Why are nordics so primitive, weak and degenerate?
Introversion and Femininity
>he doesn't know the swedish rus tribe went to Russia and founded it
>he doesn't konw russians and swedes shares the same ancestors
>russians and swedes shares the same ancestors
Other than "Nordics build a strong empire" that's the second best joke of today
Wow. How humiliating must it be that the Russians are the ones making your ancestors proud?
Hmm, and which country has the better standard of living?
Feminism goys
They used to ride around in large boats raping and pillaging. What happened Scandinavian? You loose your balls or something?
Will Swedenistan ever recover from this ?
Well it depends on what timeline, pic related
At least he knows his ancestors, Tyrone
their wives learned that they could make demands and their pussy gives them power
cucked their husbands and generations of men over time
pity really
Those are the rus people. en.wikipedia.org
It's true,Jõao
>russians and swedes shares the same ancestors
This is literal bullshit.
they only exist in extremes
its either hootin' hollerin' snowniggers or BLACKED cucks that tuck irl
All women were stolen from europe though
This is revenge for being stolen from their families
Where did you get that the Rus people is your ancestor? No genetic evidence.
you only took the hot ones
and then they quickly realized how much power they really had
like you are the one to talk
Peter I tried to circumcize swedes but... Poltava, bb huevos.
rurik was danish dumbass
also every people in europe with the exception of hungarians and finns share the same ancestors, it doesnt matters because of how many racemixing there was since that time
You don't know what you're talking about...
If anything, swedes spawned from the loins of Slavs.
If you go back far enough, basically everyone on that part of the continent is a viking, or had a culture which shared viking qualities and values. Big river/coast warrior culture with an emphasis on honor in battle.
Cuckoldry is in their inferior genes
You brazilian monkey know nothing. Rus tribe were swedes that hung out in the area where we call Sweden today. Just look it up. You do know that there was a tradition, where the russian king would have swedish blood in him? We went to war with Russia to put our swedish king on their throne because the swedish king was always the rightful heir of Russia. Swedish blood on Russian throne. The tatars and shit obviously aren't related. But the nordic russians and upper-class share the same ancestors.
>Behind those innocent eyes hides the ruthlessness of the Hunnic invaders, who, under their leader Attila, contributed to the end of classical antiquity and led Europe into the dark ages.
According to genetic studies most swedens have Huns dna
True or false?
Do you even know about Rugen?
Don't believe the history Jew.
WHY are so many swedes named Carl Gustaf
>Rus tribe were swedes that hung out in the area where we call Sweden today.
Zero evidence for this claim. In fact quite the opposite, the Rus people were in the east nowhere as close as where is sweden today.
Fuck off. No one is born a cuckold
This coming from Muhammad. How does it feel it know you willingly allow muslims to rape your women daily?
Read this, have you guys read your history like at all? Do you know the people of kiev?
Becasue Carl is big and he Gustafs all over the place.
All the strong ones went a viking and settled Ukraine, Russia, England, Ireland, and Scotland. Leaving the betas behind to til frozen shitty soil and beget weak beta malnourished offspring. Mental deficiencies became prevalent due to undernourishment and that is why you find a culture of suicidal cucks today now in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark.
Yeah, pretty much.
Which is why the majority of Viking artifacts are found in Russia.
Also, Sweeden didn't even exist back then :D
Please, refer me to more history Jew.
There are proofs. Even the muslims wrote about it
Regardless of which ancestor is the swedens, obviously is not the Rus people, the problem of sweden is PROTESTANTISM
Because you are protestants you spread degenerate humanism and Globalist agenda.
The swede is clearly more advanced. His society has progressed to a point where he doesn't need to do dumb shit like give himself hypothermia to find a mate, making him lose a lot of his masculine traits.
The entire argument here should be that we should force men to stay primitive to a degree.
Swedes are
Also Germans
Stop chimping out brazil youve made enough nordic hate threads today.
Civilized men never surrender to kebab, globalist or LGBT propaganda.
What Sweden, Germany, Finland, Norway, Denmark lack is is civilization.
If you can't stand a discussion how can we expect you to defend yourself from a kebab?
>except hungarians and finns
Most Finns arent finnic, theyre ethniclly Swedish at least the western part of Finland.
Hungarians might have been hunnic or maygar 1500 years ago, but they're closer to slavs and germanics now due to germanics and slavs coming to Hungary and mating with them.
The reason why protestantism even is a religion today is because swedes destroyed the holy roman empire and your catholic cucks. We defeated the catholic forces while they outnumbered us 7:1
>russia stronk
Nice meme. Russians the weakest. The only things they can be proud of are some made up traits, and this false sense of worthiness is what keeps them from killing themselves in their depressing apartment blocks.
>tfw went to school with Russians
>they were fun but really not smart at all
>every party they were telling you "We Russian, vodka is like water to us, it's in our blood blyat"
>and an hour later you'd find at least one of them unconscious, covered in puke
Dammit Pjotor, that aids bucket was for the whole gulag
You helped the germans to destroy civilization.
Look at the results:
>Sweden and Denmark have highest number of sexual assaults in Europe
These two pictures coming in a couple, why do you feel shy every time.
>The Great Northern War (1700–21) was a conflict in which a coalition led by the Tsardom of Russia successfully contested the supremacy of the Swedish Empire in Central, Northern, and Eastern Europe.
>Sweden had lost almost all of its "overseas" holdings gained in the 17th century, and ceased to be a major power. Russia gained its Baltic territories, and became one of the greatest powers in Europe.
oh sven
Yeah well no shit, you faggots always win by outnumbering your enemies. Congratulations, RUSSIA STRONK amirite?
Still crushed you up until 1709
Germans destroyed the Holy Roman Empire and the nordicucks helped them
Never trust nordics.
>war isn't fair, we need to have balanced numbers REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
shut the fuck up sven, go back to the shed
What is there to discuss? Fix your own 3rd world shithole first
Then I had your mother crushed
literal nigger gypsy.
they took him as a sex slave?
The only thing you crush is an accordion, gyppo
We also have the broadest definitions of sexual assault.
anglos,slavs and the meds are the master race
>m-muh superior viking genes
Your country is a shit hole. A paradise of LGBT, communism and degeneracy for freaks.
>.....sometime later in the Ottoman Empire
but you're also uralic like the finns, or at least a ton of you
Oh no, not Poltava, we would not want him to cried.
Why do you keep making these threads, you retarded monkey? You're the same faggot who keeps making the Germanic vs Med threads.
Contributions of Germany and nordicucks to western civilization
-Boy make up
-Free-pass to arabs to rape kids
-Anti-white books
What am I missing?
>Most Finns arent finnic, theyre ethniclly Swedish at least the western part of Finland.
A few FennoSwede incest villages hardly make Finns as a whole ethnic Swedes.
Also you better check your nose to make sure you aren't enriched by superior albinomongol genes. It's been known to happen to you Swedes.
The HRE was fucking shit and corrupt as hell.
Protestantism wouldnt have happened if the papists werent such corrupt faggots.
Where was he supposed to go?
If he went north he wouldve gotten captured and he had no way to get back to Sweden.
Living in Exile in the Ottoman empire was the only choice not to mentioned he cucked the ottomans so hard by messing with their diplomacy and forcing them into wars.
In these threads the nordic and german degenerate behavior are exposed that's why you want to shut them down.
Britistan built America.
What's your point?
Rus' were Finns though.
Well all the Nordic countries and Russian at one time or another were ruled by the Oldenburg dynasty and it's cadet branches.
No, I'm wondering why a degenerate ape from some third world shithole is so obsessed with dividing Europe.
Rus in Bulgarian means blonde
The eternal german spend all year talking about how everyone is inferior and when we show facts they scream "DIVIDE AND CONQUER DIVIDE AND CONQUER"
Typical. You behave EXACTLY like the eternal german
Anglos and Scotts are just next "Slavs" they just don't know about it.
Your names have obvious Slavic roots...
Britt = shaven
Scott = herder
Your fighter jets for another 35 years. Hope you discover engineering by the time the contract's gone.
>american iq
Russians are Nordics.
Thats his point
We're not Germans, mestizo.
your point being?
Oh ok, so it's an inferiority complex. Got it.
Enjoy dying in a ditch before you hit 30, you degenerate gutter monkey.
You assholes always choose comfortable picture, we did not have a professional army, our army has always been 90% of the militias because we were not expansionists, we have always defended themselves, and anyway won.
Nordic people are a bunch of barbarians that somehow succeed economically.
You think money means superiority. You can't even produce your own food you have to import from other countries.
>Most Finns arent finnic, theyre ethniclly Swedish
Nope. Tiny fraction of Finns are ethniclly Swedish. You are just butt hurt that you lost Finland over 200 years ago.
>support from scotland
What, Somalians?
>You can't even produce your own food you have to import from other countries.
I'm pretty sure Denmark is nordic. Did you mistype coffee or something?
>You think money means superiority
a country of 9 mil that hasn't seen war in over 200 years having better fighter jets than a country of 200 million, man...
Sucks to be you.
>inferiority complex
>W-why do you make these threads s-stop divide and conquer
What have you produced of value? zero. nothing. nada
The only thing you can export is socialism, equality memes and LGBT shit.
you're dumb
you're dumb
>Nordic people are a bunch of barbarians that somehow succeed economically
jesus christ mestizo, you cant be this retarded.
>You think money means superiority.
Well I thought we were barbarians, how come you the oh so civilized """"meds"""" can't and somehow us evil brutish barbaric nords can?
>you faggots always win by outnumbering your enemies
Not against Finland. We Winter War stronk!
>You can't even produce your own food you have to import from other countries.
It's called trade. It's what civilized countries do in order to offer their citizens a greater variety of products.
As for food, we're the fifth largest exporter of fish in the world, you troglodyte.
Haha scots helped BTFO cuckolics. Protestant master race.