> Assassination of Russian Ambassador Andrei Karlov was not terrorism, but retribution for Vladimir Putin’s war crimes
> Assassination of Russian Ambassador Andrei Karlov was not terrorism, but retribution for Vladimir Putin’s war crimes
Other urls found in this thread:
that kike will pay some day
>invade a middle eastern country
>get terrorism
I hope Putin knows what he got himself into....
>comparison to hitler within a few paragraphs
Jesus christ these people are more obsessed with hitler than Sup Forums ever has been
(((Kuntzman))) you can't make this shit up
A real kunt of a jew
Assad is a monster, but he's a monster that lets women vote and drive and he's killing monsters that eat people's hearts. I don't understand why they keep pushing he's the new hitler.
>The "AR15 PTSD" Kuntzman
kuntzman kuntzman kuntzman kuntzman kuntzman kuntzman kuntzman kuntzman kuntzman kuntzman kuntzman kuntzman kuntzman kuntzman kuntzman kuntzman kuntzman kuntzman kuntzman kuntzman
Someone ask him if he also thinks 9/11 wasn't terrorism, but retribution for US meddling in the middle east
It is and you know it
you all get excited every time a terror attack happens, yet act like you don't like terrorists? you like terror and know the west deserves it. be real niggas
Is this fags name really kuntzman?
If so, thank you god for making our enemies ridiculous.
>social justice is terrorism
>Educated at the Sorbonne and the Yale School of Drama, Gersh Kuntzman is obviously not the person being described here. We're talking about tabloid legend Gersh Kuntzman, who has been writing newspaper columns since 1993. Kuntzman has been at the Daily News since 2012. He's also the writer and producer of "Murder at the Food Coop," which will be produced at the NYC International Fringe Festival in August, 2016.
>tabloid legend
Now THIS is a shitpost
He's not the new Hitler. He's more like Saddam than anything else. Just absolute dictator willing to subject his people to any amount of suffering and death.
Not saying the rebels are any better, but that doesn't make Assad a good ruler.
>almost half the "article" is about muh nazi crimes
((( Kuntzman )))
Holocaust wasn't a crime.
It was a retribution
the left truly is INSANE
Let's write him a e-mail one word at a time
I'll start:
9/11 was not terrorism, but retribution for Bush senior’s war crimes
>If a terrorist attack happens, is muslim
>If a clickbait salty article happens, is jewish
Oh bullshit
Just pathetic attempts to draw people's attention from Pizzagate, fake birth certificate and other US scandals
We have officially gone full Marxist
While I haven't read the article in question I do not disagree with the statement that the assassination was not terrorism.
It's seems to me to be in the same historical vein as the assassinations of Archduke Ferdinand or Reinhardt Heydrich.
who the fuck cares what some kike cuck thinks?
>it wasn't terrorism
>it was just a criminal action meant to send a political message
God damn how can Mel be so fucking ripped? He's in his 60s isn't he? What does he know about the Jews that we don't yet?
The problem with definition is that anything can be classified as terrorism if it's applied consistently.
>underrated X post bestpost \/\/\thread/\/\\/\/\/
If ISIS was in Afghanistan or Iraq, they'd be killing American soldiers. Oh wait they are, have been and will continue to do so.
Putin and Based Assad are right to bomb the shit out of the muslim terrorists who directed the jihad at Syria.
That's why people should talk about that stuff more than ever
Did he say anything about Fidel Castro after his death?
>flaming homersexual
He took the iron pill.
keep going
> cuntsman
This is the Mort Goldman kike that wrote the article about firing an AR-15 being scary and awful.
This was an actual article written by this guy with his name on it.
jews fear the samurai!
>> Assassination of Russian Ambassador Andrei Karlov was not terrorism, but retribution for Vladimir Putin’s war crimes
How are the two mutually exclusive? A political motive is definitionally a part of terrorism -- naming the motive does not magically make something not terrorism any more.
Can't believe he's still writing, after that terrible PTSD.
Fucking Kunt
It wasn't terrorism it was a meme
>Putin's war crimes
I can't roll my eyes fast enough. I mean at some point they have to realize this kind of primitive ham-fisted psyops is only going to backfire? I mean jews are supposed to be super smart and shit, right?
These people do think that. Google "little Eichmanns"
This kike is the same one who cried like a girl after shooting an AR-15
>>invade ME country
Was invited there by Assad/actual leader of Syria
What brave new world of newspeak are we living ffs?
What is "daily news". What kind of newspaper would release that ?
shotting with the left fucking kek
for fuck's sake
The Ferdinand assassination was carried out by a Serbian separatist terrorist organization
Sounded like terrorism to me with all that alah akbar shit.
>Hurr Russia did mean things
>I know lets kill an innocent ambassador
Previous case Russian ambassador was assassinated - Voykov in 1927 in Warsaw
Voykov was appointed Soviet "plenipotentiary representative" in Poland in October 1924, and was assassinated in Warsaw in 1927 by Boris Koverda – an 18-year-old son of a White Russian monarchist and pupil of the Russian Gymnasium (High School) from Wilna. The killing has been later justified as the revenge for Voykov's part in the killing of the Tsar and his family.
Assad is nothing like Saddam. Saddam was Pro-American. Saddam was actually doing everything that the USA told him to do, but then he got labeled as an evil dictator for doing exactly what he was told.
Saddam got used, because from his perspective he thought he was a great ally to the USA but Bush Sr. and the CIA were just setting him up the entire time.
Assad in comparison, isn't dumb or naive enough to do what the USA tells him to do. Putin may be using Assad too, but there's less likelihood of backstabbing because they have an immediate mutual gain in keeping Syria intact.
Niggers tongue my anus
Yeah but that's the idea. If you commit a crime with the intent of sending a political message it's terrorism.
If you kill with the same intent it's an assassination.
Words have definitions for a reason.
Mu AR 15
>invited by legitimate government
>fighting terrorists
Muh invasion
It was Obama's Revenge!
>assassination was not terrorism
Okay. This is delusions on insane levels.
What was that story with the aid worker woman who gets raped and beaten by a local dindu and writes a tear filled explanation of how she told him it wasn't his fault and that he was just acting out his anger against the white man, by raping her?
Once you go over the edge there's no coming back.
I see the RIDF has arrived.
Middle easterners don't care about the nuance you're talking about. They see that Russian soldiers are occupying 'ISIS land', and they act accordingly. The US has been seeing the repercussions for years - do you think Russia can avoid the same consequences?
Nah, mate. You are just uninformed burger.
Are you really defending the sensibilities of ISIS? They dont care whether Assad is legitimate or not. These people now see Russia as the prime enemy. Their actions will follow.
he looks kinda jewy
Yup, we're at war - and people will start to be killed within western countries. Kikes, SJW's, communists - it's going to happen without a doubt and they're not even close to ready for it.
If you're not ready to kill, right now, then you're doing it wrong. It's coming sooner than you think.
>These people now see Russia as the prime enemy.
Good, the Russian public is virtually devoid of leftists sympathetic to Islam.
>not terrorism
>was an act of violence with political motivation
oy vey, meshuggeneh
>that tattoo on his forearm
based finnbros
I see this guy a lot here. Are these articles real?
I dont have to read the rest of the thread. Just the original post, and
The Eternal Jew. Every.Goddamn.Time.
I would accept that article if it was an army general that was assassinated or something, but it was a fucking ambassador.
Ffs, don't shoot the fucking messenger.
I knew I recognized this fucker
which is the correct view for the citizens to hold. I only hope Putin knows what he is doing and he has a plan to protect the Russian people. I'm not saying Russia made a mistake or that they are the bad guys. Far from it. I'm just saying Russia now a natural target for terrorism by ISIS.