A Black-Owned Company Created Wrapping Paper With Black Santa

>Jackie and Shaun Rodgers got really tired of what they have seen in stores for Christmas all these years. They just wanted to see something they could show their son and something that looked like them. So they found a way to solve this situation creating their own wrapping paper with Black Santa on it.


Other urls found in this thread:


>black business owner seeing a gap in the market and providing a service that benefits people of his race
Good for him


nothing to see here folks move along

It's just cultural appropriation.

>ups guy is black
>santa is black

makes sense.


who gives a shit tho

What does black Santa put in your stocking if you have been naughty?

Except Santa is and always has been white yoj worthless sjw cuck

Time to kill yourself

No one will miss you

End it

Fuck off commie scum

Santana Clause is Santa's evil brother. He comes into your house and takes your toys when you've been bad.


so some blacks took it upon themselves to see firsthand why the big companies don't do this.

Good on them. They could have just sat at home and petitioned on twitter for someone else to do it. Actually going forth and trying it is something to be admired.

Now, if they blame racism for losing money on this venture... then we have a problem.

they've been selling black santas for years, this ain't something new, if people buy it, then that's great, if not, then too bad

we should all highly encourage those who make positive, especially nationally wealth building contributions to society

so what

Used heroin needles

Don't care, instead of complaining they made the product they felt was missing from the market. Would you rather them make a stupid video?

Until this happends

Was not expecting to see such a reasonable post in this thread

>3/5ths compromise in 2016

No id rather you and the niggers jump off a cliff

Good. I'd like to place an order.

Who cares?

>Liberals and Blacks scream and go on about Santa
>Black man invests his money and makes Black Santa Wrapping Paper
>Libs and Blacks show that again they dont care and only like to whine, so dont buy any
>Go out of Business

It will happen just like the stupid black band-aids

>wahhh somebody portayed a fictional character as a different race than he was imagined as


also this

This should be done for Jews & Muslims too.

hopefully condoms/contraceptives since blacks keep spreading hiv like the plague

He comes down the chimney and steals your presents

Black Santa aside, that is some ugly wrapping paper

>Santana Clause is Santa's evil brother.

He lives at the south pole.

good for this american

Hilariously, if this image is true, its less than 3/5ths, blacks actually went down in value!


Plot twist: Under the paper is a box of white chocolates.

Megyn, plz

hoe hoe hoe

Can we get some merry Christmases in here?


The faculty is forced to use "happy holidays". Let's help show our support for Christianity

>hur-dur! You can't use your own property to create something and freely exchange it with others!
Fuck off, communigger.


I don't see anything wrong with this. They aren't forcing anything on anyone and are filling a market niche that may have been neglected.

What a cute novelty!

Uncle Santom?

That's just what Santa looks like after going down the chimney


Was Santa white? Hmm, Anatolian Greeks in the 3rd century...

It's fine by me.