Oh I get it...

Oh I get it... We're only supposed to concentrate on the Muslim criminals and we are supposed to blame ALL of them for the actions of a few... Yeah I get it now.. Noted!

I best start hating white British men then because I was raped by one... I should brand them all rapists and paedophile

Other urls found in this thread:


If all Muslims are terrorists does that mean all white people shoot up schools?

There are 1.6 billion Muslims. If they were terrorists you'd be dead now

What are you waiting for?

btw ur ass was great

Wait until you get shot by one of these """"""""""minorities""""""""""" of the ((((((((((religion of peace)))))))))), you'll change your tune you fucking pastanigger

yes that's how it works

>If all Muslims are terrorists does that mean all white people shoot up schools?

Pretty much. If you hear about a school shooting everyone thinks "Oh great another white edgelord."

Of course you were raped by a British . You're Irish

You got raped cuz you dress like a slut.

These muslim fucks should go back to their own shithole desert countries.

It looks like batman is stood on the left in that thumbnail

Their religion was spread through barbaric conquest. Their "prophet" fucked a nine year old. Stop shitposting lad.

>I should brand them all rapists and paedophile

We already are, Love


And how was Christianity spread? Through peace and love?



MTV just released a video less than 24 hours ago about how wrong we are for being white males.

If you think we aren't constantly branded as things we're not then you're a fucking moron.

i see some one missed orientation . well this is humanity and you are on the side you look like unless your black then you just pretend to be on that side but you are all on your own and likely to die at the hands of another black person

You're missing the point all religious people need to be culled from the earth

Apples and Oranges
Attacks on Christians/White ppl by Muslims

Yea senpai if they all lived in Europe we would most likely be dead you subhuman Irish potato.

>I best start hating white British men
You're irish. You're a god damned traitor if you weren't doing this already

The way I see it, Islam today is Christianity a long while ago.

Christianity used to spread aggressively and violently and controls all aspects of life.
Islam today follows the same attitude,but with modern technology they've become more dangerous.

I imagine Islam will mellow out and become harmless after a bunch of large scale wars.

Either side with whitey or side with the muslims.

Either way you're going to be beaten into submission, you loathsome whore.

>There are 1.6 billion Muslims. If they were terrorists you'd be dead now
Exactly. Non Muslims are pretty dead in Islam countries. Good thing there are borders between their countries and ours... oh wait...
>Under Saudi law conversion by a Muslim to another religion is considered apostasy, a crime punishable by death.[13]

>Non-Muslims are also strictly banned from the Holy City, Mecca. On highways, religious police officers may divert them or hand out a fine. In the city itself, road checks are randomly conducted.

>Saudi Arabia prohibits public non-Muslim religious activities. Non-Muslim worshipers risk arrest, imprisonment, lashing, deportation, and sometimes torture for engaging in overt religious activity that attracts official attention.[2] In July 2012 the Bodu Bala Sena, an extremist Buddhist organization based in Sri Lanka, reported that Premanath Pereralage Thungasiri, a Sri Lankan Buddhist employed in Saudi Arabia, had been arrested for worshiping the Buddha in his employer's home, and that plans were being made to behead him.[14] The Sri Lankan Embassy has rejected these reports.[15] In the past, Sri Lankan officials have also rejected reports regarding labor conditions issued by New York-based Human Rights Watch.[16]

>I imagine Islam will mellow out and become harmless after a bunch of large scale wars.
It will not. Mohammed put enough safeguards in his book to prevent this.

>I best start hating white British men then because I was raped by one... I should brand them all rapists and paedophile

Fair enough, since "British" men are usually mudshit savages these days.

Tits or gtfo

>one is an ideology that one must opt into, that tells its followers to rape, kill, or forcibly convert those who don't agree
>the other is a nationality
I know you guys only eat breadsticks with olive oil over there, but I didn't think it could make you THAT stupid

>1.6 billion Muslims.
>Estimated 6% are "radical"
>That's 96,000,000 radicalized goat fuckers.

You people are a virus. The only cure is eradication.

>british men
What's the difference?

welcome to a trump voters world PC OP... Life isn't fair, life is unjust and no matter what you do people will shit on you regardless of who/what/why you are.

>I imagine Islam will mellow out and become harmless after a bunch of large scale wars

That's not how Islam works, buddy.

You said it yourself. Even with the comforts of modern technology they've only become more aggressive. And they're drastically out-breeding the west.

British muslims have better teeth.

you probably already do. I mean you sure sound like an sjw and they blame men for a whole lot of shit.

so we're gonna continue advocating for the muslims to go back and you can keep doing whatever the fuck it is that you do.

How many Muslims have been active participants of terrorist organizations? What's the percentage of those with relation to the overall Muslim population?

Now what's the ratio of white rapist population to white overall population? Pretty sure you're going to end up with vastly different percentages of violent offenders per group.

everybody knows the anglos are pedos

>Los Angeles

Shut up you terrorist scumbag. You've all got guns buried in your potato fields and you know it.

Being Indonesian and in Central Java, the muslim populace here are pretty moderate, Of course this is not the majority as the radicals are increasing in number, but moderate muslims is possible.

No faith can survive time, the interpretations will change accordingly with the people, although in my head, as soon as moderate muslims become a majority, another religion will take it's place.

I guess I'm just taking a way too far into the future perspective, if civilization survives that long.

Italy needs to stfu

"white British men" is a race though, not a bloodthirsty world conquest ideology

>no blood



>I best start hating white British men then because I was raped by one... I should brand them all rapists and paedophile

As a proud Irishman you should hate the British for a whole lot of other shit. Getting Raped by one of them is really pretty fucking low on the list

Wtf racist, why do you hate on white people? Not fucking ok.

not anymore, at least

>raped by Britain

checks out

get back to checking on your potatoes you subhuman bog trotter

Take an L.

Irish men should know better than to pass out drunk in front of Brit gents by now.

You go try telling that to the imbeciles on pol.

Fuck off you fucking Shill

Should we start requiring that a periodical be linked?

Jo ich fahr in den Weihnachtsmarkt.


We built the fucking school so we get to shoot it up. Terrorize your own fucking markets and fuck off.

Roman Empire. Then some psycho cult started attacking them and they got pissed.

Not even 1% of Muslims are terrorists.

So what? You're basically guaranteeing us that if we let in only 100 muslims we will get one terrorist attack. Well over 1,000,000 undocumented muslims entered Europe in the last year. Why should we be ok with that?

Atleast he was white

Tits or get the fuck out.

So no white person has ever commited a crime? Why should we let in ehite Christian males? They commit most crimes.

If all 1.6 billion muslims were active terrorists, the Arabian Peninsula would be glass. But it wouldn't affect us one little bit as long as we keep them in the Arabian Peninsula.

So ignore the terrorist attacks then?

When did he say no whites ever committed a crime? Why are you strawmanning? Are white Christian males causing major problems currently in your nation?

What happend, was the money counterfeit.

There's 2·3 Billion Christians they try that their dog meat.

Known the difference between a random act of violence and an ideoloically driven act of violence you fucking pleb. Did the British bloke shout Allah Akbar when he raped you? No, so shut the fuck up and post tits or gtfo

Zoop zoops gunna zoop
Sure you can hate them all but we all hate you more since youre a slut.

Also could you provide some evidence on where you heard this statement?

>We're only supposed to concentrate on the Muslim criminals and we are supposed to blame ALL of them for the actions of a few.

I've only heard anger directed at Muslims that reject the culture of the nations they fled to and embrace the culture of the nations they abandoned. As well as anger towards the apologetic behavior of the host nations and their citizens that wish to refrain from hearing the reality of unvetted immigration.

Come and have a go, if you think your hard enough. We could do with some Christmas tree decorations.

Islam is a totalitarian, supremacist, apartheid and imperialistic ideology of hate that does not belong to any society that respects liberty, justice and human rights. Islam creates new jihadis every day by having boys memorize the hate speech of Koran, and Hadiths and emulating criminal war lord Mohamed.

Raped by an anglo?

Did he put a little tommy in your tummy?

rery fires da neurons

Good. Glad you're starting to catch on. Muslim savages should be exterminated.

>All Germans aren't evil because of Hitler
>people don't believe we still got it in us
Just lean back and watch lads :^)

Muslim criminals are using acts of violence to intimidate an entire population for something they see as greater than themselves, and are actively seeking others to do the same.

Normal criminals are using acts of violence for personal benefit.

Both are scum, but the difference is massive.

OP is a faggot

>I was raped by one
Attention whore. Go back to >>plebbit/r/TwoBullshitChromosomes

Fucking retarded argument. If 90% of all rapes were by brits then you would be saying wtf is going on with this brits. When 90% of all terror attacks are by Muslims we sit back and say WTF IS WRONG WITH THE FUCKING MUZZIES

That's not true. Muslims and minorities commit MUCH more crime than whites. Muslims make up 5% of the UK population, but 20% of high security prison places. Blacks make up 15% of the entire prison population despite being only 3% of the UK population. Whites are 90% of the population, but take up only 70% of prison places.

Europeans did not have to worry about islamic terrorists and rape gangs until muslims started moving to Europe. Why shouldn't we just keep them out?


>was raped by British man
Post rape certificate or GTFO

OP please watch this video and tell us what you think. It is a moderate muslim woman explaining islam using statistics.


>Abstain from sex, except with the captives whom your right hand possesses - for, in their case, you are free from blame.
Quran 23:1

>Guard your chastity, except with the captives whom your right hand possesses - for then you are not to be blamed.
Quran 70:22

>women will be taken as captives, as slaves, yeah, women will be taken as slaves. And then, er, her master has relations with her because this is permissible in Islam, it’s permissible to have relations with a woman who is your slave

>Yazidi sex slave: He said that raping me is his prayer to god.



Took long enough for this.

That person is a zoop

that's not how this works, that's not how any of this works.

Listen you filthy fucking slag, I don't care that you want muslim dick and are willing to get people killed for it. It's not up to you. In fact there's a reason after women get rights their fucking nation self-implodes within a few fucking generations. You stupid cunts kill civilization because you're not the ones who've built it or understand what it takes to keep it going.

Go weave a fucking basket and let men get back to doing what men fucking do.

Stop lieing. No one would even want to physically touch you, beef goblin, let alone rape you.

Absolutely phatetiv. Replying t your own post to induce the impression of support. You dont want exchange of ideas or discussiion ,just reapeat your brsinwashing over and over
Fuck back off to plebbit whore

Zoops gunna zoop

I feel like vomiting

what can the average brit do to tackle the paki problem without getting in trouble for hatespeech et al?

The same thing Germans can do about Cologne.

It's just another isolated incident.

>gets drunk
>has sex
>regrets it
>claims rape

Shut your fucking mouth. And you wonder why the left is getting so much hate. It's because of this.

I'll ask u this, when paki number 4 kills someone it's not islams fault. Yet when Jo Cox is murdered by dickhead it's the fault of right wing politics becoming mainstream again. Get fucked you pleb bastard. One argument cannot be true whilst the other is false.

LOL My loved California is fucked up

It sounds like your joking, but it is true. British men are rapists and paedophiles. Its why my ancestors left that place and came to the new world.

pretty don't like ugly, but ugly like pretty...

Well, sounds like OP had their booty distributed.


>because I was raped by one
story time?

Numbers matter, also when you already have problems why import more?
And not only that import some that are even more likely to do harm.
So its not as simple as "look our people do it too" when you add just much less often per capita...