Let's start a rumor that Baron is really Ivanka's son

Let's start a rumor that Baron is really Ivanka's son.

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you are sick

It makes sense, Trump wants to fuck his own daughter he even said he would date her

If I had a daughter and she looked like her, I'd want to nail her too

So would you if you weren't a nigger living on coco island.
> blue eyes on barron
> brown eyes on ivanka
good luck

I like the "Barron is actually Trump and the Trump we know is just a John Titor-esque timetraveler setting himself up to fix the timeline" angle better. Too much of it is ironclad and in an infinite realities multiverse this is something that has occured. Trump just came to the worst possible timeline to do it as a personal challenge.

What are you doing here? Indian jew with mental diseases

>Too much of it is Ironclad
Except the part where Trump is Barron's father, had a brother named Fred, and had parents.

I mean it's kind of weird that Trump doesn't want Melania and Baron at the White House. The kid looks like he's going to snap any moment and could be the product of a Game of Thrones style family.

Do you have footage of the birth with a certified notary approving all SSN and birth certs? Then its a possibility.

In this rumor, is Trump still the father?

>If I had a daughter and she looked like her, I'd want to nail her too

Alright, Cletus.

no. ivanka's alright and barron's done nothing wrong.

t. liberal

I demand to see trumps long form birth certificate


he has his mothers weirdly long face

I fucking hate how she tries to have it both ways. She wants to be a sophisticated New Yorker with liberal jewish yuppie friends that are despised by Trump voters while also supporting her father's campaign. She's such a hypocrite.

Trump An'Yee has nothing to hide.

found the jealous fat woman

> She is a well adjusted human being with friends

That's kinda hot. I got really hard. Damn I got too go .....

You see the angle of the angel all wrong. She is constantly being subverted by her yuppie friends that she has just because of marriage. And she is still loyal to her father/family. In all reality she should be a purple haired dyke by now. Her innate righteousness shines thru and will never erode.


Why is the Drumpf family so prone to incest?

No, the rumor is that Ivanka's kids aren't her husband's, they're her dad's. Learn how to rumors.
Every man with a hot daughter wants to fuck her.

>If I had a daughter and she looked like her, I'd want to nail her too

Why are argentinians such niggers?

Not that she has friends, it's that she's projecting a public image of herself that's totally inconsistent with her actions. She downplays her involvement with the campaign except for the most banal and non-controversial stuff.

>Every man with a hot daughter wants to fuck her.

No, just you Cletus.

lets meme this shit guys
get your meme cannons to full
red pepe reporting in

No, it's normal for a man to want to fuck his daughter. That's what daughters are for.
You obviously don't have a hot daughter.

If doubles then no

Eat shit faggots. We are NOT memeing this. End of story.


It's not a rumor it's a well kept family secret.


Quantifiable degeneracy.

Nice Job, Cletus.

>blue eyes

Nope. I won't get behind any bullying of best boy.

>hurr durr good family love is duhgeniret

I'm too busy staring into her cleveage to hate her.
Other than that, whats wrong with sitting one round out and not make daddys election about her.

The left and the democrats are obsessively fantasizing about incest now.


Yes, Cletus, incest is degenerate. This is one of the few things that even the normies agree with us on.

On virtually every picture, Baron has the facial expression that he peaked in life at the age of 8 and has nothing to live for anymore.

Wait, Ivanka and Donald's? Or Ivanka and some other guy's?

>it's normal for a man to want to fuck his daughter

Maybe in rural Arkansas or Alabama

I'd have a kid with my daughter too desu

kek has spoken, do not try this filth jewish subversion

>R A R E

She is. Melania is MtF transgender, she can't have kids.

Oh really

What's wrong with a man expressing his love for his young daughter sexually?
You should stop doing your daughter after her first blood. You shouldn't knock up your daughter unless it's a situation like you married her because your wife died so you needed to replace her.

>incest is normal

is this what white people actually do

Stop playing CK2. It's too much for you.

>You should stop doing your daughter after her first blood.
Why would I do that?
I plan on dropping my wife once she is dried up and replacing her with my younger cuter daughter.

if I were Barron I would be thrilled to find out Ivanka is my real mom so I could sniff Melania's panties without guilt

But Melania would be his grandmom then

Just for the record, I read the guy he was telling to get a brain was actually named Morans. Not sure though.

Notice how it's only Americans advocating incest and child abuse.

no because she's not Ivanka's mother.

I would love to sneak into the master bathroom while Melania is showering after getting back from a big fancy gala, go to her expensive clothes in a pile on the floor, and take a deep wiff of the slightly moist crotch of her 6 thousand dollar diamond studded panties

Hey, it would be mutual and consentual. I wouldn't touch her as a child.

No, she'd be his step-mom. If Ivanka was Barron's mother him and Melania wouldn't be blood related. >replacing her with my younger cuter daughter.
That's only okay if your wife dies and so you need a replacement. You can fuck your daughter instead of your wife but you can't keep her for yourself. Gurls have to grow up.
>sex is abuse

Nice try Cletus, we know you spelled "moron" wrong.

How does it feel to forever be memed as the eternal dumb American?

Almost all women get bitchy and bored with you when you get further into your marriage. I am not going to stay and deal with that, I will leave and replace her with the daughter. And the ex can go fuck all the young Chads she wants after.

I would enjoy sniffing the musky part of her panties that were pressed against her tan butthole all night, while I pleasure myself using fine imported lotions. If I'm lucky I'll find an anal hair

Reminder: Trump has time travel.


Being eternal ain't so terrible

thanks user, saved.

so I'm Barron, and I deliberately start fucking up in school even though I'm obviously a genius. The teacher tells Melania that she thinks I could do fine if I just had proper encouragement. That's when Melania starts to jerk me off nightly so I can keep a clear mind for my studies
