Daily reminder a POLISH man is the closest suspect they have for yesterdays attack in Germany

Daily reminder a POLISH man is the closest suspect they have for yesterdays attack in Germany.

Should we ban all Polish people now?

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t. mudshit

POLISH man got killed. Muslim stole the truck from him, after he shot him.

no, he's not the closest suspect.

the closest suspect is a "shitskin who is thought to have escaped"

Inform yourself dude. There were signs of a struggle and the man was shot. Did he shoot himself?


So I suppose the Polish man stabbed himself, gave himself defensive cuts, shot himself then drove his truck over 260 miles to run through a crowd.

Sounds legit. Russia is the problem!

Proof that it's a Muslim?

Only suspect they have is the actual DRIVER who was INSIDE the truck during the attack who is a POLISH MAN

>be me
>get beheaded and have "allahu akbar" written on my walls with my own blood
>police enter scene
>only I am there
>"well, shit, he must have beheaded himself and used the blood to write on the walls"

yeah they released the refugee to not appear racist muhammed gonzalez

He's a refugee.
Who was shot and police confirmed that he fought back? Stop embarassing yourself.

He was dead already. Had been dead for hours as the company lost contact with him at 4pm german time. His corpse was stiff on the passenger seat. The driver is described as "dark skinned" and jumped out and ran during the confusion.

German police now confirming manhunt and urging everyone to be vigilant as he is both armed and dangerous with chance of another attack likely.

Daily reminder: 12 year old Iraqi Boy was arrested at a German Christmas market on 5th December with a failed suicide bomb. Media have slid it hard.

5 more days till Christmas.
11 till NYE.

It could get bumpy.

It's so fucked up that Germany is screwing the whole EU...

Hey Hans. Nice proxy. Which German intelligence agency do you work for? Don't come here to spread this shit.

The whole "driving into a huge crowd of people to kill them on christmas thing" is kind of a give away.

Was getting killed and having his corpse driven around part of his plan?

>Should we ban all Polish people now?
I dont see any direct problems with that.



the driver asked the German company to which he delivered the goods when will they unload his truck, Germans said tomorrow at 8AM (they always do this shit even if the whole parking lot is empty)

he asks the company if he can stay at the company's guarded parking lot because the neighbourhood doesn't seem that safe, they denied him that common human decency and dismissed him

what happens next? muslims kill the man and steal his truck

Germans treat Polish truck drivers like shit, always denying them parking and asking them to wait several days for unloading while other people unload at will

They expected one of them in the wreckage.

so its germanys fault for being rude not germanys fault for importing a million potential terrorists? I am confused.

so this is a weekend at berniski style attack?

Germans are used to treating Poles like shit, even neglecting their safety in the midst of a fucking rapefugee crisis

they don't deserve a shred of sympathy

Working in logistics and can partly confirm. Truckers are treated like shit mostly but not only the polish ones but almost all. Reading this i remember doing the same shit and dissmiss truckers that were to late. They had to wait outside of the company parking lot till the other day because of security concerns i think. Its not my call just beeing used because i know polish.

all I know is polish girls have great tits. maybe germans just mad at u guys cause you got hot chicks to bang and they lost thier women to the arabs. be sad for them .