>Literally Implying
So what the fucks going on with this Island?
I've been looking through some archives, and I'm totally down for it.
>Literally Implying
So what the fucks going on with this Island?
I've been looking through some archives, and I'm totally down for it.
Other urls found in this thread:
soon user
How would any sort of incursion force secure food and fresh water? As long as a defensible foothold can be established, any island can be taken in time, provided you aren't starving to death at the time.
thats why you eat the locals and drink your own urine
So, is it going to be
>literal invasion
>settle, and then false flag the locals to attack us
>subversive jewishnesss
Never ever heard or seen your country's name before. What in the world.
Well, we can bring plenty of our water, plus the locals will have their own too.
But yeah, we will need to find/build a water filter/source, if they don't have one already.
As for trade, I've read that there's populations of fish around the island.
wtf? is this what the Sup Forumsony threads came down to.. an Invasion?
It's one of our english channel islands, and it's like 97% white or some shit
There's no invasion
The plan is to legally subvert the government somehow and take control legally to avoid Australia wrecking their boypussys
I'm new to these tuvalu threads as I in't een here in months, but I've been looking through a handful of threads from the past week.
Even if some of these cucks are LARPing, I want actual invasion/integration to happen desu.
We need more numbers than we would with an invasion then.
There's 10,000+ of these natives, and we want to out breed them.
As for women, I'm already sorted, but some of the autists here need to think of dragging, kidnapping a woman, or at least order a mail bride to contribute.
Did the cowardly president of Tuvalu respond to our deceleration of war
Are the locals a renewable resource though We have to think long-term, what happens when we've eaten all the islanders?
We need to find out what if any sources of fresh water exist on the island, then bump those locations to the top of any 'capture-first' list. Wildlife and livestock also, centers where lots of reproducible meat and fruits are concentrated are top-priority for both feeding your invasion force and denying comfort to any resistance.
Not from the threads I've seen, no. I've just jumped onto the band wagon of this shit, and seem to be extremely interested.
I like the idea of conquering a micronation
but what if the ocean levels rise?
what if (((they))) just bomb us?
After having read about it on Wikipedia, then it appear to be quite do-able.
They are currently (slowly) resettling the population in Australia and New Zealand because of the climate change stuff.
Apparently they don't have to much confidence in their own country and it would probably not be so difficult to nudge them to accelerate the evacuation process.
Forget about these plans completely.
Main mission is to regain control of our own countries.
I don't think we need to eat these chimps desu. There's tonnes of fish nearby. Plus, we can bring a few hens and cocks on the island.
I'm also thinking of creating new trade for these island cucks (while they're alive), and we can grow cannabis, and trade with countries where it's legal.
Also, I have a m8 who creates gallons of alcohol in his shitty ''country barn'', and sells it. But we need to know if the island has the sources for creating alcohol.
I'm a biochem engineer, I can produce bulk chemicals for sale by using waste products from food and wood industry
>As for women, I'm already sorted, but some of the autists here need to think of dragging, kidnapping a woman, or at least order a mail bride to contribute.
The real issue will be to construct a functional society. Once you can offer something else than muh-dick it won't be to difficult to attract females from Eastern Europe or perhaps South Africa.
Also, what kind of social and economic systems are we thinking of in-planting on this shithole of an island?
remember, we're apparently doing this to create a free, ethnic, yet moral new white society.
>inb4 prostitutes
Secular Ancap
minarchism is better. secular, but islam is forbidden
Yay. You can open the first McDonald's.
I'll take it
Rare my account
>this thread again
>But we need to know if the island has the sources for creating alcohol
There's a native fig, depending on the sugar content you should have no trouble making something boozy out of 'em. We'd have a hard time exporting though, if the international community isn't as enthusiastic about regime change in Tuvalu as we are.
We also need to sort weapons. I already have 2 guns (cobra freedom 380 & a nugget) overseas.
That's excellent. Well this is good to know there's some productive anons here.
Do you have an equipment?
But that will be a long game.
In the very long meantime, we're just some remote island in the middle of nowhere.
So anons who aren't too ''aspies'' and can actually be a fridge to a bunch of magnets, that is a help for a start.
I'm in on the Polony thing. We need a a genetic engineer to manufacture H.O.R.A.R.s for us. (Homolog Organisms (Army Replacement Simulations))
kek, I'd need huge reactors and equipment, we'd have to import them
I can make beer or alcoholic beverages too
I suck at genetic eng
does ancap actually help create a moral society?
I'm no christfag, but the last thing I want to see is escorts everywhere.
One thing I can agree economically, is we have quite a very free market while we first start. Only thing we should maybe pay for, is a policing/guitar system?
Last thing we want, is a bunch dylan school shooters going autism and killing us all.
lol as for deciding who we trade with, it depends on the outcome, and how we '''invade'''/integrate.
your countries women elected a fucking ''''green'''' party ((communist))). gtfo there
>Last thing we want, is a bunch dylan school shooters going autism and killing us all.
I think this is the biggest obstacle, that it will end up in some cringy Sup Forums meet up. Just where you never go home and have to live the nightmare.
Most reasonable people would probably avoid the scenario and instead enjoy life in the west. Where, all things considered, you can have a pretty comfortable life with a proper income.
Might as well throw that trash in the ocean because it's going to jam more than your morning toast
I'm in for Tuvalu
That's why you need to just peaceable move there and then kike them with demographics. None of this violent invasion shit.
Lat thing we want, is to elect someone, and then some faggot gets all aspires over it.
Should we loyal elected monarchism? So no one would dare get outnumbered? Because maybe direct democracy doesn't work in these situations?
Brought the cunt for £93
Who /fireforce 5/ here
Well on the people-organizing side, I've got this
wish I could find this website again desu
What's it like firing an AK?
Only auto I've fired is an AR and Sterling
if one person holds a disproportional amount of power and the community is small enough. Then there will be a significant probability that it will turn into a cult.
Instead of spirituality as the central dogma of the cult, memes of capitalism and anti-degeneracy will be the dogma.
The later one is especially dangerous, because it is not clearly defined.
is the 0.4% of high skilled workers, white people?
that 0.4 should only apply to non whites
meanwhile, we need to get as much white a possible
please tell me you live in one of the remote states?
know anyone (women especially)who likes travelling/innawoods/camping?
If this is real... this means the president of tuvalu has twitter and he knows what trolls are...
Feels manly desu
It's not really set in stone, but immigration is at its best when you're letting in a very small number of high quality individuals, who can also bring in fresh cultural perspective for consideration, without getting so numerous that they start enforcing it. So most likely non-whites, especially when given limited rights.
And no, Ontarian honestly.
A possibility of attracting females early on could be to offer free transport and free housing for college women, whom have just finished or are taking a break, and want to travel the world.
If you could offer a free vacation for a couple of month on the island, surely some women will be interested in the offer.
There will be absolutely no giving free shit to women whatsoever. Society is at its best exclusively when the cost of taking care of women and children is privatized and hosted by the man of a family unit. There will be no attempts to subsidize the illusion of the free or capable woman. Women will have no voting rights, and they will have no working rights. Their domain is the home, without exception. Any step away from the traditional gender roles that build civilization is a step towards rot and ruin.
>but how do we get white women to give up on a society that subsidizes them and join us?
We don't. Women aren't stupid enough to give up the gravy train and join a traditional society. It costs western countries hundreds of thousands of cumulative fiscal dollars PER WOMAN to keep them strong and independent. In a traditional society, they would actually have to give something back for that level of support and they're not about to throw that all away to join up with a bunch of beta aspies to live on a fucking rock and farm soil that has never once felt the burden of nutrients.
The answer, however harsh and undesirable, is and can only be an extensive breeding and eugenics program with the local tail, aborting all male fetuses, until a sufficient population of women with overwhelmingly white genes remains that may then be introduced to the population at large and married off, kickstarting a return to traditional morals.
You might as well ban tobacco and alcohol if you've chosen to ban weed. They all mitigate the effectiveness of a population to do work.
It's my account. What damage can we do with it
I could be convinced to decriminalize weed, maybe even legalize. I mostly just didn't want to be the leaf who legalized weed, dude.
But we will not ban tabacco or alcohol, if only because..well shit have you seen what happens when people try?
>If you could offer a free vacation for a couple of month on the island, surely some women will be interested in the offer.
I like this
>college women
they sound poison to me
Link discord or w/e ? Genuinly interested in this project, and i have the guts for it.
Grew up on a farm, know basic farmwork, fishing, wood chopping, cow and goat milking, basic mechanics on cars and some craftsmanship.
Also an educated chef, and served 2 years in the military, forced conscription.
Where do i sign up desu?
pic related is what our society's daughters should look like
Basically, we need a society where we don't need young kids in school
Our women can home school them, and look after them.
As for the kids social life, they have plenty of other minors around the small island to relate too.
As for Eurocucks who know any women ''helping refugees'' in the camps. Why not just kidnap them? Tie em' up, and get your fucks down to Tuvalu.
If you're saying drug restrictions are ineffective, then shouldn't that mean a weed restriction would too, be ineffective?
Compared to the history of the Americas, where alcoholic drink was almost necessary in survival because of its natural disinfectant properties, you had a culture that did not view alcohol in such a bad light (a reasonable position given the circumstances).
The prohibition movement in the US is a completely different animal compared to your attempt at control on a small island with little to no background history of alcohol usage.
Thank you for the picture. I saved it directly into my folder of good pictures.
Spot on. Decency, morality, and chastity are in the cards here. Women ought to dress plainly, but pleasantly, be taught to be soft and gentle creatures, and should be chaperoned while outside the home.
Children will be home schooled so that no government indoctrination will ever again be possible.
You may have a point there. Still, I want to sit back at the end of a long day of ethnic cleansing with a few of you good lads, recline in the drawing room to whiskey and cigars and shmooze over how white is right. That stinks of the good life to me but maybe that's just my degeneracy taking hold of me.
Unfortunately, this is how you get war declared on you if you're white. You might have a few women heading on over once things are established, safe and underway - following men, as women are wont to do - but otherwise the collective of women already on the island is more or less the only puss that's going to be around, so we'll have to make do.
*haha actually it just occurred to me that we could pay niggers off to kidnap white women from Sweden and Germany and they'd probably just let it happen lol
What do you guys want to accomplish by doing this? Unless you have a plan for making money selling fish and coconuts I don't see the point in this.
If you want to "take control of" or "Create" your own country there are much better, more productive ways in doing so.
THAT is a declaration of war.
We have to defend ourselves.
Also, our boys should be taught how to defend themselves, and have a good understanding of business and charisma. I learned the same myself as a teen, and it's a great tool for a male.
>kidnapping libcuck women
true, I was over exaggerating desu
but I wouldn't mind kidnapping if we happened to pass some on a pacific island who're ''experiencing culture, and getting to know themselves''
If no one wants to rid the males who're with them in this remote place, then I couldn't give a shit to release a 308 into their minds, then feed them to sharks, of general sea bacteria.
Selling the Islands natural goods is what is inteneded. The retarded sub humans can't do it themselves, so we'll do it.
I also know a mate who makes gallons of alcohol p/w, plus I'm experienced on home growing DUDE smokes
Depending on where you are in the Netherlands, Guernsey is nearer to you than Denmark.
I have knowledge in plumbing, finance, accounting and flooring. Nothing too fancy if you don't mind me soldering your pipes, laying floors and accounting for business flow.
Do you guys have discord or some other forum used for planning?
First go to polony.boards.net and sign up. After you are vetted you'll be invited to the discord.
Yes, for boys we'll emphasize leadership, strength of will and character, discipline, masculinity, resilience, and the importance of both the self and in raising a good family of their own some day.
An important point might be in a test of manhood, as well as frequent rituals like ice-baths or rolling barrels up a mountain or whatever to help develop their character and capacity to tolerate discomfort.
Go to Omegle.com and type in the word: "tuvalu" for topic.
Is there even an endgame? Even if an invasion succeeds, there are practically no natural resources there, and I don't think anyone would be willing to export to a bunch of murderous NEETs.
Since I'm a haffu, this is the reason I'm not coming along for the ride. I don't want to be looking behind my back all the time.
what are you gonna do with the royal senpai, senpai? they won't let you just take their property will they?
Tell people you know and trust! I've got friends interested in joining this project. I don't have any practical skills and I'm half-Jew so I won't be coming.
but who's going to run the central bank then?