Eichenwald: My Trump Mental Hospital Accusation Was A Joke And A "Signal" To A Source To Contact Me

Do you believe him?


he should be sued by trump for everything he has

gas him

The difference between his profile pic and his real appearance is enough to say no, guy is sleazy, would not fuk

I agree, he's way cuter in bear mode.

Does jew goldstein know something we don't Sup Forums? What did kurt mean by this?

Is his goal to look stupider by the day?

He has to make a stupid accusation on tv to get someone to contact him? Is he a super secret agent of some sort?

And btw, Trump wasn't the one who had to be tossed bodily into a van, but wait, according to jerks like this guy, she "stumbled".

The epitome of the insane jew. What a fucking faggot.

I thought he was taking a break from all this shit

When you find yourself in a hole the best advice is to stop digging.

This nigga just bought a backhoe.

this guy is currently suing somebody for sending him a gif on twitter and causing him to have a seizure

And he's been clearly told he's liable for slander against trump and is retracting.

he is suing a John Doe AKA Jew Goldstein

Yes he is that stupid

>He has to make a stupid accusation on tv to get someone to contact him?
You didn't read the article.


I find his claims to be very shaky.

In his interview with George Stephanopoulos this morning Eichenwald said his accusation that Trump was in a mental hospital was really a way to respond, in a joking matter, to FOX News Channel's coverage of Hillary Clinton's health. Clinton was the 2016 Democratic nominee for president. However, he did say there was a "reporting purpose for that tweet going out." Eichenwald also said his joke, made on national cable news, was a "signal" to a source to contact him.

Never heard of him
Is he a drug addict?

I think he deserves a seizure for this post

I watched Schindler's List last night and almost wondered if I have been wrong about the Jews all along. The Jew propaganda almost got to me.

I'm back on track now thanks to this thread.

Fucking kikes man

>He received this tweet from a Trump Supporter
How do they know the Twitter account was run by a Trump supporter?

>memory loss
That's convenient, did he find a strobe on the cp sites he frequented?


I believe that (((eichenwald))) should be in a mental hospital. for the rest of his life. he needs (((help)))

H-heh, I was just trolling y-you guys.


Interesting. He never said that on fox. He said trump took amphetamines and stopped sleeping and got erratic and fucked his marriage and business up in the 90s and was rumoured to be hospitalised ... and he was seeing those signs again during the campaign.

Implying the president's 3am tweets are a result of a speed psychosis on national tv isn't a joke. Neither is lying about a seizure. I think he's realised he's in deep shit legally and might need to take some off for exhaustion himself.

>I was only pretending to be retarded
>don't you feel silly now?

This guy has some serious mental problems. A grown fucking man playing acting like a whiney bitch like that on the internet? smfh

The brazenness of these kikes never fails to astound me.

Oh boy. So does that mean that the assault gif was only a joke?

The tweet was the signal, not his appearance on TV.


He's a fucking liar.

>senior reporter for a major publication
>accusing a presidential nominee of having spent time in a mental hospital
>just joking guyz lol

Fuck him.

who is he working for? what are his motives?

>have epilepsy that can kill you if you see a flashing image
>tell people on the internet this

english is not your first language, I take it.

anyway, bye.

was he the jewish rabbi that got caught on to catch a predator?

These jewish fuckers really are predisposed to schizophrenia.

How schizophrenic is this guy?

I'd say send enough to make him spaz to death but he's already taxing my effort to even give this comment and way past his fifteen minutes of fame, he and the posts about him need to go away.

I hope he has a seizure

Trump's victory literally drove this man insane. He's in serious need of an intervention. Seeing his continued meltdown and strange behavior play out on Twitter has been sad.

>Trump's victory literally drove this man insane. He's in serious need of an intervention.

Not to mention the raping Tucker gave him last week.

I agree, he needs help, like a 72 hour hold for psych eval. kinda help. I actually feel sad for him and his family.

Remember that this is the guy who decided to just google up child porn sites for an "investigation" then spent months "collecting evidence" by being granted admin privileges to a site and collecting money and paid one of his "sources" about it. Then as part of trial about the thing, brushed off any criticism as the way he acted as "duh, I've got seizures so I can't remember", the same excuse he uses here.

Seems like a running thing with him. He causes a giant shit storm, then deflects away any potential inconsistencies by claiming his epiliepsy gives him a bad memory. Also some anons last night found out the pills he's taking prevent seizures so he shouldn't even be getting them anyway. Guy's so slimy that he may as well be called Kurt Kikenwald.

Sue the fucker for defamation.

>Sue the fucker for defamation.
Absolutely right. it seems he just admitted it

>"I was making fun of Fox News and the rest, who were doing 'Hillary has seizures,' 'Hillary has multiple sclerosis,' 'Hillary has Parkinson's,' you know, let's go to Dr. Oz," he continued

It was just a prank, bro!

This guy is the face of global jewry. He's losing his shit because the normal jew attacks and deflections are falling flat in the Age of Trump.

>So does that mean that the assault gif was only a joke?

The .gif happened. The police involvement did not.

>motives unknown

>fucking swedes i swear

He's been melting down since long before Trump won. The guy comes off as someone with legit mental problems so I guess the mental hospital line was projection.

Lol this guys koo koo