say the most politically incorrect thing you can in two words only
>inb4 fuck niggers
say the most politically incorrect thing you can in two words only
>inb4 fuck niggers
fuck niggers
gas kikes
Jewish Bolshevism
White male
Merry christmas
Love whites
Faked holocaust
I'm white
Hymen soup
Build wall
I'm straight
White male
Build wall
Execute minorities
Critical thinking
oh fuck
Shit thread
ethno state
Nigger KKKiller
two genders.
Ayyy maple bro, beat me to it.
Cis male then.
new Holocaust
Subhuman Mongoloids
interracial creampie
true communism
Hillary overcomes
Smash Marxism
Fuck roads.
Burn faggots
Women jewish
heil hitler
I'm proud to be white
>racewar NOW
Sieg heil!
repeal 19th
Hillary won!
Also coincidentally the most literally incorrect thing you can say in two words.
remove kebab
President Trump
Cute Jews
Hillary lost
Exterminate Subhumans.
Madam President
Allahu Akbar.
I Disagree.
nobody denies
Quality > Equality
Hail Trump
nuke mecca
Deport foreigners.
holohoax holodomor
Equal opportunity
white people
juden raus
america edition:
nigger cunt
Life is not precious.
Theres nothing to deny
Two Genders
Goodbye Jews
holy fuck i went to take a shit and now this thread is blown up
Sieg heil
open borders
Fug that's edgy
Ethical Genocide
blacks dumber
White pride
Fuck everyone else but us
Muslim Genocide
Judeo-urethral inflation.
Gas Liberals
Abort minorities
Kill Hill
2 Genders
What did he mean by this
Fuck hajis
Inside job
Painting the star of David on someone doesn't make them Jewish, you dumb cunt.
That's Petra Němcová. She's a Czech goy.
14 words
Remove kebab
[muffled accordion music in the distance]
Politically Incorrect
I am confident "Kike Nigger" would offend the most people to the largest extent.
Ban Wheelchairs
gas jews
President Trump
get woke
Benjamin Fishbein
Deus Vult
kill whitey
King Nigger is a good one for that Obammer, I always gets lots of downboats with that one
Pakis OUT
You shouldnt fucking care about any government or anything only care for yourself. The government is not your friend it's there to hold you back from believing in yourself.
Fuck whoever created it
el oh el
try Moloch