I don't mean molesters now, but pedophiles as human beings.
Is it a child in the OP image, or a teenager?
I don't mean molesters now, but pedophiles as human beings.
Is it a child in the OP image, or a teenager?
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i hope they post cp in this thread and get it deleted like yesterday
ps lolis are not for goyim
the poll
The same reasoning used to brainwash people into accepting homos will be used again to make chomos accepted by society
>they were born like that
>they can't help who they love
>what they do in private is their business
>who are we to judge
>religion is retarded
I'm asking because society is accepting homosexuals. And again, I'm not talking about homosex, I'm talking about homosexuals as human beings.
If they can be accepted, why not pedos?
Plus, how old do you think that girl is?
>Will pedophiles ever be accepted in any society on earth?
When the feminists are removed from power pedophilia will go back to being recognized as being alright.
>Is it a child in the OP image, or a teenager?
Did you not read the last chapter? Apparently she has a hormonal problem or something because she looks the same in 5th grade and at 16. Fuck thaf shit.
(((They))) try it already.
>Did you not read the last chapter? Apparently she has a hormonal problem or something because she looks the same in 5th grade and at 16. Fuck thaf shit.
What? I'm talking about OP pic.
why the fuck does it matter how old she is, it's just a drawing/daki. no victim. no crime.
Every sane man is attracted to any woman who started going through puberty (11-14 depending on a person). Literally not even a deviation. If you're going for pre-teens, that's a different matter and there's a place for you in the oven
It doesn't matter in Japan, but it matters in the west. German customs are reporting dakis with sexualized cartoon children on them for child pornography.
How old do you think she looks?
Only way I could see it happen is if a large number of kids who were introduced to lewd early came out in support of it as adults, wrote books supported by research, and lobbied hard for legalization.
So never.
>German customs are reporting dakis with sexualized cartoon children on them for child pornography.
sauce? i thought loli was legal in germany.
fuck if i know face looks like 12 but the body looks more mature.
Yes, they will be accepted.
It's a child.
Soft and fat.
With the decline of political correctness people will finally come to their senses.
Same happens in Canada. Lewd anime stuff depicting characters of """""questionable""""" age gets routinely yoinked at the border.
I have a trade partner in Japan who said that lately, he had two accidents with loli dakis. One in Germany and one in Thailand customs.
I agree her face looks like 12, but how does the body look more mature? It looks like a child's body to me.
and now your best and brightest are being persecuted for not using "proper" pronouns.
this is what happens when you ban lolis folks. its a slippery slope.
not sure, she looks too old to me
An adult with petite body, lots of make up and cute clothes.
Mastery of social media and a society afraid of being labeled an ism makes anything possible.
Trans was a complete joke just 5 years ago, now its almost universally accepted as being ok. That should say it all.
>soft and fat
Did someone actually vote for this in the poll? She's skinny you dumb fuck.
Oh wait, you're from GERMANY!!
they are gearing up cultural marxism in overdrive these days, pushing too much though
>Never heard to the Middle East it seems.
KYS OP you slimy little nonce
Yeah, I am too. In the last chapter of KnJ, fuve years later, Kokonoe Rin was show to not have grown at all, where the other characters did age. She has somd kind of medical issue.
So, she could be a 5th grader or teenager because she looks the same either way is what I was saying.
What's wrong with sex with preteens?
So... what is your reasoning desu?
Dog bless Japan.
I can tell you're not familiar with 2D loli butts. Do your homework before you start lecturing people. Loli appreciation is serious business.
It's acceptable in Islam.
No they are monsters kill your self.
They are accepted in secret societies
How is her butt soft and fat? Spill the details now Mr German expert.
Also she looks like a drawing to me.
Don't see how it can be pedo to have a drawing.
Liking 2d making you a monster is all that Doom caused columbine shit again.
I know there's a difference between pedo and molester but most people conflate the two.
>ever be accepted in any society on earth
they already are, in ~half of the world.
africa, middle-east, SE-Asia, indonesia etc.
Nope, never. No parent will ever accept nonces. And as long as there are kids there will be parents.
The flab is pretty obvious. A firm butt would retain its roundness in that position.
If you don't think little girls are the tightest shit get out of my face.
also to a lesser extent:
Brazil, portugal, spain, + some other northern south america countries and middle american countries.
why are you even a country
>Is it a child in the OP image, or a teenager?
It's a fucking cartoon.
Oh, you think it's flab because it's flat? You know, kids usually have flat butts.
Also, just because a butt is flat doesn't mean it's flabby. Especially not when we're talking children.
Now, who was going to do his homework?
Would love to take a fucking hammer to smash the next fucking pedo in the fucking face.
They will be accepted as ground meat for pig consumption.
If there were no laws I would gladly head up the local extermination crew. I would sell my house and liquidate my retirement to buy ammo for anyone who wants to shoot them in the face.
Fucking die pedos.
I didn't say anything about flat. It's squished flab.
oh you actually raised your age on consent to 16 in 2015. had not realized that.
Most men would have sex with their own small daughters if they weren't afraid of the legal consequences. Every man would prefer to arrange for his daughter to be married good and young instead of what goes on now.
How can roasties even compete?
it's the next step. quite clearly it's already accepted/tolerated in certain circles like holywood, arts and advertising.
that's how other preversions creepped in into nolmalcy
Don't talk to me. I don't like you.
>squished flab
Does anyone see what this German sees in OP pic? Because I don't.
Wow, what a cool internet tough guy you are.
You wouldn't do shit.
W-why not?
looks like the thread is on autosage. kek you've pissed the mods off.
I see you in these threads all the time. You advocate sexing daughters. I'm of a staunch principle of look and appreciate but no touch unless in an appropriate manner, which means no sexing.
Little girls are the pinnacle of the human expression of beauty incarnate and should thus be admired, yet not defiled.