Video shows the movement of Mevlut Mert Altintas before assassinating the Russian Ambassador in #Ankara.
Is he...dare I say.../ourguy/?
Video shows the movement of Mevlut Mert Altintas before assassinating the Russian Ambassador in #Ankara.
Is he...dare I say.../ourguy/?
no you fucking idiot
>that flag
>thinks he is our guy
>mentally disturbed
>obsessed with semitic religion
Yeah I think he is /ourguy/
"Just gonna casually button-up me jacket, lads."
A competent security team would have picked up on the way he was acting. Nervous about what he was planning on doing and it shows.
the absolute mertman. he actually did it.
i saw one where he was shouting shit but it was censored. anyone have it and know what he was saying?
Is nobody calling him Atlantis?
>wandering around
>touching self
>moving place to place as a bodyguard
I mean I know hindsight is 20/20 but this guy was clearly on fucking edge and no one noticed?
>touching self
Touching his gun.
Why not both?
I especially enjoyed the hesitation move right before the shooting where he half reaches for his gun then slips hand back out to scratch his nose.
Fake and gay
What do you expect people to do though? He's the security guard. He's the guy you would ordinarily talk to about suspicious behaviour.
Boi he boutta do it
The Saudis did this.
Something about an alu akber guy and "an leppo". So just nonsense.
Can't wait to watch this on the news.
Everyone hates Trump these days.Even the Secret Service
who will make the kino out of this scene?
you realize you are literally the only Malaysian faggot that posts on pol right?
????? bot????
Sup Forums is a diverse and accepting board for all people of different races
Did he kill the qt beside him?
here ya go Sup Forums
>camera cuts away just as it happens
oldest trick ever
fake and gay
trick? is this not real ?
>a literal "allahu akhbar" muslim terrorist
>our guy
He was described by witnesses as a tall man
The shooter WAS the security, though.
You expect him to suspect himself?
>go to look at some art
>some fat vodka nigger appears
>won't be quiet
Those who insult gallery/library discipline should be purged.
he was wearing high heels look here he was most definitely a manlet.
Its because the cameraman panics and runs away. You expect the cameraman to be calm as fuck during a shooting and keep the camera straight? Back to /x/ please
Don't trust people with such wide stances.
You go outside of should width, just stay away from me or we're gonna have problems.
But don't you think it's very convenient? They are reacting way too fast for it to be natural.
(let's not bring up the other camera man that caught the ambassador head on when he got shot)
>man is shot dead four feet away from you
grab before cuck jannies delet
(((modern art)))
Those photos are so small what kind of Jew exhibition is that?
he's CIA's guy not ours
>guy starts yelling and shoots
>Not instantly panicking and getting the fuck out of there
>"its not natural! very convenient!"
This board is such cancer sometimes. Not everything is a fucking conspiracy. I bet you're one of those "but theres no blood!" people too.
>(let's not bring up the other camera man that caught the ambassador head on when he got shot)
That was the stationary camera, that you can see in pic related.
Holy shit, do you really think every one would react in the exact same manner? How would you react? I bet you'd stand there motionless, frozen in fear, waiting to die.
Welcome to Quentin Tarantino's timeline.
Buckle the fuck up
Ryan Gosling as the Turk
Val Kilmer as the dead Russian
directed by Ben Affleck
I am from a newspaper, can I use you as my source?
>still no footage of the roach getting BTFO
Why would a Turk who assassinated an ambassador of any country be our guy? Even if the Turks have a beef against Russia, why kill an ambassador? It was completely senseless.
It usually starts as trolling, and people like you bite, so they continue, and Sup Forums-tards are extremely easily influenced so people start believing it, and one week later they shoot up a pizza place.
He was the body guard to the person he killed. Turks seem to enjoy stabbing people in the back.
It's a Swede, i cannot take any precautions. I have to correct him, it is in my blood.
trust nobody not even yourself.jpg
yes ofc
he was trying to get Russia & Turkey to start wars with each other. he was way too fucking obvious though, both nations caught on immediately.
wouldn't be surprised if his actions were instigated by another foreign entity though
>Yeah I'm a guard, heres my police id
>ok you can go "guard" the president of the united states
Why is there no video of the end when Mert is shot?
Someone beat you to that idea.
Something I've been wondering since I can't understand what they're saying: did the shooter wait for something specific to be said before he fired, or did he just do it randomly at some point during the press conference? Like, was there a catalyst, or did it just happen? Because you can see him checking his gun in his breast pocket a few times beforehand, but I don't know if that's him psyching himself up or preparing for the right thing to be said.
The guy is about to sign his own death warrant, I'd probably hesitate a few times too.
Police/authorities probably withholding it.
The pic where he is lying dead is from that journo who tweeted he had to take pictures even if he would get shot, since he is a journo bla bla
Shouldn't you be cutting down some palm oil trees and killing monkeys?
Guy was probably nervous as fuck and had second thoughts.
Once he did the deed he was so full of adrenaline, which is why he seemed confident walking around shouting.
He was probably scared shitless when the police or w/e stormed inside.
>the most dangerous game of heads up seven up in history
Muslim terrorist who yells "allahu akhbar" (lol NYT translates it as "God is good" so the goyim don't put two and two together and WaPo only says he "invoked Aleppo") before murdering someone is not /our guy/ you fucking mong
haha :D anyway this is Mert's sister
Just quote 'an alt-right spokesman'
they tried to save him
fucking idiot
gif related is you idiot
>looking online about the assassin
>find this site
this one idiot
fuck it both really
can't we all just get along, user-kun
No that meme hasn't caught. But it could. Atlantis isn't ourguy
They don't even try to hide the spin anymore.
This was done on purpose, probably by the CIA.
How it works is all these people are vetted, they know who is radicalised and who isnt. The NSA tracks eveyone via their internet usage, this guy was allowed to be his bodyguard knowing his mindset and possibility to go off on one.
Yes he's Sup Forums's very own agent 004
The fuck is wrong with people?
I'm a Manlet and I'll tell you right now only a Manley would think it's ok to wear those shoes. Manlet confirmed
Man, fuck this guy. I wish media, especially, would stop showing his fucking face
>that middle picture
meta as fuck
Why do you do this?
daily reminder that sage goes in all fields on malaysian mike threads.
Nice try
No, you're fake and gay.
>doesn't deny it just laughs
I swear you mud Asians
Manlet detected
He lined himself up perfectly behind that other guy next to the ambassador to hide his hands. You can only see a flash of the gun before he shoots. He looks nervous as hell the way he keeps reaching into his jacket and pacing. I find this video quite scary knowing the outcome. Horrible.
what the fuck
Oh he was touching his gun alright.
>Chimping out like a muslim and shooting some Russian ambassador to try and provoke more wars in the area