
How did this retarded Israeli get so big on YouTube?

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He's an american Jew dumbass

Being funny and criticizing scams or some taboo videos.

What really intrigues me is his wife behavior, is she retarded, did she have a stroke? Is she constantly under medication?

He used to be funny. He would take funny content and make it slightly funnier. Foolproof.

He used to live in Israel, soooo.....

I know many girls like her who are awkward as fuck. It's nothing out of the ordinary.

She's either autistic or was abused as a child

Got some video removed and made a video about it and everyone hopped on the support bandwagon. Also reddit

You're all just jelly that he's an aspie with a cute and awkward wife that lets him do anything and you don't have one

vlogging is retarded you faggots watch some autistic bullshit and think it's funny

I've never heard of him so obviously not as 'big' as you'd like him to be

I used to like in Slovenia, does it make me Slovenian?

Jewish meme magic

>how did a jew get big in "insert" media

That's what a slightly autistic woman looks like user

she was in the Israeli army right? Probably saw some fucked up shit. It would explain the thousand yard stare and awkward silence.

Jewish people help other jewish people.

This is why they are so successful, others could learn a thing or two from them.

She's a bit autistic, I think, but most of her awkwardness seems to be down to the language barrier.

Same reason FilthyFrank is popular. Enough retards caught on to make critical mass.

Hans gets it.

He redpills normies on feminism, he's alright for a skype

I don't know what your problem is. He's likable and passably funny.

>How did this retarded Israeli get so big on YouTube?
he makes good videos in line of Sup Forums actually. I remeber two against SJWs. Heavy critique against Buzzfeed and sexist air conditionings.

She looks and acts exactly like a Jewish woman I know. It's genetics.

Naah she doesn't have the little girl voice.

He's also always on the side of the "victims" of SJW insanity, like that fat Redditor or Hugh Mungus.

He's not redpilled in any sense, but he's not a regressive shitbag either, which is fucking rare these days.

Yup she was in the Israeli army. Confirmed ptsd

Just quiet and awkward. Not my thing but it can be cute.

He can't even speak Hebrew

No it makes you a travelling kike. Fuck off

well you obv dont live on the internet u sis

Awkward/not camera friendly + not native english speaker.

He used to be super enjoyable
now he's irritating as fuck, uses the same old ass "PAPA BLESS xdd" recycled trash

Riding on papa franku's coattail.


It's almost as if jewish people are nepotistic as fuck and control the entertainment industry.

she doesn't speak english as well as he does, so she shuts the fuck up and speaks when spoken to. what else are you supposed to do Infront of a camera?


>how'd he get so big on YouTube?
Through this faggot


It sucks how JonTron got Jewed out of GameGrumps. Dan has straight up talked about gentiles/goys on the show and always says shit like "Ooh, a Jew!" when he hears a Jewish surname in a video game. Straight up unbearable.


You can easily become popular by talking shit about this faggot. Or just talk shit in general to big youtubers.

A jew and a chinless hapa propelling each other
Is the nigger faggot the only solution for a better youtube?

He got famous. Then his content went to shit. I watched him when he only had 20,000 subscribers and he did funny reaction videos and some comedy skits which I enjoyed. But then he got famous and after a few good reaction videos he went "xdddd dramaaa" and ruined everything.
I also watched Idubbbztv originally for Overgrowth content and he was great. Then I would watch all his other gaming content and kickstarter crap videos. It felt comfy seeing only 17k views per video. I felt like everyone in the comments were close and such and after a long day I could relax. Then Filthyfrank with his dank meme shit made Idubbbztv famous and forced him to make new content and forget his gaming videos and kickstarter crap. I don't watch him anymore because of it.

I kind of wish idubbz would post more than he does.

she is autistic and extremely shy

But he made kickstarter crap recently and finished up his fan mail unboxing.
Idubbbz really wants to make new content now, i.e his game show and recent video from 2nd channel

Literally who??

Were you born in Slovenia?

I actually thought the first 10 or so vids he made were pretty, funny. Then his humor got stale. Because it's the same shit in every video.

She's cute

no, it makes you a fucking kike

She's Israeli. They're all cooky to some degree. It comes from generations of living in the desert and being surrounded by dunecoons.

Some greasy haired fag who bullies kids on youtube.

>finds video of little kid doing little kid shit
>bullies said kid
All you got to do is watch one of his videos,and you'll get the picture

she's a bit autistic. I find it very cute.



You do know that every person in Israel, male or female, has been in the army, right?

she was working in administration

Are you her dad?

he got unfunny but recently he's regaining the edge
also his wife makes those videos 10x more watchable

Hypothetically speaking, let's say I'm a decently popular youtuber with a subscriber base that hovers around 900k-1m. What would happen if I made fun of someone like Markiplier?

>the goat fucker does Research about the Israeli Army


this desu

Ethan is a two faced nu-male kike faggot.

One minute he's soap boxing about how to act responsibly on youtube, and then he goes to hang out with complete oddballs and keeps shooting looks at the camera like "Hahaha look at this fucking retard guys he probably doesn't even know we're laughing AT him he actually thinks this is in good spirit are you SEEING this shit guys woah haha"

He's a massive fucking hypocrite and anything good that he ever made was basically because he copied what sam hyde was doing for years.

Get this fat heeb off my pol

He's a fucking hypocritical kike who most likely wants to be more open about his hatred towards certain groups of people but can't because he'll lose all of his followers.

i can't lie. i like him and his wife.

there is nothing strange about her imo. she's just not a fucking hyper giggly über-social anglo-burger slut. so just stfu leaf.

>One minute he's soap boxing about how to act responsibly on youtube, and then he goes to hang out with complete oddballs and keeps shooting looks at the camera like "Hahaha look at this fucking retard guys he probably doesn't even know we're laughing AT him he actually thinks this is in good spirit are you SEEING this shit guys woah haha"
gibe examples pls

When he meets DJ Khaled
When he meets that self proclaimed pickup artist

That shit isn't in good spirit like he says it is, he's putting on a fucking freakshow and you can fucking see it in his eyes. He just keeps looking at the camera as if to say "Wow what a fucking dumb faggot, what a total fucking weirdo, you seeing this guys" but he plays it off like it's all in good fun.

Dentist guy who thought he was being funny but people actually laughed at how cringy he was comes to mind

He stole Sam Hyde's act.

Yeah we can tell you autistic faggot.

hes half jew half syrian apparently.

good try shekelstein.

ugly ass mother fucker looks like a spic

0 talent 0 anything which is why he gets on so well with pewdiefag

so you agree with me? why the insults, srsly.

He's an antizionist and he hates Israel, that's why he went back to the US actually.

I too would be fucked up if I was surrounded by Jewish "soldiers" every day.

he's only big because he bullied that autistic guy

-5/10 chinless faggot

please tell me he killed himself

literally the cancerous face of Sup Forums

Ethan tortured her for years, thats why. Poor girl

videos of wife?

don't want to search for this kikes videos myself

He might soon, he´s losing shittons of views and subscribers
She is in literally 85% of his videos just check the second channel, "Ethan and Hila"


and what about the elliot rodgers guy? do I search for Leafy in Youtube?

I think he's funny, actually the only youtube videos that i watch of this "genre"

And a Somali protestant who moves to Norway is a Norwegian.

Why would you watch Leafy?
It´s some asshole talking shit about other people while he plays shooters. It´s all he does

where did you live?

He started out ripping off Sam Hyde then he paid guys like JonTron to be in some of his vids so he could backpack on their success/fanbase. Jews are sneaky.

Reminds me of sargon.
I don't personally agree with the man, but I do like how much he hates SJW's.

more like extended stay

By bandwagoning on the same le ironic humour everybody else been doing for a while now.

Yes, you're right. There are better things to watch on Youtube.

I don't even like vloggers. It's literally a guy talking about himself for 20 minutes

she was the POGuest of all POGs

Because he clowns on pol teens and other spergs daily. It's fun to watch pol cry on the daily desu

i dont consider her proper bait because shes not that attractive and he is just using her as a conversation partner to deliver his "comedy"


>He's a massive fucking hypocrite and anything good that he ever made was basically because he copied what sam hyde was doing for years.

This isn't even a meme


Look at the title description:

>Tribute to Sam Hyde's "mind=blown".

He actually explained that their relationship can be quite bizarre, since they also consider themselves to be best friends. They always do everything together.