Is Sup Forums a civic or ethno nationalist board? Explain to me the differences between each, and why one is better than the other. Convince me.
Civic or Ethno Nationalist
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Civic = white genocide
I live in America so it's too late for an ethno-state but I do believe they are ideal.
Every culture should be mono-ethnic.
civic nationalism can work if your country is 99% white. Just by keeping immigration levels very low.
Most white countries are beyond this point, though.
As for multicultural shitholes, first it must come civic nationalism, to then ethnic nationalism have enough ground to become a thing and start being applied.
>at least I still have the constitution
The world was never supposed to be multicultural, the past 100 years is an anomaly. Can we go back?
Stop spreading this civic nationalism meme. Nationalism requires a nation (people that share a similar background). There is a German and French nation but no American/Canadian nation.
Constitutions can be changed.
This country was 90% white 40 years ago.
Nationalism is for idiots
Production is already global and so is everything else
If you believe in nationalism you are just asking to be exploited
I wonder who is behind this post
You are literally the exception of a country where nationalism is good
It's possibly because your people aren't idiots but that's rare
>civic nationalist
Civic nationalist. I don't mind wealthy people in my country, but poorfags pls stay out.
white is not an ethnicity
unless you think having small pathetic penises and enjoying blacks fucking your women raw is an ethnicity
then you're an ethnicity
>yes goy you need to flood your country with savage rapists because your iphone is made in china
nice roachpost
textbook really
Race is not the same as ethnicity. Japan is an ethno-state. If they were a racial state they'd let in many Asian immigrants but they don't. Again, race is not the same as ethnicity.
Gas the civics
Confirmed troll.
u rekt him .wonderin how de neger respondin to dat
To create a reverse process, you need make what i've said, otherwise things will only get worse and worse. Trust me, i'm experienced in the topic ;_;
civic nationalism = pan europeanism = egalitarianism for the whites (danish, dutch, german together)
ethnic nationalism = nation specific (german, dutch, danish)
all races nationalism = multicultural, banana republic shithole like brazil
get the terms right you doofus, pic related as to what constituted the original civic nationalism
It's complicated.
I'm a civic nationalist. But I expect people to actually behave like civil individuals in order to be accepted, which is clearly impossible for the vast majority of shitskins.
But it's a good way of looking at thing. People can't call you racist just for being ethno nationalist, you don't exclude human blacks such as Ben Carson and David Clarke, but you get to maintain what's basically all white nationalist beliefs anyway.
>ebin Sup Forums is one person meme
It's predominately a mix of both, and some of the people here are neither. Sup Forums isn't a monolith.
That's not what I believe though. I'm a conservative, just not a nationalist.
>civic nationalism = pan europeanism = egalitarianism for the whites (danish, dutch, german together)
that's wrong. civic nationalism is a "nation of will" and everyone can be X. ("everyone born in a garage can be a car")
close the borders, kick out all none-Europeans and you can believe whatever you want.
I agree with that. There's just no reason to get LARPy and retarded. I guess you haven't seen Balkan nationalism.
There's some of each, and for different nations different types are needed. Ultimately you can do civic nationalism as long as you're only bringing in small amounts of immigrants. But in a region like Europe, where the different states are because of ethnographic reasons, you need some ethnic nationalism. We don't have to resort to 90s Era Serbia shit, but simply recognize that Germany or Sweden are home to the Swedish or German people and while letting in some is OK, if you aren't respecting their laws and assimilating to their customs you need to gtfo. That's not racism, that's just "we like our way of life. If you don't like it, please go elsewhere."
>roach cuckposting
shame you survived the coup senpai
no, civic nationalism is what I said. Its not my fault that there is a black swan event attached to it.
Because an actual, multiracial america has not been tried yet. Civic nationalism and its rules were made in mind with functioning members. That means whites, and some asians. But not negro's, arabs, lesser asians and other shitty races.
At the time of the states creation and all the lore, you should look at that gif. The people at the time did not have racial knowledge as the science on that is just relatively new.
The experiments from europe and other places are just telling us that, that civic nationalism only works with with high IQ races.
OP I NEED MORE OF HER. Im not even NatSoc and NatSoc girls turn me the fuck on
Sweden and Germany are literally going out of their way to import Somalians and Syrians. That's just stupid besides ideology. Even they didn't do it a few years back.
Get the fuck out of here Ben Ruby (Μπενρουμπή), don't you have a stock market to scam or something?
I'm not a white nationalist, but I'm not a pure civic nationalist either.
It's just not feasible stateside because we're sadly so diverse.
However, while I am a race realist and believe that the ethnostate is what we must all aspire to, I also recognize that high-IQ blacks and Hispanics, however rare theyay be, can also be a tremendous asset to the nation.
We simply must crack down on and be intolerant of the antics of the less intelligent and productive ones.
>is a racial realist
>does not know about regression to the mean
No it's not.
>protection your borders
>being a conspiracy theorist
I never got why those two have to co-exist in a person. Just stop electing idiot politicians.
>owning that nose
>thinking shes white
They'd be a bigger asset to their home nations. Immigration hurts everyone- ex country and new country.
Is this how you cope? everything leads to mixture and chaos ultimately due entropy. In 10000000000000000 years we will be unrecognizable cyborgs (the ones that still survived). All this race shit is cope.
This isn't natural entropy, it's FORCED entropy.
Not same girl, but certainly on par
Civic Nationalism.
Civic Nationalism is basically nationalism that leaves room for assimilation of outsiders.I do admit I mostly believe in civic nationalism because im a non-white by Sup Forums standards and I can't imagine living in a non-white country.
Is there a site with photos like these? Like some huge compilation that I can furiously ravage my penis to?
Isnt Sup Forums the best example for civic nationalism
>nationalistic oriented minds from different places, sex, skin color, religion working together for a greater good bigger than them self.
Remember kids!
Civic Nationalism=cuckservatism
You can't fix an entire nation of idiots with one person.
Idk everything I have is from here. Frankly I'm happy there's no porn of relevant pictures, that degeneracy of the finest women would be a tragedy
Very true. I like subtlety in my wank material. Full on porn only does it for me if Ive been beating it for longer than a few minutes.
>is Sup Forums an x or y board?
Sup Forums is not a board with people of just one ideology. it is a board of individuals with their own ideas.
this tendency of grouping a whole lot of people to one particular way of thinking is wrong.
basically the same collectivist idea of communism.
Sup Forums is individualist, stop reducing people to a part of a collective.
>tfw no pure aryan 1488 waifu to have children with.
This. I'd rather we add the biological and cultural distinctiveness of a small minority of intelligent non-whites to our own and let the ones left behind starve to death.
One look at the abysmal rates of intra-racial marriage within high-IQ minority populations (high-IQ black women always, ALWAYS get bleached, high-IQ black men are always swarmed by college-educated coalburners, and the same dichotomy holds true for all other high-IQ non-white ethnic groups, with the women becoming fetish objects for men who want something different while the men are swarmed by white women looking for the ultimate symbol of how tolerant and progressive they are) will tell you that this really isn't an issue since most of their kids will be half-white mutts anyways, and those half-white mutts mother as well be ALL white, at least in the USA.
>implying the Balkans don't fuck up even the simplest of things
Maybe the most successful nation in history, who was strongly nationalistic from 1790 to 1970, just might be able to do nationalism right.
Worth a try at the very least.
i have like 3 saved
guess i only had 2
So you allow the destruction of white society?
yes and that is why this place fucking sucks
too many shit skins.
There won't be a bunch of idiots if the genius's stay and help improve their country.
>tfw no kate gf
Wow. The Swiss are retarded. And people trust their money with that country.
Civic Nationalism because fuck racists
Fuck off racist
You're fucking disgusting
You're paranoid
You guys are fucking retarded
That's due to systemic oppression dingus
You're a confirmed troll, enjoy ban
Leafland multicultural brainwashing no doubt the source of your vapid cognition
Fucking leaf
>Sees flag
>opinion discarded
In my opinion, a mix of civic and ethno nationalism. It's an important distinction to make that white is a race not an ethnicity, however, as history has proven white ethnostates work.
Until recently when multiculturalism mental illness took over in Europe, white countries worked well and drove standards of living and quality of life up.
You don't see that anywhere else.
This should allow you to draw the conclusion of the superiority of the white race. However that should not lead you to dismiss other races out of hand, but instead, cherrypick other races for high intelligence specimens and breed them in with whites. Essentially intelligence is the most important aspect.
However, if not allowed to express nuance, I would pick Ethno nationalism, since history has illustrated it works.
ethno nationalism is pretty pozzed too
>at least i have my race
Cultural nationalism provided that we're talking about white culture. Maybe that makes me sort of ethno nationalist. If I were European, I'd be full on ethnonationalist, but America created its own problem by importing millions of Africans. Muslims and illegal Mexicans need to GFTO tho.
This is exactly what I'm getting at. Cultural nationalism works.
Europe has almost always been white ethnostates, but they didn't have that many issues between them either. The cultures were more similar than different.
The problem with that though is that intelligence is extremely fleeting, inside your own race, even with another high IQ individual you only get 80% chance to create another one.
With another race, because of the vastly different genetics, the chance to create abominations become even higher. IQ alone does come into fruitition. A host of bad illnesses, genetic problems also arises and the mix that made the high IQ thing disappears.
its probably somewhere in here
>to create intelligent kids you need to very, VERY carefully select for, and even then its tricky and a little bit random.
>different races add another host of bad variables to your mix that