my friends are Bernie fags and when I explain they are wrong they just try and say that I'm being mean. It's fucking stressful arguing with people who don't listen to reason.

Obama's actual approval rating is much lower than that.

Fact of the matter is that common people are afraid to say they don't like Obama, because no matter what the reason you give, everyone will say/think that you only don't like him because he's black and you're an evil racist.

I'm totally serious. Everyone knows what I'm talking about. You literally can't have a conversation where you even hint that you disapprove of Obama without everyone saying you're a racist piece of shit. It's not possible.

This is not a surprise, the only time people like niggers is when they know they're going to leave soon.

and polls havent been accurate lately

thats what happens when you oversample democrats

wtf I hate Trump now!


>57% approval rating

t. lugenpresse

One poll says 57%. An average of all the recent polls gives 45%

only 54% of his immediate family approve? thats pretty bad.

Are these approval rating polls as accurate as the election polling was?

I call it the Regan effect. The combination of being beloved to exalted by your base and being hated to demonized by your opponents is a recipe for immortality in the annals of presidential history.

Smooth talking black man who took office during a recession where an economic recovery was bound to happen almost immediately after.

Also he's been pretty bland compared to the last 4 or so, not to mention people attribute economic surges to him despite a republican congress.

Overall a middle of the pack president who liked drone strikes a bit too much and let his massive project get infested with lobbyists.



Plus, most burger normal faggots aren't sentient, yet pretend to know fucking everything about politics (especially geopolitics). It's fucking infuriating that even if this poll were accurate, that it would be taken seriously. Look at the people we're talking about for a minute: youtube.com/watch?v=hRn5N4q9kYE

He wasnt George W Bush

what was the money for then?

They weren't blind sided they were frantic as fuck in the weeks leading up to the election. Campaigning in Michigan, PA, and NC. They were not blindsided, and the media purposefully over-sampled dems just like they do in these approval rating polls because they live in liberal bubble and I hope they keep it up because we won't tire of winning so easily.


Wow I wonder who does the approval rating polls? I wonder if they are as infallible as the presidential election polls :^)

Gallup. The same agency that has been doing them since the 40s.

What is your right wing retard conspiracy?

No conspiracy theory my northern friend :^). Simply wondering who did the polls :^).

He basically did nothing, which means that parties opposed to him generally don't mind him and parties for him love him.


Those are old. Obama is up to 15.6 million now.

You can't reason people out of beliefs they weren't reasoned into. Only way to "win" an argument with them is appeal to emotion, they will shift grounds and want to go to logic in which they will be devastated, frustrated and humiliated. Then it depends on the person, a low ego will lead to success, a high ego will lead to reaffirment in their delusions.

Obama was likeable enough that all the failures of his administration bounced off of him and stuck to his party. Hence why the democrats lost in the ballpark of 900 state legislature seats, 12 governorships the house, the senate, and the presidency in the 8 years he has been in office.
He will be remembered as the last great president of a dying party, despite the fact that enigmatically he was a terrible president and led his country and party astray.

Obamacare and killing Bin Laden are pretty big fucking deals.

But what were his.accomplishments at the time of being awarded a nobel peace prize?

Same, all the 18 - 28 year olds I know love him and brag about his accomplishments and use the graphs HIS administration fluff while anything I bring up about how shit he is on forign policy they dial it back and then blame George Bush.

Fucking pisses me off how do many people praise him and don't realize no one in the news except FOX calls him out on HIS bullshit. He also usually his "celebrity like" attitude and appearance to win millennial so they LOVE HIM.

Pic related is how millenials and blacks feel about the Obama's.

And she won the popular vote by 3 million votes, so they weren't far off.

his approval rating is as fake as hillarys lead in the election polls. fake and phony like the popular vote that was flooded with ILLEGALS AND DEAD PEOPLE
thats another spoiler huh cuck.

People like Obama on a personal level

>Thinking people like his shitty policies

America not losing 100 soldiers a month in Iraq like you did during the Bush GOP days, is considered "failure" by right wing retards.

Fuck off.

Your precious beloved Syria, Iraq and Israel is not America's problem.

He's black

That's called "Cult of Personality" and that communist, anti-American nigger traitor brainwashed millions with his lugenpresse.

I guess 57% are not living in poverty

>57% approval rating

And Hillary has a 98.4% chance of winning.

>no drugs

Anyone have the picture of Malia with her reefer cigarette?

He was ok.jpg

Didn't really fuck things up horribly, but he sure as shit didn't give the 'CHANGE' he promised.

I think that also helped Trump. Americans didn't get their promised change so they bulldozed in a guy who couldn't help but change everything just by existing.

I reckon this is one of the reasons why Americans love him?

I know we focus a lot on identity politics and social issues but economy and job growth is most important to working citizens.

Have you considered the fact that you ARE being mean and unreasonable?

Sup Forums doesn't preach reason, it preaches "us vs them", aka blind hatred.

There's a reason everyone with very high IQ is a leftist.

Economy always thrives under Democrats and crashes under Republicans.

The Trump GOP will destroy the economy in spectacular fashion. Just give them time. It's what they do.

Rates were already falling BEFORE Obama took office.

King Nigger didn't sit down in his throne and instantaneously everyone stopped getting shot in Iraq.

We are supposed to believe he has a 59% approval rating for the same reason we should have believe Hillary was a lock for president.

Biased polling.

that figure is rather misleading. A lot of those jobs were added because poor families had to pick up a second part time job because their hours got slashed due to Obamacare. If you look at the number of hours total being worked in didn't improve much at all

That chart is probably the best piece of trolling I've ever seen, thanks, you raised the bar, the other CTRs are gonna have to kick it into high gear to even attempt to compete with you. You probably just gained Sup Forums a ton of new pass buyers just so they can spam drumpf more often in an attempt to compete with your amazing shitpost.

>Red vs Blue
>Not White vs Jew
fuck off leaf

I don't even like him as a person. When he first started out, he had some charm and charisma. Now he's just a salty negro who talks down to everyone who disagrees with him.

Fuck that nigger in the ass with a sharp stick.

How many soldiers did America lose in combat per month in Obama's last year? Compare that to right wing retard hero Dubya Bush's last year.

Obama job creation has been 95% full time.

Obamacare has nothing to do with how BLS tracks full time.

Where the fuck do you get your right wing retard talking points from?

She won Commiefornia by over 4 million votes. They were way off where it mattered.

The truth hurts.


Right wing retards are just jealous of California because it has the 5th largest economy in the world. It's not some redneck backwater flyover shithole where Cleetus Trump voter's entire family is ODing on opiates.

>Canadian proxy democrat shills
That explains all of the fucking leaves making Hillary threads during the election

>still believing polls


I feel the same way. I am mainly speaking in terms of his persona to the masses.

A) Too little too late

B) Bad media which worked against him

C)Congressional/Senate deadlock which he wasn't able to overcome which made him largely an ineffective leader.

D) Corruption was lower under Obama - However- corruption for Dems just taking money and not doing anything to help people worked against Obama.

Largely, I feel like Obama did an okay job but he completely mishandled the Julian Assange, Bradley Manning, TPP trade issue, Lybian war, etc. This is not what people wanted and he should've been intelligent enough to figure this out.

I'm Obama Leaf you retard

...and fucking their sisters and moms and blaming minorities for everything.

It's been 8 years. 8 fucking years.

I still cannot believe a man named barack hussein obama became the president of the United states of america.

California has mass degeneracy, high unemployment, ridiculous property inflation, horrible economy in general (with exception of Silicon Valley), SJW super power which ruined American values for generations. I'm sorry Canada, you must be from Chink-Coover and can't understand how Cali has blaring problems, as a Texan however, we would win a war with Cali hands down because we largely control the supply of oil.

Any libtard anons want to explain to me why we stopped counting people who have been unemployed for over a year in the official unemployment rate? Aren't the number of long-term unemployed a far more telling and damning catalyst in judging the state of employment?

you are doing so good leaf, your cuck in chief must be so proud of you right now!

mrw reading your butthurt

Je remains personally popular -- people think he is a nice guy, they like his charisma ad, especially now that he is on the way out and not fdoing much more to piss them off, they think well of him, personally.

Now go look at the numbers for how they think the country is doing under his leadership, or of his programs.

The sum of it all is that folks seem to think he is a nice guy who was bad at being President.

>Being proud of having Castro's bastard son as your leader.
