First Nice then Berlin.
How can we stop murder-suicide with trucks?
Other urls found in this thread:
Truck free zones
Islam free continents
Ban trucks, or rather all vehicles
White males must pull wagons for refugees.
Ban Assault trucks.
>kill all muslims
>act as if it never happened
>reverse holocaust denial laws
Ban the trucks, and bring the trains back :~)
Selfdriving trucks will solve this problem over time.
Make Trains Great Again
Gas all muslims.
Get rid of (gas) the mudslimes.
Digits confirm, time to open new camps.
this tbqh, truck-free "safe-spaces" need to be provided for secular seasonal festivals
Ask me again if it happens in a country that is worth saving
Make trucks illegal.
Honestly re-education of the Muslim population is completely against their faith and just killing the active combatants only incentivizes more idiots to turn to terrorism.
>tfw Japan is too intelligent for europe
easy: kick shitskins out, strip them of citizenship, no gibs for anyone but natives, revise human rights to be valid for natives only, problem solved
Give everyone trucks. A good trucker will truck a bad one before he can truck innocents.
Need another crusade.
Ban Assault Trucks.
Limit the lift a truck can have
Ban tires of a specified size
Truck free zones
europeans need to get woke
Well Sweeden, you could try to stop importing hostile insurgents by the millions.
You could require your newly arrived immigrants to assimilate.
Or you can double down on the multi-cult and decide that mass fatalities every few months is a small price to pay so that you can destroy the last traces of the society that your grandparents built foe you.
Yeah, but then you have retarded pedestrian zones, fucking everything up where only criminals can take their trucks (and do).
If everyone had a truck this never would have happened
Surround pedestrian areas with more trucks.
Already you have to change your infrastructure to a third world style, sad.
Give all the Muslims guns. Then we won't need to worry about them murdering people with Trucks.
common sense truck control
Make trucks unable to accelerate to lethal speeds in certain areas. No idea how that'd be possible though.
If it's brown flush it down, if it's white then it's alright.
hahaha... Well if they were all in semi-trucks they would be fine.
Didnt your country got attacked just yesterday?
Self driving trucks
how do stop the eternal swede?
Ban them.
Ban all automatic assault trucks
Yeah, until you cucks hire Ahmed and Muhamed at the Mercedes factory and they install remotely activated allahu akbar mode in the trucks.
Ban radical diesel tractors
Allah gasbar
>How can we stop murder-suicide with trucks?
just let the driver get away like merkel said.
they cant be stopped
only real leadership can fix europe
how do we stop sand niggers from killing whites
>tfw to smart to throw open the borders to all of africa and the middle east
we envy you japan
Dunno who is this girl but she is based for saying this in this political correct world of ours.
Convert to the only true religion, infidel.
You idiots just don't get it. If we stop the trucks, they win.
Ban the wheel. It was a mistake
We migrate humanity into a matrix where everybody is protected in his self providing capsules while all interactions will be digital in a fictional world.
This gif always turns me on idk why
Ban Muslims
no this is what happens when you have truck free zones. let everyone have trucks everywhere, and this can be stopped.
Because she's fucking gorgeous, that's why.