Encryption banned when?

Are y'all also looking forward to Trump banning encryption?

Yes, fuck ISIS and pedophiles.

I'm looking forward to being comfy when Trump wraps me in a blanket of security and nationalism.

no, this is fucking stupid

It also has little to do with anything. The proper context for his tweet was the San Bernardino terrorists, not a broad decryption of all devices. They are trying to stir the pot since the Russian angle didn't pan out.

Apple was in the wrong and if you think otherwise you're a fucking idiot

No one's suggesting we decrypt all devices, you fucking moron. Just that we regulate cryptography and make sure we have secure asymmetric backdoors in place that may only be used with a warrant for cases like the San Bernardino one.

>not a broad decryption of all devices.

That is how it works though.

If Apple gives the encryption keys they can decrypt every iPhone on the same generation, not just those belonging to specific individuals.

>No one's suggesting we decrypt all devices
>We just want to make encrypting completely useless
Fuck off cuck.

love Trump but his privacy stance is dangerous. Yes, spy on Muslims, but as enemy combatants, not as American citizens


There is no such thing.

Once you have a backdoor it's only a matter of time until criminals learn how to use it.

>Just that we regulate cryptography and make sure we have secure asymmetric backdoors in place

Except the fact that it is mathematically impossible. There already exists cryptographic algorithms where it is mathematically impossible to implement a backdoor. You would have to make it follow some different algoritm.

It's Trumps war against math, it's like when those politicians decided that Pi should be exactly 3.

>It's Trumps war against math,
I get the sentiment but I also believe Trump was just making a political statement here.

I'd be surprised if he actually did want to fuck with encryption/decryption/backdoors/cryptography whatever you want to call this subject.

>No one's suggesting we decrypt all devices
>Just that we regulate cryptography and make sure we have secure asymmetric backdoors
Average Trump voter found

it is rude to make fun when idiots contradict themselves.

dude you know a pedophile could save a pic of a child under 18 on their phone right? We must do any and everything to protect children so not one is in harms way.

Never forgive, never forget.

Good, only pedos and sandniggers need encryption. Go fuck yourselves, bunch of ISIS supporting cucks. Backdoors will save lives and you're more worried that achmed won't be able to rape kids anymore.

>appleshit products

you can't ban encryption. someone will make a compression algorithm that just happens to XOR the bitstream 10k times with a value derived from the product of two primes

see radio

We made a big mistake. I can't believe I let my hatred of females cloud my judgement and vote for this monster.

Am I a pedo if I have a nude picture of my gf she took when she was 16 and I was 17?

They can't ban encryption itself.

But they could jail people for failing to unlock their phones.
Likely you will be required to declare any block of information.

At least the iPhone is not a fire hazard like that Samsung phone. THAT shit is unsafe.

In the US, yes.

>I let my hatred of females cloud my judgement
thats a you problem, other liberals are laughing at you.

>Being so naive as to think that a world without encryption is even possible.

Probably not over there since the age of consent is 14-15.

>banning math

>be globalist
>push Cultural Marxism subversion to insane levels
>literally overdo it so the right grows big fast
>provoke world war 3 zionism vs islam
>massive culling of people aka Agenda 2030
>less people to rule over, now we are the Overlords and you all our goyim

Bonuses: Police state due to increase terrorism. Less rights, austerity etc. People love us because we saved them from the horrific horrors of worldwide slaughter and just barely avoided nuclear war.

Thank me later

We live on the edge of the singularity, they can't stop it.

> banning mathematical concepts

>I get the sentiment but I also believe Trump was just making a political statement here.
This. Pretty sure he, like virtually all politicians, doesn't know how encryption works at all. He's pandering to the plebs is all. Offhand statements like this are almost guaranteed never to make it into the legislative process, let alone get passed as law. It's just politicking.

I mean, it's not right that he doesn't know at least a little about encryption, but it's entirely understandable.

>are you ready for when liberals attempt to project even harder?