White people have a superiority complex. Why is that?

White people have a superiority complex. Why is that?

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It's not a complex when you are superior. It's just realism

proving that by asking that question over a communication medium that wasn't designed and implemented by whites would be easier

Because we are the race of Jesus Christ.

FPBP. When white people look around and see the heights of civilization their ancestors have wrought, how can we feel anything else compared to the fuzzy wuzzies and the wogs?

Because they have been at the top for centuries now? and deservedly so.

why is there, everyday, a discussion who is considered white and who isnt and niggers allways say they are white or "honorary white", why do they want to be white so bad ?????

the irony
falling for this beight

why are white people so insecure and have this superiority complex?

It's actually non-whites who have a white superiority complex. That's why they're always crying about it.

You're the one telling the story OP
If you don't know the answers, go ask your masters

We've spent the entirety of modern history being superior. I guess you could say we are born with it. Just not for reasons the nig nog monkey tribes think.

Whites are one of the most intelligent races and have the highest empathy of any race. These two attributes combined make them superior in the civilizational sense.


Jesus says the first shall be the last. The humble are closer to God than the prideful.

I'm a pretty fucking terrible person, though. Don't take my word for it.

are you a nigger?

no, but i have black friends and consider them just as good and or better than me

It's a inferiority complex.
Just check 2016 porn. White men like to watch their women fucked by negros, humilliated, shared with other guys...
They are afraid because sooner or later, black men are going to rise up and have revenge.

because we are superior

this fact makes other races jealous and resentful

Because their superior, of course.


>superiority complex
This is why whites are on top

Lol, no. Go look at porn searches by state. The states with the most niggers look at nigger porn. Everyone else searches things like "big boobs", "hentai" and "milfs"

Niggers watch that shit. Niggers and spics.

fucking hypocrite. why do you automatically assume I was talking about skin color?

fail troll is fail


>proving that by asking that question over a communication medium that wasn't designed and implemented by whites would be easier

>implying computer hardware, network infrastructure, networking standards, networking protocols and everything in between was invented by white guys

Jesus christ this kind of ignorant shitposting only happens in Sup Forums because this place is a stormweenie lost cause

Literally everyone in the planet tries to copy our means of success and utilizes technology we invented

It's not rocket surgery

t. Achmed

Small cocks most of the time, less testosterone etc.
Also they know that they are the root of all evil.

>White people this white people that
>White people please give me free shit and tax money
I know you think white people are easy to mine for resources because they're so cucked but please shut up for one goddamn second.

>mexican intellectuals


4chin is mostly Caucasian and most of the threads are black on white porn

even gay interracial

go figure

bunch of white cuck fags that think they're better than everyone else

but I consider white people just as good if not better than me. probably better in most cases


i am currently on the phone with human resources at my job for actual legitimate racial discrimination. I dont call racism for any little shit, but when i do i take it seriously.

>>mexican intellectuals

So, knowing that white guys didn't invent everything related to computing and the infrastructure around it makes me a 'Mexican intellectual' meme.

Hmm, really makes your stormweenie brain think

You cant even keep the lights cut on you tent city rodent, keep dreaming

i can't help but notice you haven't named even one yet.

have you seen any page run by a white teenager-30s guy? it always end up with him shilling about "MUH WHITE GENES"

Of the top 10 countries with the largest immigrant populations, 8 of them are white countries. Brown people all over the world are tripping over themselves trying to move to white countries. Why is that?


Burden of proof isn't on me, since the stormweenies ITT are the ones making a positive claim about how white men are responsible for any advance/invention in computing.

You are familiar with basic debating skills right?

>Implying that non-white people have ever invented something relevant


You are retarded.

If you really need someone to, we can go hunt down a few pictures of Turing, Edison, Babbage, Lovelace.

It's really not that much of a 'burden'

we're superior

came here to post what potato descendant posted

You do know most important GErman thinkers were of Jewish origin, right.