What went wrong, bros?
Army of NEETs
Other urls found in this thread:
Roasties, faggots and Jews
better question is what DIDNT go wrong
>implying not working is somehow bad
Everything went right
How does one get neetbux??
25yo NEET here
Why should I work a job if some roastie can do it for less money?
Why should I waste 9 hours of my life daily for breadcrumbs and currency that goes to refugee niggers?
The roads here are shitty, everything is falling apart, education is infiltrated by leftist homos and gutmenschen and I really rather spend my time with myself and my hobbies instead of listening to retards babble their shit all day.
I'm absolutely able to work, but I don't want to and never will.
careful bud, you might trigger the obamaleaf.
>lel muzzies, shitskins, and niggers are stealing r jobs while simultaneously destroying r countries!!1!
>lel get fucked wage cuck, being an actual parasite is masterrace! who needs normie skills, interest or friends? I have fulfilling anemays and vidyer
>why do i hate myself/cant get gf/have no life
The cognitive dissonance of Sup Forums summed up.
You and anyone who shares your views unironically are the EPITOME of entitlement.
You deserve NOTHING in this world, it all has to be fucking earned.
You wanna know why shitskins, leftists, and women are "winning"? Because YOU arent doing a damn thing about it. Because youve given up because "boo hoo life isnt bending to your every whim".
News flash fuck face, nothing is easy, nothing is given freely, everything MUST BE EARNED.
Complain about the trash in your country all you want - they are actually out their EARNING their own vision of the world while you pathetically whine, justify your existence, and waste away on a chinese suicide forum.
Tick tock wagie
nobody wants to work for shit wages and have mr shekelstein make most of the money.
we're getting a war of some kind at this point, they have too much control at this point.
i also expect another FDR, which is why bernie being a jewish FDR scared the shit out of me, the jews are multiple steps ahead at least.
One more thing, you're white, right?
Your superior genetics and cultural heritage should carry you above and beyond the rest right? You should be at the top of your world at the moment, earning great wealth and creating a legacy because you are white?
Oh wait, none of that matters if you dont do anything with it. Youre just another waste of space nigger if you are a NEET and actively contributing to the downfall of the west.
21 NEET KHHV still living with my parents here
>I fuck myself in the ass from time to time
>I masturbate to Hentai
>parents buy me everything I need
>never have to leave the house
i like your style.
A man works to enable survival. The survival of his tribe, his family, his children and society.
We live in a consumerist world. Social depravity is promoted as truth.
Morality and discipline both virtues that have fallen underfoot in the stampede, of 'progression'.
Why would a man wish to work to support a woman knowing full well what that brings in modern times.
Why would a man have a child and get married, knowing the rates of divorces, who begins the process and be burdened paying money for the rest of his life.
Why would a man support a society that has deemed them to be the epitome of all problems in the world?
Although simplified, this is what went wrong.
i work 2 jobs, but i like NEET guys and understand them.
they are result of a parasitic system which lives off workers, thus the workers imitate the system and becomes neets and parasite on the system.
There's notging for them to do. We don't need as many people as we have, or at least we think we don't, so most of them are idle or being wasted.
22 y/o neet here
no intention to work, like, ever
no neetbucks so basically i do nothing all day
>>I fuck myself in the ass from time to time
Because if men give up, then its over for our society and its over for the West.
You hate the current system? Then work to change it. DO something.
>but no one else is, thus its pointless
That whole attitude is what brought us into this fucking mess to begin with. Change starts witb you.
I don't give a fuck, either I get all or nothing.
I exploit the system and leech as much cash as possible from the shitty government and then when this shit stops I leave this shitty earth asap.
they will never ever force me to work for shitskins and jews.
are you telling me i should kill them all?
livin the dream.
also please dont come to germany, we're full. thank you. "gracias"
>I fuck myself in the ass from time to time
I'm glad you guys decided not to annex us.
lol who in their right mind would like to go to germany?
except shitskins
>they will never ever force me to work for shitskins and jews
>I exploit the system and leech as much cash as possible from the shitty government...
You dont need to work for any of them, you already ARE kike nigger.
Your entire attitude is the same as those you claim to hate, and you are doing nothing but fucking over your honest white countrymen. Good fucking job you honorary shitskin retard.
>you don't need to work for them
what is taxes
How is 75% of spain capable of not working and somehow still living above poverty line?
Explain please.
The job market fucked itself over by demanding a degree and 5 years of work experience for shit jobs that you can learn during the first week on the job.
If the market utilized common sense, the situation wouldn't be nearly as bad.
>Want to wash dishes? Well you need this degree of "sanitation engineer" in order to qualify and 3 years of experience.
Not to mention the need for workforce is only going to increasingly grow smaller with the quickly coming automation.
Companies are already kicking people out on a daily basis because they don't want to spend extra money hiring people.
So only jobs that are left are small part time shitjobs that no one wants to do.
Then there's the fact that it's now simply possible to drop out of society like this.
You don't really have to work if you don't want to and there's really no moral obligation for you to take part in society.
Corrupt politicians and companies shovel money into their pockets and take more and more from the poorer classes, not to mention they give a lot of money to nigs who do jack shit.
Of course this causes people to go "Fuck it, I'm staying home watching hentai, I don't want to participate in that shit society"
Why would you have to work while the nigs and politicians make tons of money?
How are these things contradictory? This society sucks and does nothing for me so fuck it I'm not going to help it.
he still pay taxes, if he doesnt work, hes buying stuff...
1. > Oy, lets put females in labour and tax their work.
2. > We need to female to get (((educated))) then first and dismantle the spinster-blaming mechanism as an opressive meme.
3. Females still get married at least in early 20`s and life happy without working for (((wall street))).
4. > Oy vey females, we have war with nazies, you need to work for free now.
5. Females still do 3.
6. > oy vey muh free love > pushing retarded father narrative trough disney and other media > inducing sexual neurosis trough media > muh sexual revolution
7. That worked.
8. > oy vey financial crisis, i need more shekels - more females into workforce
9. > *literally educates females into being lonely and miserable*, *educates males to be cucks/faggots, so they could not help nor themselves, nor females*, *educates children to hate parents, so they cant help the younger generation*
FPBP. Girls became unworthy of sacrifice and hard work. They also started persecuting the "bread winner" attitude with non traditional males (faggots). And (((Jews))) are making men more and more dependent on the system. A kid I knew in high school had a hard working father who was a construction man and now he's a deadbeat musician playing in coffee shops making virtually all of his income from being "unemployed."
I love my work and I love having money to do just about whatever I want. NEETs justify their perpetual state of manchildness by harping about an "unjust system" where they fail to compete. There are winners and losers in this world. You are the losers.
Doing something positive means jail for life. No thanks. Fuck you and fuck the Jews who expect me to be a subservient slave.
There is literally no reason to work for this society anymore. These men have enough self-respect to not support system that is rigged against them in many ways.
>why would a man support a society that deems them to be the epitome of all problems in the world?
I really want to like this, and Ive seen it posted countless times, but it feels hollow every time I read it.
but in general
>I love my work
You're already separated by an ocean from the vast majority of works in any country. You are out of touch with reality.
Because you are actively contributing to "society sucking" by opting out of it/leeching off of it (which generally means you are leeching off of actual hard working whites, just like a nigger).
And then you have the arrogance to act high and mighty like its a good choice, and not one step away from a merciful suicide.
>college drop out
>worked manual labor for 1.5 years
>work was completely killing my body, had to quit
>nobody else will hire me
>finally get min wage cuck job
>2 weeks into job boss has to let me go because hes shutting down the company
>nobody else will hire me
I feel trapped. Even with a college degree I'd still be fucked. I'm 26 so don't have time to go back to school and I'm a bit too old for the military. Nothing pays enough to live on my own either. I want to work but I have no options. Looking into learning a trade but at my local college the classes for all trades are booked solid until this summer, so even the trades are being flooded now and not many are getting jobs.
>Your entire attitude is the same as those you claim to hate
I would have to pay like 60% of my paycheck in taxes, then there is (((insurance))), TV license, there is VAT and all kinds of other jew bullshit taxes that never ever end back in the economy.
people get poorer and it doesn't matter if they work or not.
your work time goes up and the value of the currency goes down the shitter more and more every year.
I'm just not retarded enough to fall for their scam, I rather gamble, leech money from government or sell drugs before I fall for their jewish tricks.
>above poverty line
lol man i don't even leave home anymore
but a year+ ago i'd leave home from time to time
everything is full with beggars
there's the kind of people who just sit with a cup for coins, they're not romanians anymore, theres old people laid off that cant get job again and also perroflautas
then there are the gitanos that tell you stuff like they have a daughter in the hospital with rare diseases and crap (not true), what sense does it make? healthcare is free wtf
i've also been ask stuff like "hey man, look, i'm 40yo and i lost my job, i cant pay utilities/rent etc, i only ask for some money for food blablabla", once a guy with his gf/wife with a baby about 1yo in a stroller asked me this kind of stuff, kek, they were pretty persitent, with some heavy sense of entitlement, really pissed when i said nope
he is paying less......................
also he is paying less than the neetbux he receives..........
krauts cant into thinking...........
Ok neets are the losers. what's your point?
Too many years of no reason to give a fuck.
forgot to add, hordes of old people (70+) going through the garbage
if you ever see kids going out of school, there comes a group of oldies checking the garbage for leftovers of 'merienda' (afternoon food?)
Wagecuck who literally got laid off this morning
How do you NEETs do it? Who pays your house, your food and your Internet? I am at a loss scrambling to find another job... What do.
>I rather gamble, leech money from government or sell drugs
You are a big goy!
And thats because you failed to compete, and thus lose by default.
You only get out of life what you work hard and out in to earn. And not just in the sense of performing dutifully on a job, but in the sense of constant improvement and the over coming of personal challenge and the achievement of goals.
>You deserve NOTHING in this world
I am agree with this. The only thing that troubles me is that (((society))) constantly claims that it deserves something from me and that my life of not working for mr. Noseberg is somehow objectively very bad indeed. If i deserve noting, you deserve nothing from me as well, go fuck yourself friend.
>starts rising in late '70s
>just when feminism is increasingly flooding the labor market with women, globalization starts accelerating, and wage growth for young white males starts slowing to a halt
h-heh, those goys just need a good work ethic!
Sounds bad spainbro, is there any hope for your country these days?
Is it getting better?
This is the only correct answer.
If you don't assert your dominance on the world then it will assert its dominance over you.
And I don't want faggots, jews, and trannies telling me how to live my life.
Assert yourself like a man and stop being such a fucking degenerated piece of garbage. Raise a strong family. Build a legacy.
Your (((waifus))) and (((video games))) are keeping you a passive cuck.
Not everyone can win and very little of the winning comes from effort. You winners would never admit this though. We have to compete globally now and most of us are not equipped. You can happily fuck over the average of your race because you are temporarily on top or you can look out for us. You may change your mind when you have an average kid, but by then it will probably be too late.
Jesus, this thread is sad as fuck. I thought I was in a shitty situation having a hard time finding a job while interning at an investment bank. Turns out shit is pretty fuckin great.
I feel pity for lots of you. The world will beat you down, but you'll never be truly happy if you don't keep getting back up and striving to accomplish something in life. Good luck to you all.
Read about the behavioral sink.
>it all has to be fucking earned.
not anymore
notice how they only give a shit about men once those same men are no longer being productive members of their consumption society
if women are sex objects, then men are work objects
>its over for our society and its over for the West.
good. let it all burn
>Assert yourself like a man and stop being such a fucking degenerated piece of garbage. Raise a strong family. Build a legacy.
I just wand to see how you gonna pull that off in society where your wife can take away your children and your earnings on her slightest whim and state will destroy you like an insect if you attempt to interfere with this process in any way.
Can you elaborate on these people? Are they just hippies?
Nigger I come from a broke and poor family of drug users. I lived my life as a social sperg and NEET. But after some seriously introspection, a little therapy, and some goals to work towards... I am now working my way up the ladder, have several productive hobbies, and a decent social life.
You can do it too no matter your circumstance, you just have to WANT it and also be willing to do what it takes to achieve it.
They are the winners of a game we don't Like trying to convince us to come back and play more so they can win more. Nah. Fuck off. Your game sucks and I hope it ends soon.
You're the epitome of retardation.
>it's all the Jews!
>they're the reason I have nothing!
>I know, I'll continue to be a worthless faggot and exacerbate the problem and reinforce the status quo. That'll show em!
You're a useful goy and you're too stupid to see it.
Don't bother - shitheads with the advantage of being a white American STILL make excuses why they're failures. Thus, 99% of Sup Forums.
> non-whites are inferior
> non-whites are keeping us down
Both those can't be true.
This is false, you have never had a job and you are a scared little pussy
>implying all women are psychotic
>what are traditional family values
Maybe I'm spoiled by living in the South, but there are plenty of women down here who aren't SJW trannies.
>inb4 they're all fat trailer trash
They're not and anyone who lives in the South can tell you that
make money online.
There will be no status quo. Society in its current shape will implode without whites holding it on shoulders. It is cuck wageslaves who maintain status quo.
Just like any "minority" they complain about
>its all the Whites!
>they're the reason I have nothing!
>I know, I'll continue to be a worthess criminal and leech and exacerbate the problem and reinforxe the status quo. WE WUZ KINGZ
Change the game then you fucking faggot. Fight and win your battles instead of expecting the enemy to roll over for you because your feelings are hurt.
Fuck you, go kill yourself
>apply for government job way above my skill set
>nail every interview and do great on all tests
>between interviews and wait times, I spent 9 months as a NEET drawing and watching anime 18 hours a day while living off of savings
Still got the job, get fucked affirmative action. I can't blame anyone for not being able to find a job. It's either unemployment or mcdonald's tier for a lot of people.
what should i work for?
- social media ruined peoples relationships
- women are broken goods and wanna play work until they hit 30 and then expect you to "man up"
- modern work place is a mine field for average white guys
- everything is locked behind overpriced time consuming degrees
- nepotism runs everything
- every housing market in the west has gone through the roof
- traveling is boring now since every major city looks the same these days thanks to globalism
Even the internet is becoming worse by the year with censorship everywhere and all sites built for mobile devices
>they're the reason I have nothing!
I actually have more money than I need
I just don't work for some jew and don't pay taxes and other shit for a system that I think is bullshit.
everything I stated is a fact.
come here and check it out yourself homo
>all women
Not all of course. But overwhelming majority, in my country at least. It's like playing russian roulette with 4-5 rounds loaded. And in the end, these are enough only for small portion of men, and rest will be denied a proper family.
>russian roulette with russian women
hard to tell
let's see what happens in two years
basically the government had few billions in savings that is using to pay for the retirment pensions and is going to run out and will probably rise taxes even more
i don't knwo much about hippies except for whats shown in movies and that is probably romanticized, maybe the most accurate is the commune in mad men where sterling's daughter goes?
anyway i'd say that even tho bougth groups are 'proenvironment' in the liberal sense, hippies don't argue for government, while perroflautas are tools of the jewish communist conspiracy to ruin the west, they occupy empty flats and offices, and receive help from local government/city counsils to organize crappy 'social spaces' kind of what those posts of diy try to close, you know the one that burned down and some degenerates died
In all problems the root is Judaism, senpai
>Easier to get neetbux in the US than in Europe
Wtf, burgers?
I'm sure you do have more than you need to keep up your existence of anime watching, fast food eating, video game playing, and general uselessness.
You'll probably never reproduce and your shitty retard genes will die with your meaningless existence as a failure of the species.
Or you'll produce more retard leeches and your legacy will be one of even more abject failure.
Either way, you're a failure.
In July 1968 four pairs of mice were introduced into the habitat. There was no shortage of food or water or nesting material. There were no predators.
The last surviving birth was on day 600, bringing the total population to a mere 2200 mice... This period between day 315 and day 600 saw a breakdown in social structure and in normal social behavior. Among the aberrations in behavior were the following: expulsion of young before weaning was complete, wounding of young, increase in homosexual behavior, inability of dominant males to maintain the defense of their territory and females, aggressive behavior of females, passivity of non-dominant males with increased attacks on each other which were not defended against. After day 600, the social breakdown continued and the population declined toward extinction. Their male counterparts withdrew completely, never engaging in courtship or fighting. They ate, drank, slept, and groomed themselves – all solitary pursuits. Sleek, healthy coats and an absence of scars characterized these males. They were dubbed "the beautiful ones." Breeding never resumed and behavior patterns were permanently changed.
...when all available space is taken and all social roles filled, competition and the stresses experienced by the individuals will result in a total breakdown in complex social behaviors, ultimately resulting in the demise of the population.
Calhoun saw the fate of the population of mice as a metaphor for the potential fate of man. He characterized the social breakdown as a "second death,” with reference to the “second death” mentioned in the Biblical book of Revelation 2:11. His study has been cited by writers such as Bill Perkins as a warning of the dangers of the living in an "increasingly crowded and impersonal world."
>Breeding never resumed
What kind of therapy?
I'm in a quite similar situation.
so with hard work and max effort we can all rise above the average, right?
You are an accomplice as much as these defeatist honorary-niggers. We need to rebel, but first understand why.
It's not like he's unhappy or bitter about it, he's just making due. I'm grateful there are people willing to do this because the only way to bring the welfare state to its knees is to suck it dry. The less money in the pocket of the state, the less refugees it will be able to accommodate. It's not the 1950's anymore, drop the fucking attitude about hard work.
>that bottom left graph
"Fragile monkey-linity"
To all the fags who think men need to "do something" that "something" is a widespread purge before anything else can happen.
>Homosexual behavior
that's me.
Instead of pursuing girls I choose the easy way fucking myself in the arse pretending I'm a girl
European/USA/Japanese NEETS just stay at their bedrooms/basements
Rest of the world NEETS just go to Europe to rape women and steal stuff.
The terrorist ones are the minority, remember it guys.
why so butthurt? :)
did I trigger you somehow amerifriend? :)
You can work yourself to the bone for 8 (actually more, since overtime plus travel) hours a day and still not be able to afford rent and food. Every day you have to worry about getting fired since your employer knowingly overworks you and will fire you if you show signs of fatigue - after all, there's dozens of applicants waiting for your position to open up. On the other hand, if you win the lottery, you may get promoted and start earning an extra $0.30 an hour.
Or you can live on welfare and have the 8+ hours to do whatever you want. You'll just barely be able to afford rent and food. There's no risk getting fired. You don't have to watch Schlomo Shekelberg arrive to work in his $200000 car and act important while earning a thousand times what you earn.
Newsflash: well-paid "decent" jobs everyone talks about aren't easy to get. There aren't enough of those for everyone. Result? The less competitive of us just kinda give up. Why bother trying?
Its just bullshit statistics, all of these men either steal, or work online, or work under the counter. Don't be fooled. These men are just not in the system, they're fighting the globalists with alex jones
Funny how that picture says
>They fill their days with pursuits of sources of leisure.
This is true for the vast majority for sure, but many people do study in their NEET times, such as myself.
Well on my way of making a trade out of art. Hell of a lot of money in drawing some tits and the customer base is unlimited.
Learning a lucrative trade on your own is very much possible if you have some ambition and you can learn practically anything from the internet.
Only problem is that everything is supposed to be so damn "official" nowadays, so personal studies don't count as any form of education, at least not here and the system fights against you if you decide to go down that road.
Establish a bunch of free courses, both online and real world regarding learning an actually useful skill and allow this to officially register as "in education" and I bet that you could cut many % from the NEET numbers just like that.
And I mean a really useful trade, none of this feelgood workshop bullshit that's currently available, where you go and just waste time for few hours a day.
But courses where they teach people about marketing and establishing a business along with your trade.
That would enable many willing NEETs get back into the game.
Now the situation is stacked so hard against people, that getting back into the groove of society after years of NEETing is pretty fucking hard.
Hell, I asked our lovely social services about establishing a business and they practically said "Until you're ready to pull 2000€ a month minimum on a steady basis, it's a terrible idea and we don't recommend it"
So until I can pull a steady ~2k from art, I'm practically forced to NEET and study on my own.
And at that point, which isn't far in the future, I'm just going to fuck off from this country.
System itself is really screwed up and the faster UBI becomes a thing, the better.
It'll streamline the process quite a bit.
So you can be a good goyim and produce more shekels, after all the 200k car doesn't fill up itself with gas.
And Mr goldbergsteinberger needs the car so he can go around the country and promote shitty wages and muslim cock whorship.
My feelings aren't hurt. I'm a mediocre person and playing the game sucks ass and doesn't give me literally anything positive at all. the only possible change I see is the whole system resetting which I actually am contributing to by opting out.
>not using bitcon to sell his hentai
>2000€ per month from art...
you can be good and everything but the customer base is restricted by the fact that thse people have no income goddammit.
INTERNAL DEMAND and GROWTH need to be jumpstarted again
Put them in a real army and send them after commies and muslims
Failures are healthy for the future of a strong race. Problem is the niggers spics and Indians are never failures. Male failure rate has always been around 60%. It's normal. Optimal is probably around 90% failure rate for men but you gotta let the failures at least have a lottery chance through some gang bangs if you wanna push the eugenics that hard.
Tldr gas the Jews.