Nothing gives me as much pleasure as this image.
I touch myself to knowing that Hitler died like a coward.
You revolting stormfaggot fucks worship a rotting corpse.
Nothing gives me as much pleasure as this image.
I touch myself to knowing that Hitler died like a coward.
You revolting stormfaggot fucks worship a rotting corpse.
Other urls found in this thread:
No I worship the words of a great man.
>Sup Forums is not one person
>Sup Forums is a board of peace
>Sup Forums is satire
>OP is a faggot
saged and hidden
>Didn't have the courage to own up to his crimes, instead committing suicide in a cowardly escape
>Great man
relax justin
OP makes me laugh. He's a living advertisement proving his parents were subnormal IQ
Hitler was a great man first off and second he died years after the war in Argentina
if you kill your enemies, they win.
He shot himself in the head like a little pussy bitch. He was a manlet who compensated with becoming a depraved war criminal.
he went to argentina, retard.
Frankly anyone who still cares in any way is probably a Jew.
Thats not hitler
Your body may die but your ideas live forever.
He hardly died a coward. Sure he shot himself but the German people fought on until literally their capital was in ruins and the Reichstag had been stormed thats a pretty bamf way to go out.
silly leaf
heres proof he went to argentina
>the FBI talking about the possibility of Hitler going to Argentina is proof that he absolutely did
Your post shows how revoltingly retarded you little stormfaggot worms are.
>Hitler died like a coward
I never understood this meme. It must be some new age thing started by millennials.
I'm Chinese and in my culture (and other East Asian cultures), it's considered honorable to take your own life after being disgraced. It shows a willingness to hold yourself responsible for your failures. So Hitler died a noble death.
>it's considered honorable to take your own life after being disgraced.
Except Hitler was never disgraced. He never admitted his mistakes to anyone outside of his bunker, and he was never disgraced or humiliated by the people he wronged during the war. A few of his generals abandoned him at the every end and he shot himself, and that's about it. To claim that the defeats Germany suffered were his disgrace is stupid, because those defeats cost him personally a lot less than they did his soldiers, citizens and enemies.
Hitler was never held accountable. When he saw what they did to Mussolini he came up with a plan to make sure he wouldn't have to be.
Hitler died like a coward. He had managed to convince an entire generation that death was braver than surrender.
Try actually reading his will instead of getting all your info from history channel and reddit.
>I have therefore decided to remain in Berlin and here of my own free will to choose death at the moment when I believe the headquarters of the Führer and Chancellor itself can no longer be held. I die with a joyful heart, mindful of the immeasurable deeds and achievements of our soldiers at the front, our women at home, the achievements of our farmers and workers, and the efforts, unique in history, of our youth that bears my name.
>That I express my thanks to you all from the bottom of my heart is just as self-evident as my wish that you should therefore on no account give up the struggle, but rather continue it against the enemies of the Fatherland, no matter where, true to the principles of the great Clausewitz. From the sacrifice of our soldiers and from my own solidarity with them unto death, will in any case arise from German history the seed of a radiant renaissance of the National Socialist movement and thereby of the realization of a true national community.
>Many of the most courageous men and women have decided at the end to unite their lives with mine. I have begged and finally ordered them not to do that, but instead to take part in the further struggle of the nation. I beg the leaders of the armies, the navy and the air force to strengthen by all possible means the spirit of resistance of our soldiers in the National Socialist spirit, with special reference to the fact that I myself, as founder and creator of this movement, have also preferred death to cowardly abdication or even capitulation.
This. And stormfags worship this pathetic excuse for a man.
>Try actually reading his will instead of getting all your info from history channel and reddit.
I'm waiting for you to make an argument of your own before I give a better response. How does Hitler's will disprove my arguments? I'm not doing your work for you.
> that flag
> "I'm Chinese"
checks out
>those defeats cost him personally a lot less than they did his soldiers, citizens and enemies.
You could say this about literally every single leader that lost. Every, single, one. What you're basically saying that it's impossible for a leader to be disgraced for losing. Your argument is a complete non sequitur.
>Hitler was never held accountable.
>Except Hitler was never disgraced.
>he was never disgraced or humiliated by the people he wronged during the war.
Hitler held himself accountable.
>touching yourself thinking about a man
Wowee we got ourselves a homo over here.
>what the russians would have done to him
Seems like he picked the best of a bad situation.
He should have faced justice.
Fuck you nigger, Sup Forums is serious. We are descendents of vikings and we will destroy you.
youre gay bro
>2017 minus 12 days
>he still believes hitler died in the bunker
have none of you niggas watched hunting hitler
there's tons of evidence suggesting he made it to south america through spain, and the remains the russians claimed were hitler's belonged to a woman
>You could say this about literally every single leader that lost. Every, single, one. What you're basically saying that it's impossible for a leader to be disgraced for losing. Your argument is a complete non sequitur.
No, I'm saying that Hitler was not made to pay any significant price relative to his crimes. Unlike other leaders throughout history, who have been, even contemporaneously to Hitler himself.
>Hitler held himself accountable.
The Russians, Jews, Gypsies, Brits, Poles, Americans, Norwegians, Dutch, Danes, Luxembourgers, French, etc. have more of a right to do that, which is the real point: accountable or no, he was not accountable to anyone but himself, and therefore, had no real accountability at all.
>his crimes
His only "crime" was failure.
you just want a strong aryan man to dominate yor boipucci huh Cheng?
>soviet communists
You don't know a lot about that period do you?
All this salt!
You can never change the way we think and it makes you mad...
You're a tiny little control freak, without meaning and one day we will find you.
>Hitler was not made to pay any significant price relative to his crimes.
His only "crime" was not winning. For which he took his own life.
>The Russians, Jews, Gypsies, Brits, Poles, Americans, Norwegians, Dutch, Danes, Luxembourgers, French, etc. have more of a right to do that, which is the real point: accountable or no, he was not accountable to anyone but himself, and therefore, had no real accountability at all.
Not really. Commiting suicide voluntarily shows that you know and understand the mistake you've made, which makes it more noble than being sentenced to death by someone else. It also shows that you're unafraid of death and not a coward.
>His only "crime" was not winning
Disgusting Nazi fuck
it must be really shit living in canada if you beat yourself to this kind of shit, cant you find a woman so you can stop being a fucking degenerate?
I'm Chinese, so how could I be a Nazi? It's called being empathetic and looking at things from a culturally relativistic perspective.
Wishing that Hitler won shows that you have no problem with the mass genocides he directly ordered.
what was that jewish fortress community that all committed suicide rather than being captured by the romans?
gr8 b8 m8 88/88
You'll be the first to pass during the day of the rope pussy
>he thinks his pathetic wet dream will ever happen
>the mass genocides he directly ordered
The world would be a better place today if those mass genocides succeeded.
>You probably think Image is real.
>HighCommand and Personal all died in the bunker.
>Allies make up likes that they killed themselves.
>Where the bodies.
>You believe this after learning about a falsified past in leafschool.
That's a fucking depraved thing to say. You're a psychopath, you lack any and all empathy.
Just because I wish for genocide doesn't mean I lack empathy. If you want to make an omelette you gotta break some eggs.
Only foold have empathy for those that are trying to destroy them.
Empathy and sympathy are totally different things. You can have empathy for Jews and still want to genocide them. The problem with white people is they too often confuse the two and their altruism is their downfall.
there's no proof he directly ordered the holocaust, but he should have
In Hitler's case, he deserved no trial. A mob of sweaty angry russians is all he had a right to.
>Muh gas chambers
>thinking he ann hiro'd out of cowardice
>assuming he cared about the outcome of the war
>being this bluepill
>being this Jewish
Don't worry, we'll try you by the same rule of the mob, Morty.
I like to imagine Justin Trudeau actually posts here after responding to tumblrs calls to raid Sup Forums
I refuse to believe half of my fellow leafs are this stupid, but then again im not from Ontario
Hitler had more jewish blood than I do. Go burn a cross and type nigger online some more, loser.
I love all this misinformation you've gathered. Why do you hate him so much? do you feel the same way about all the other leaders in history that waged war?
If you're anti-Hitler you are literally a cuckold.
Look at that sad little man. A little tiny dwarf.
>height shaming
What happened to you in life to make you such an awful bigot, you virgin loser.
Hitler was a brave man who fought against the very system that has caused the problems of today, western liberal democracy and international Jewry.
except he was a jew and degenerate who liked being shit and pissed on.
[citation needed]
What misinformation? Literally every neo-nazi I've ever met irl is complete trailer trash.
>Why do you hate him so much?
All Tyrants are to be loathed. He and his Nazi pigs led to millions of lives lost, not to mention however many important pieces of art and architecture stolen or turned to rubble, all because muh Third Reich.
He was also a lazy psuedo-intellectual that barely even understood the "theory" of anti-semitism. Just an angry little man that managed to get power, and Berlin burned thanks to his dream :^)
>other leaders in history that waged war
Depends on which one. Ghengis Khan I can respect in certain aspects, Timur can go fuck himself.
And yet he managed to concentrate millions of you ugly manlets kikes without any resistance.
What is you ethnic background?
Why does that matter to you? My ethnic background is irrelevant, ethnicity doesn't matter.
a white man wouldnt say this
did he really die? ;-)
Cause he's another mudskin professional victim.
not enough edge, faggot
Fucking kek, this is what Hitler fought for
A fucking leaf
When will they learn
I'll enjoy the destruction of the anglozionist empire so fucking much. I'll even enjoy the destruction of cucked Germany, if Hitler woke up he would suffer a stroke.
thats not hitler shitfuck
The glorious Anglosphere shall reign forever, scumbag.
>tfw live in northern MN and am a mix of Amerifat and Canadacuck
>everybody in Sup Forums is a racist white nationalist
Ruled by muslims and other filthy creatures and relying on kikes for fake cash. You have done a hell of a good job.
Fixed pic related for you
It would serve you right if the red menace reached your rubbish country, killed your men, raped your women, and looted your stores, only to establish a poorly functioning system that threw your country into poverty.
>Not a Nazi.
>I wish Hitler lived, and was put on trial. (Suicide is degenerate, no matter who does it.)
Your a moron if you want to be little hitler like that.
He was an idiot in some areas but the man was undoubtedly a true leader.
I bet you didnt even know about the civil war germany had before ww2.
This was a man that spotted the people who were causing degradation in hos society. You know the nazi party was fianced by jews as well? Theres alot of things that happened in Germany that you wont learn unless you look it up yourself.
German third reich was the least oppressive state in recent history so it boggles my mind society is so fixated on it.
The Bolsheviks were far worse,
So was pol pok. Come on
>implying Hitler is dead
>implying he isn't part of a DJ in Vegas with Elvis Presley
>disgusting nazi fuck
racist much?
You must be a Cuckdeau supporter. You probably encourage the immigration of a certain group whose ideology is on average far worse than national socialism, but fuck it, they're oppressed so they deserve help.
Thanks for your attempt though, CBC.
I knew you were a canadian before I clicked on this post