This is the sort of shit we need to be producing. This is great propaganda for right-wingers.
This is the sort of shit we need to be producing. This is great propaganda for right-wingers.
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Watch this and give me your thoughts, Sup Forums.
Respond, Sup Forums.
What is it goy
Calm down faggot, I need to watch it first
Would volunteer for racewar in Britain
Where do I sign up
There needs to be a video of this about France. Especially because they have an election next year.
>f-free Palestine
>d-da joos did d-dos
Literally pathetic. This is what makes the right wing look bad.
Wasn't for
It's not good. iF we want to reach out to the average person we have to drop that
It lost the normies the moment that star of david flashed up. Try again.
Thanks for sharing this OP. This needs to be spread.
Way too divisive, you're losing 90% of the audience at the first David star flashing and the rest when quoting hitler.
You want to convince people, you only talk about reducing immigration.
This video would hit a lot harder if it didn't directly attack the jews.
>without anti jewish message: "hey this video is made by countrymen who care about their country"
>with message: "this video may be made by crazed anti semites or racists"
This video would have a larger impact and be more widely accepted if it was just the facts and no assumptions.
National Action were proscribed as a terrorist organisation last week. They're illegal now.
Just throw up a few Rotherham pics and then say you want to deport people.
How long was Hitler in prison? Filthy defeatist.
The black spot covering Dublin is bigger than Dublin itself and we are a 96% white country.
Slightly alarmist.
The UK is fucked beyond saving though. That much is true.
Good bye brits!
It's nice video, but really low propaganda value.
I'm sorry.
Do British right wingers not believe in evolution?
British are dying because evolution, deal with it.
No one is going to support race war.
Try cutting all that shit out and try pointing out that mass immigration is class war.
The purpose of mass immigration is to drive down wages and drive up the cost of living. This puts all the wealth of the counry in the hands of the rich.
You're probably right in saying that any reference to Jews is likely to scare-off centrist, centre-right and possibly even civic nationalists. That said, with the exclusion of the Jewish and Hitler references, I think the video is great. Jonathan Bowden, a far-right British intellectual, was an incredibly speaker and thinker and his narration combined with the graphics and music hits hard.
A lot of politics comes down to emotion rather than reason. Hence why this stuff works well.
Another good propaganda video was the "With Open Gates" YouTube short film about the refugee crisis. It got something like 10,000,000 views with positive reactions. Here's the clip with the full music. Scroll down a bit to get the video:
Way too alarmist. We're 98% white if you count Russians and Poles as white. Our southern brothers and poo in loo friends only count for just over 2% of the population.
Nice, rate this video that bunch of dirt poor Balts put together
For those of you who liked the clip, this is another short clip extract from one of Jonathan Bowden's speeches which touches on the roots of political correctness. Probably one of the best videos on the internet on this topic.
The fact that this has to be explained to people is enough to convince me this movement is outmatched.
Go read Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky, now. The same tactics and strategy used to propel Marxism using bottom up activism and be slightly tweaked and used to further our ideals...that is if we can stop arguing about who is ""actually"" white and unite against immigration and western genocide.
Niggers and Mudslimes aren't the next stage in Evolution. They are the previous stages, the more savage stages. If they really want acceptance, they need to stop following Third-World values and come and live in the real New-World.
YES Monaco!
I agree totally. All this hitler shit makes the average person run. Fuck hitler. Gotta drop that shit.
I would never bring up Jews or Hitler in a discussion on this subject. That said, Bowden's speech and the graphics/music are still good.
Here's another one. Thoughts?
Evolution suggests natural progression. Humans bypass and bastardize the evolutionary process thereby leaving it void.
you can turn on subtitles by the way
The fact that it's essentially a National Action promo and has their logos on it doesn't help either. Who is it supposed to appeal to? Anyone likely to join probably already knows who they are and those that don't are going to see how poor their image is as soon as they do even the slightest bit of research.
It's really no surprise that normal people are put off by seeing NA parading through the streets while cosplaying as a paramilitary group and waving swastika banners/flags.
One day there may be a time and place for that but it's not now. Not when the goal is to capture those who would otherwise be sympathetic or willing to listen.
The immigration problem in the West is due to the psychological condition of Western people. We are the ones who are not stepping up to oppose our dispossession because we've been induced with guilt about our historical past.
As a result, White people feel guilty and almost immoral about any form of self-assertion. They think there's something wrong about acting in their own group's interests. They feel as if they have to advocate universalism whilst every other group resorts to tribalism.
Until this psychological weapon is overcome, there will be no revival in the West. Part of overcoming this weapon that has been used against us involves examining recent historical events which have been used against us; namely the Shoah.
can someone explain why hitler or anything german would be appealing to brits?
ive been to the modern war museums in london. they do not paint germans in a good light.
It's too alarmist for normies, plus the fucking Hitler speech talking over part of the video just fucking destroys it. We can't reach out to the masses by screaming Hitler quotes at them - especially without a translation and just the noise of the fuhrer screaming one of his speeches
Shitty After Effects video produced by a bunch of hypocrites. I'm glad England is finally getting what it deserves for doing the same to the north of Ireland.
what happened with the Frexit and Le Pen general threads? Where are all the faggots that wanted to Make France Great Again?
It's terrible. PPerfect to afraid normies. Remember: it's not about who's already redpilled, it's about who isnt yet.
Virtually everyone on the far-right started off as a moderate. I used to think the far-right were nuts until I started following a lot of AltRight accounts on Twitter and listening/reading a lot of far-right intellectuals.
Most centre-right/moderate right-wingers refuse to join the far-right not because they disagree with their ideas but because they're petrified of being thought disrespectful. That's the reason a lot of people in the far-right are working-class; they have less social status to lose by associating with these groups. Whereas professionals and middle-class people, many of whom agree with, say, the BNP, wouldn't dare openly voice their support for them.
What has to happen is two things:
1) Centre-right people need to realize that the Left are going to call them "Nazis/fascists/racists" regardless of whether they are moderate or extreme. So they need to stop disavowing radical right-wingers in order to appease the Left and start seeing us as their allies.
2) Far-right groups need to start putting forward people that middle-class right-wingers can relate to; academics, professionals, journalists etc.
This is partly what Saul Alinsky meant when he said, "True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism. They put on a suit and infiltrate the system from within".
People with our ideals need to get into positions of authority and power then use that platform to influence the culture.
>This is partly what Saul Alinsky meant when he said, "True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism. They put on a suit and infiltrate the system from within".
This is the best way to win, use their tactics against them.
How right-wing are you willing to go, then? I'm not sure if I agree with the idea of moderating our views. Is UKIP and Farage as far-right as you would go; i.e. discussing immigration but never going into race/religion/demographics?
Remember, the BNP, what was essentially a fascist group, were polling around 10-15% when they were popular. They were against all immigration and wanted to deport non-Whites.
Not bad, but you should leave the hitler stuff out for normies.
Retards can't help themselves. Not much of a "nationalist" movement if you need to repeat the words and style of a bunch of German losers.
Not hard to understand the politics behind what's going on.
These people hate their home, so they want to take yours.
There, now your all up to date.
>normiewashing your message
>Normiewashing isn't necessary in order to maximize reach
Haha, that made my day.
the message is more important than the reach
what are you reaching people with?
are you challenging them?
this guy gets it
Yea maybe we should do the same with Sup Forums. Refer to kikes as elites, Muslims as misunderstood refugees, niggers as poor people who were abused by democrats who are real racists. We should actually just become civic nationalists. This will maximize our reach especially to reddit.
cringeworthy desu
Literally this, why do we want cucked message? Its what Republicucks and cucked right wing european parties failed at. Fuck that shit. I rather build a small building with strong foundation that has possibility to grow than some crooked faggot tower that is about to fall down as soon as someone says that blacks can't have a any European nationality.
>the message is more important than the reach
I do agree with that; however, for real change to actually occur, I believe it has to be gradual. Challenging a person's beliefs has to be done in such a way that they don't feel defeated for adopting the new view. It's fundamentally the same problem as civic vs ethnic nationalism; ethnic is much better but won't be accomplished quickly.
Woah there, let's not go crazy now.
Do people actually watch videos like these? I found it boring af. All regards to the maker, it's nicely crafted, but IMO it's not inspiring at all.
Seeing news excerpts or other footage of the degeneracy that is going on in the world is what get's me pumped up. Or a debate with a right winger winning, but not this.
Some meaningful and clever, but short Trump videos work too.
Except the biggest problem is demographics. Give me a white country with insanely corrupt elites over a perfectly governing Brazil any day. Not that these two extremes could ever even happen but hopefully u get my point
wtf, I love britbongs now
>quoting hitler favorably
this is retarded when the biggest white nationalists do it to each other never mind when trying to convert normies
I also think the hitler stuff scares of more libertarian (not the party, but the ideology) people.
jesus h chirst boys idk if i can put a lid on this kind of hate. holy shit i have to be around people all day wtf am i supposed to do
the anti jewish stuff is always stupid
just show people the genocide that is unfolding
then add in the rising crime and terror attacks
normies have never seen a proper translated Hitler speech, so don't jump the gun on this one m8
>Woah there, let's not go crazy now.
Thats literally what happens when you cuck, you get bunch of plebs that have no idea what you are about and when you actually talk about the problems they leave because it makes them uncomfortable. Look at this shit with Alt-Right and Alt-Light. Bunch of cucks realized that we actually care about ethnicity of people and got triggered.
>I believe it has to be gradual
We are already at this point. You know that Trump Muslim ban was more popular than Trump himself?
I was being ironic, I don't want to refer to kikes as "elites"
the fact that there is always jewish stuff tells me these people are out of touch
someone needs to normalize this movement
its still stupid
its un needed baggage
same way a normal liberal could have beat trump, but they ran hillary clinton with 40 years of baggage
I enjoyed the video, OP.
Thanks for sharing.
Fucking nigger slime. Get out of my country, get back to Calias.
The middle classes used to be all for it when they could afford cheap polish nannies and plumbers.
This. Nobody is angry about the Jews in our countries anymore except a few turbo autists. Even the centrists know which t religion is the real problem.
>implying autistic naziaboos will produce anything besides irrelevant shitposts that go under in 24h , 99%of which are void of info and just personal attacks, insulting each others countries,"who is more white" flamewars and bait-threads with 260replies
Pretty good production values, memes and effects. Many points are perfectible, but other parts are 100%/100%.
Also let's this be a rule: we want change, but we take no definite side, no group, no movement. If you make such a video, don't tie it to some group that others may oppose despite agreeing with the idea, don't tie it to any party, or specific group in any way.
Just make it European and white, and that's it, it's the best way to gather many people. But despite remaining neutral, maintain a strong, unique identity to avoid it being linked to some group, especially controlled opposition.
I'm myself at work, will deliver soon.
I agree. Pan-European defense worked well with Charles Martel. We could do it again.
Do you reject the fact there has been a very negative Semitic influence in Western countries?
Or do you just think it's a bad idea to address it?
National Action used to go walk through the streets screaming, "Hitler was right", and beating up anti-fa protesters, lmao. They were never going to go anywhere but they were funny, nonetheless.
See here:
Pretty good. Shill it.
>great propaganda
lol, it's trying too hard to be convincing, it's too affected. Too much of an attempt to control the mood
If the point you're trying to put across is compelling enough, then it doesn't need all the bells and whistles with the flickering black and white photographs and the ominous music and the heavily stylised, therefore inaccurate, therefore ineffective maps. All of that just seems like an act of desperation to bolster an already weak argument, regardless of how strong the argument actually is.
All it needs to be is that guy giving his speech. If he makes his point clear and convincing, then the audience will agree with him. But since that video is likely on youtube already since it's likely the video that was pinched to make this one, well then II can say is this seems like a waste of energy that's actively working against its own intentions.
Once it starts effecting the aristocracy and becomes evident that a nigger may sit on the throne, then it will change.
I like it. This is exactly what we need out there, fuck the nay-sayers who are scared of Hitler being shown as the one saying the truth.
can someone explain to me why is housing in London so expensive if you have so many dindus there ?
nice, very nice. far better than OP
Pretty crappy propaganda and turns off normies. You don't put fucking Goebbels and Jewry in a video that could've accomplished its goals without such imagery.
The speech was from a man called Jonathan Bowden. His speeches are excellent but usually about 1-1.5 hours long. Added effects and relevant background graphics is hardly taking away from his points.
Watch one of his speeches. It's hard to find a better orator who puts across our ideals better than Bowden.
Here's some of his shorter clips. Just YouTube search his name if you want his longer speeches.
Don't know why it took so long for this thread to take off.
Surely the Royal Family will have something to say about this eventually?
Maybe Prince George will reign down upon the none whites when he is King. He can unite the remaining whites.
The video it's not going to work, is so low energy and the start is slow and boring
talking about jews only loses support
It depends where you are.
London and Birmingham are essentially foreign colonies.
As of 2011:
England is something like 80-85% White.
Scotland and Wales are 95%+ White.
Northern Island is 98% White.
It's hard to get people to act when they live in White areas. They don't understand the problem and think you're a nutter.
>Ireland will be just as bad as Britain
I like this one.
The Holocaust part makes it bad for normies sadly.
>This is great propaganda
Too much Nazi and Hitler shit for normies
Agree. The tactic to be used is not to be against "jews" or any kind of ethnicity. We have to produce propaganda against ideas/policies because you can shit on ideologies/policies as much as you like.
Take everything "the Jew" stands for and attack this. The rest will happen on it's own.
Amazing video, but not normie friendly. Normies are getting triggered by the facist symbolism and leaders like Hitler
You could Redpill millions if you use Mainstream symbols and famous popculture leaders and pictures in your next video
>muh normies
Normies are scared too, they're stupid but they're not blind. Everything is escalating so fast that even normies are questioning themselves.
Taking the light and slow approach will not work, it'll be too late for some european nations by then.
Normies are the ones being raped and killed out there, you fags need to learn how to use other people's rational fears.
agree. but you somehow still have to be carefull at work for example because you still can get punished for holohoax denial.
I talk about it, bu not to everyone. Just the people who already had a taste of the redpill.
You don't drop the H bomb on the first date.