HAHAHAHA. Britfags BTFO. You cunts plundered our country for centuries and destroyed our livelihoods, but no longer. Now Indians will return to their rightful place in the world. Get fucked Britcucks!
Typical fucking Sup Forums. It's POO this and DESIGNATED that but when India achieves something you white fuckers just scamper off. Eat shit you white faggots.
Indians doing what they do best, posting shit.
Well it has 20 times the population, so it's about time.
You must feel grateful for our colonizing of the subcontinent giving you a chance to drag yourself out the gutter.
>Now Indians will return to their rightful place in the world.
What, India?
No FUCK YOU BRITSHIT. It's India's time to shine. No more empire for you faggots. All Brits I meet in the UK are cucked and will bow down to Indian masters soon
>India proud of surpassing the second pakistan.
It only took them 3000 years
and a billion and a half peoples.
Stay MAD Britshit. Despite all your attempts to destroy India by carving up land to give to Mudslimes we STILL won. And now Britain is getting colonized by Indians KEK.
>1.2 billion
>finally manages have more gdp than 64 million
Why don't you go live in India if it's so great Pajeet.
Nobody in Britain is bathing in a river with dead bodies floating in it. So I'd say they're still doing better.
Well yeah, they have a population of 1.2b.
GDP per capita is the thing that matters.
A toilet in every home! India is truly blessed.
Poo superpower?
If it's so good piss off back to where you come from. Stop worshipping the shekel.
Freedom isn't free.
Brexit was worth every penny it's cost.
*Autistic white chiming starts in*
Here is the list that matters.
India is right beside Nigeria and Congo. Congratz.. I guess?
A population of 1.2bn only just overtook a population of 65m? That's embarrassing
when will shitskins ever learn...
if india is so good you should've stayed there instead of coming here and shit up the streets
India, India, India. A country of 1.25 billion which celebrates surpassing the GDP of a small island of just 60 million. It's too sad, please India, keep celebrating - it will help motivation. #ToiletsForAll2030 might be possible if you keep it up!
>he squeezed hard
>being impressed by his lack of manners and diplomacy
Wew pajeet
Colonialism was good for India
>1.2 billion smelly pajeets have managed to equal the transaction value of 60million Nigels
>treating it like a victory and not an indictment.
It's embarrassing that a country of 1.2 billion people has just now caught up to us
Reminder that this guy is on our £5 notes
Wow! I suppose now you'll finally go back?
Not per capita
>Eat shit you white faggots.
I wonder what % of the indian population eats shit particles and just how much per day, it must be all over the place.
Don't count in population though
Now that's a real handshake, what a champion.
Lol, GDP is just a measure of number of transactions.
You have 20 times our population and you're only just transacting as much as us. During Brexit fallout.
And you think this is a victory.
Good job India, do let us know when you figure out how to use a toilet.
I mean even sandniggers have the good sense to not drop trou and pinch one off in the street when they need to go.
ants massively outnumber us, does not mean i respect them
They have over a billion people and it took this long?
>Pooinloos in charge of economic growth
This is what bongs actually believe...
I'm going to guess you're attacking England alone and not the UK?
So.. Let's compare India vs England alone with GDP, without Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland dragging the average down.
Yeah, we blow India the fuck out. Now go wipe your arse you stinky unwashed curry head.
reptilian confirmed
>implying money is divided equally among a population in a third world country
I'll be honest m8, the rich people in India are living a life much better than you or me, Mehmet.
>India’s special environmental court has criticised the government for its failure to curb river pollution, a lawyer petitioning the court has said, after scores of bodies surfaced in the Ganges river.
This was in January 2016
Just wait til its per capita
to bad indians cant stop shitting in the streets
brits BTFOD
Isn't india like 5 times the size of GB and has 15 times the population? by what metric did the muds and poos win by? and does this mean you all will stop flooding into white utopias?
Nah I just rekt them harder than Amritsar.
Why does your country's richest man not POO IN THE LOO?
Even then it still doesn't beat England alone, it beats the UK* because the UK average is brought down by Wales and Northern Ireland in particular (because they run deficits and basically leech from England and Scotland).
India still can't compete with whitey. Poor street shitters.
Ya and the other 90% can't afford shoes.
Name a country where that isn't true
>a country of one and quarter of a billion has the same output as a country of 64 million
>somehow this is something to brag about
>Not GDP Per Capita
It actually has less economic output than the population of England, which makes it even worse.
Indian BTFO (again by England and whitey).
u mad Rohinder Manjeep?
>rightful place in the world
pic related
I've only got 70 years left to live
Jesus fucking wept, why the hell haven't we put sanctions on India for this shit?
>India's population: 1.2 billion
>UK's population: 65 million
Indian literally has 1.1 billion more people, its workforce may be at around 800 million, 12 times larger than the entire population of the british isles, and barely has surpassed the UK's economy, also how's the PIB per-capita? Huh?
Abysmally low, their economy may be slightly larger now but the avergae indian still lives in subhuman conditions.
why do your brahmin fuck eachother in the hairy arse tho
>gigantic country full of natural resources and with a population over one billion finally managed to surpass the economy of a tiny island with 60 million people
Stop the presses
>mfw this is actually true
How can Pajeets be so SHIT?
But they haven't.. That's the funny thing.
How do you sanction a region for tsunamis? Why are brits so inbred?
Depends if you use gdp in usd or gdp by ppp.
>Rohinder is defending fecal concentrations in Indian air
Doesn't matter, let's use USD as a universal standard. We still beat India, you fucking inbred. Now fuck off, go use a toilet like a normal person you disgusting, unwashed savage.
Well done, it only took you over 1 BILLION people to achieve what we did with less than 100 million. Truly the superior of nations.
Hand that has bare-finger wiped it's arse touches Royal hand.
>Royal hand automatically triggers anti fungal blood recession nanobots to ensure cleanliness.
I see no problem here.
Now check GDP per capita you filthy brown subhuman
How are you calling anyone else cuck while you're not even living in your own nation? I just can't take you seriously.
Then what the fuck are you doing in the UK?
~1.25 billion people (2013) in India
Extrapolating using 2013 population growth at 1.2% per year, that puts India at ~1.29 billion people in 2016
~64.1 million people in UK in 2013
Extrapolated to 2016 at 0.6% growth, not counting rapefugees, that becomes ~65.26 million people
1.29B (IND - 2016)
65.26M (GBR - 2016)
India's population is ~19.8x greater than UK
About equal GDP
>street shitters are individually worth only about 1/20 of their Anglo masters
country of 1.2 billion surpasses GDP of country with 64 million for first time in 150 years. this isn't impressive
What a cuck he is
>usd as a universal standard
Why? Any actual reason for this besides "lel I'm stupid and can't tell you the real reason"? Neither Britain nor India uses the USD so why would you use that instead of ppp like any logical person? Seems to me like you're trying to be push your own narrative. Your Semitic tricks won't work on me.
LOL shut up you fucking middle shelf brand Sand Nigger. Your people eat their own feces you disgusting slime ROFL!!! No better than the vultures mascarading as refugees. It's absolutely ironic that you filthy stupid animals claim to hate England and the US but live here!!! HAHA. Go back to regurgitating the squirts you had from last week's curry, you piece of garbage.
>64m people in the UK
>the richest are Indians
Fucking Kek ahahaha
>India's population: 1.2 billion
Reminder that this is more than the total number of Europeans on the planet.
The richest people in the states are Indians too lmao
smugly states that India is doing well
As OP and millions of India shits live in a foreign land, draining their resources
Stupid poo-in-the-loo
Unless you consider turks and Russians Europeans.
That's with Russia included.
>turks and russians