What are your thoughts on these type of people Sup Forums?
What are your thoughts on these type of people Sup Forums?
Pull your trousers up.
He must really hate Mexico if his willing to scrub his ass against it.
fuck mexicans, they have ZERO business being in the USA at all.
Looks like he's asking excons to fuck Mexico.
Looks like he could carry up two bundles of shingles in one trip. Would hire and let him nap in my yard on break while he worked.
Freedom of expression. Big part of what makes America great.
Poor fella seems to be lost.
Somebody should help him put on his big boy pants properly and find his way home to the mental ward.
I see them as they'll be in a few short years. Bald, fat, upper arms and thighs sagging, faces down on their chest, living in one room
Good, fuck Drumpf. Real heroes desu
He has a magnificent ass.
Pendejos without an actual job or anything to do but be stupid
Needs to go back
>A degenerate shitskin in Jew York City
Hot, I want him to rip open my ass with his dick desu
Trying to show off for brownie points in social media.
>'proud' spic
>in america
maybe go back and fix your disaster of a country
Pablo should go back if hes so proud. Then again the name of his native country is riding up the crack of his stained ass so I'm getting mixed signals.
I think he needs to go back home.
They have to go back
Why do immigrants in the USA think they represent Mexico or that mexicans here give a fuck about them?
if he loves mexico so much why doesn't he go back there?
Reactionary faggot. 'merica has the right to choose whoever they wish and deal with Illegals in wichever way they see fit.
This desu it's like american Italians. The real Italians hate them so much.
I think he'd benefit from a free bus ticket south.
Having your pants down like that is a sign of you being a whore that wants to get fucked in the ass. So.. he wants Mexico to get fucked by Trump?
Trump is a con man he isn't even Republian, so yea fuck him.
Pants on the ground pants on the ground looking like a fool with your pants on the ground get your pants off the ground.
Fuck Drumpf and his racist orange ass.
gabagool eyy capisce?
>i don't have an opinion because it's not illegal.
Dishonest coward.
>some of them are rapists.
>some of them are murderers.
Big muscles, small brains.
If he loves Mexico so much, why doesn't he go back? He clearly hates living here as much as we hate him for living here.
I say we send our rapists and murders to Mexico
>what do you guys think
>addressing a separate and monolithic pol
>no content
so fucking gay.. only an unemployed homo or escort would be wearing such disgusting underwear...
Mexicans are literally human garbage with food that exists as memes for white girls; i.e. guacamole, taco Tuesday, "margaritas".
>What the fuck are you doing in America I'd you're such a patriotic Mexican?
Is always the first thing that comes to mind.
virtue signalling attention whores
I hope he realizes only homosexual blacks due that with their underwear in prison.
They go to Trump tower to take pictures of themselves virtual signalling so they can plaster it all over social media.
What do YOU think of these faggots? I have thousands of hours of community service and give regularly to the homeless/charity. Guess who knows it irl? Fucking nobody. They don't actually give a fuck about what they believe in they give a fuck about approval.
>clearly has a stake in a foreign country
>Caring what he thinks of our country
I hope that if Trump makes flag burning illegal, at the same time he makes a law where you get 50 dollars for burning a mexican flag.
Most feminine wrists I've ever seen on a man.
I wouldn't say we hate them we just don't give a fuck about them, the most I have heard the media talk about them is recently as to address the issue "what the fuck are we going to do with those people if Trump sends them here? Where the hell do we put them?"
no surprise anymore. beaners have been awful here. they leave their shithole and come here all proud of it. makes no sense.
amusing retard
Fpbp, came here in hopes someone already posted this
What did you do to get sentenced to thousands of hours of community service?
So brave.
Then you haven't seen mine
I want to be like him when I grow up.
Could someone shoop a skip mark on this?
if they love their own country so much why not move back and make it great.
we allways see all this shit about these mexican students getting good gpa and finishing, if they all went back and worked on making mexico great they wouldent have to deal with all the hate in the USA.
its the same with "refugees" and imagrents that have an obsesion with flying their home countries flag in another country. if you live in a country, you pay back by being patriotic to that country.
their is an obvious reason why all the pakis live in the uk, but why do they have to try change the laws to suit them when they have a country that will take them back with all the laws they want allready in place.
all the indians did it when they migrated here, and that is one of the reasons we like them.
someone post the ted transcript about living under but one flag.
They should move to !MAYH-HKEE-KO! permanently if they think they're hot shit. Why does it always feel like I'm being verbally assaulted when they try to use their Spanish words in English? I hate these fucks.
He thinks highly of Mexico, obviously.
He should pull his fucking pants up.
How is stating that freedom of expression is an essential component of American values not having an opinion?
The guy has a right to flip off whatever building he wants and if that rustles your jimmies it's on you to deal with it.
Does he fart on Mexico?
Skid mark lol
I don't understand why would a Mexican like the fact people are leaving his country to work and live in another country, you are supposed to hate diaspora not encourage it
Build wall, depory immediately.
Rampant "look at me" narcissism. Everything that is wrong with our current society.
If they liked Mexico so much they'd be in Mexico.
You know, for the people that want to make "America Mexico again", why don't they just to back to Mexico and enjoy? That's right, because it's a shithole.
Isn't that picture just reinforcing the point that they aren't sending their best?
People who study good careers in decent universities here do so very commonly with the goal of landing a job or being transfered outside the country.
If he loves Mexico so much then what the fuck is he doing here? I wouldn't have a problem with spics if they didn't act as if they still owned the USA. If they want it that badly then fucking try to take it.
That's the most annoying part about beaners and sand niggers. Neither of them fight proper wars for their shit. They just cry a lot until some stupid White whore gives them what they want through the nanny state.
He needs to go back.
Pretending to care about your homeland when in fact you ran off like a coward to scrub Uncle Sam's toilets is the most hypocritical thing in the world.
Fuck Mexicans.
>Advertising that you let faggot spics poz your neghole.
>This is supposed to be some kind of political statement.
Deport his sorry ass.
>tfw bearmode chubby bf
I love how liberals are so opposed to masculinity yet they depend on shitskin thugs to do their dirty work and to intimidate normal working whites
It would so weird if I went to Mexico and protested their immigration laws... and only spoke English there. People here have it too good.
Retards they think Mexico gives a fuck about them but they don't, it's just like how real asians hate fucking Asian Americans.
>freedom of expression is an essential component of American values
he's not an American. he's a foreign national expressing his disgust with our government.
They need to go back.
I hate hyphenated "Americans"
Don't be a faggot. This mentality is whats killing america
Go back to México and stay there if you like it so much
They're gay and stupid. The building doesn't have feelings for you to hurt, Paco.
They have to go back
First of all thats not a person. That is a Sub-Human. As to what I think about them, I know they should all be exterminated.
Spics, niggers, muzzys, hollywoodJews, celebs, oreos ALL GO IN THE OVEN
That's the gayest pic of 2016 for me
Who designed those fucking jeans? It's got a strip of leather stitched between the belt loops, no wonder his undies are showing.
KeK that's hilarious. So even native Beans hate Americanized Beaners. The way you talk about them is the same way we talk about those assholes. They're so useless and all they do is waste the countries resources on their damn over-extended family and they're smug about it.
That's what really gets to me. They honestly think they can live life by just taking everything with no reprecushions.
Oh ya, and I'm sick of getting official voting information, government letters, bills, and shipping information in bilingual form. Not only does it rage me that wer're just letting them hijack our culture, but I feel like I have dyslexia trying to read anything important I get in the mail.
In before
>muh tacos
>muh cute mexican girls
>muh hard working bros
>muh you don't clean toilets or more the lawn so be ashamed
>muh indiscriminatory fun loving mexican community just knows how to live life
>muh quit hating and the bro tier beaners will invite you to their pinata party
Let me ask you this. How is it fair to native Indians to have their shit cucked in for 300 years and forced to stay on reservations only to let in all these spiks come in from the south to take over?
Anchor babies citizenship should be revoked. They've leached trillions in Medicaid and welfare and turn our neighborhoods and towns into little Mexico while all their kids shit up the school systems. My grandpa used to own a shop in the downtown of my city. Now when I go there everything has signs in Spanish. I live in Illinois, not cali or arizona.
>shartless panties
This is disgustingly unpatriotic.
He is NOT a burger
i bet that you would love to fuck that mexican
Could he at least wear a shirt that says Mexico instead? My eyes just keep going to his ass no homo