civilization progress
Civilization progress
>christian ''''''''''''''civilization'''''''''''''''
Catholic Civilization.
Protestant civilization pic related.
can anyone put forward evidence that disprove the argument that any western or christian country has for centuries, depleted eastern and African countries for their resources?
Really activated my almonds.
I don't get this meme. Maybe it's different elsewhere in the world, but in th US Protestants are overwhelmingly conservative whereas Catholics are about 50/50 between cucks and trump voters.
>US Protestants are overwhelmingly conservative
They are conservatives because they live in rural areas and they work mostly in hard jobs. A protestant is a liberal and a cuck by definition.
"Human Rights", "Declaration of The Rights of Men" and all that crap is a direct consequence of the Protestant revolution.
can someone tell why Africans and Asians selling their resources they could stop at any timecountries for their resources?
America and Europe send money to Africa for years why the African has not been increased economies of why there's nothing to not build any jobs and is still poverty?
the argument is that our society has grown to where it is now on depleting Africa for their resources
Let the African people finally understand that these countries belong to them and no one for them is not going to do anything like se we can not do die
Can I play too?
ok :) but in Dubai there is Sharia, and there you can walk to the party, do not alkochol, women are raped on the streets and then killed civilization which is better?
the jews made us bomb the muslim towns.
i dont know what you expect.
Dubai was built by chink and hindu workers and planned by European engineers.
There is no civilization progress.
Only scientific progress.
Also your mom is a whore.
She will die unless you reply to a canadian above me calling his mom a whore.
That wooden house on the right looks cozy as fuck.
Fuck i just realized there is no Canadian above me!
yes, Taunt an entire civilization -- very fucking smart
you're really just fucking asking to get conquered because you treat Islam like a joke. Tread lightly faggot
Some shiek: What if we make BIg Ben bigger and put our moon symbol on it?
You are right, no changes since Crusades.
thats one crafty post!
please dont emigrate to germany, it's not as good as the people smugglers say it is
London 2017
How would you know?
You only left Turkey a month ago Ahmet.
That's Riyadh you fucks. I though Brits sucked gulf monarchy dick all day everyday, surprised you didn't recognize it. Dubai has the gigantic ugly tower that looks like a sail.
That's so fucking gawdy-looking. It looks like a casino in vegas, like a cheap imitation of a real clock tower
>White man goes into wilderness with nothing
>Makes more progress on living conditions than Africans have in 100 years
brit that is vancouver crapanada you idiot hahaahahah
would still pick the cozy as fuck sleepy midwest town any day
Woman logic.
Full of flaws.
>civilization progress
Where's the photo of Obongo murdering tons of Muslims using drones?
Abd the photo of Bush slaughtering people around the world and putting them into a concentration camp.
Both of those are Christ-swines.
At least be honest.
5 skyscrapers on a single street surrounded by a sea of dingy little mud hut sandnigger shacks
Scientific progress by the Turkish government was the introduction of pedophiles gou back in the evelopment of primitive man
pls name a flaw
/pol has no problem with pedophilia.
Mayhap you should go to reddit?
Look in the mirror.
you do not know the history to see for yourself
The only reason why killing those people was bad is because it forced Mudslimes to migrate into truly civilized areas. They were killing each other before and nobody cared.
At least be honest.
Obama's a muslim. He calls the bible "the bible" and he calls the quran "the holy quran" every time. It's not a question.
mother raped you dildo, when you were little
Dont be sad.
There are lots of muslim cocks in London you can enjoy in your free time.
That way you dont have to spread your perverted ideas on the internet.
L2Font damn.
I can do this too.
And a woman came to the Prophet and said that her son died but is too small to be responsible for their sin, and it is like a bird of paradise in heaven. Machomet (who was a white man from Europe sent by the Vatican to create a religion that controls the Vatican) said even jan do not know (the man who was a prophet in the way Alach) or Alach let me into heaven because of some made to hell and some to heaven. So you be muslim whole life and you go to hell and I'm doing what he wants and go to heaven
Slaves of system religion
Its no secret sandniggers ruin everything they touch.
no but you also are not saints
At least we get to put the goatshaggers where they belong. In hell
we fight with each other and they win then as I will be cleaned will take care of those who were for them expendable
you as a Jew should know that hell was never created by God
>Slaves of system religion
*Radical* Islam, thanks to 'murica.
Quote from an interview with the Brzezinsk asshole:
Q: And neither do you regret having supported the Islamic fundamentalism, having given arms and advice to future terrorists?
B: What is most important to the history of the world? *The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire*? *Some stirred-up Moslems* or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?
Still better than Arabs though
>The forced jewmurrican meme
>Posts picture of Caucasian drinking from a jew gord
Seems legit
let everyone back together and let it start The Venus Project
>The forced jewmurrican meme
Im either blind, or my Jewish genes did not let me post without trying to shill.
>>Posts picture of Caucasian drinking from a jew gord
Look at her nose. I wont ruin it to you, but heres a hint:
Because a shitload of catholics in the US are spics
(((Protestantism = Modernism)))
There's no bigger event in the last 1000 years for the European man than the Protestant revolution.
Hey! only I can post such art!
I wonder who had more right that what he said would not kill and is God
or the man who said to kill and said that a prophet
hey I only drink with Jews
And I wash myself with Jews, what's your point?
xtianity never influenced anything idiot christfag, saying it was per of civilization is like saying a fairy tale influences ppl, why r u guys so fucking stupid?
Xtianity in Europe is literally the same as any other religion n we need 2 get rid of religion to progress. Hell, if an atheist state forms I'm all for it anything to prevent morons from existing
>Can I play too?
Built with slave labor from India and Western engineers
as a wash to be clean hehe
Im too fucking drunk to think of something to do, so I currently on 3 thread just spit my bullshit. Im sorry you have to put out with it, Mr.user. I love you too much to hurt you.
Thank the lord
Good lord that was the absolute worst choice for the "islam" segment, ostentatious as fuck
The best part was as a Jew I asked if it was true that the white race is Israel he told me that quoted, "we know that" next time I will drink a toast to bring you greetings I go :)
where is the pic where the pope is kissing refugee feet?????
Pope wears a Jewish head covering