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muhamad will rape anyways

No germany you must keep those girls there to please the refugees

>kike and burger get off on white suffering


But who will culturally enrich them now?

This is terribly racist


Racism is NOT okay

>white suffering

Because of you 70 million people died between 1940 - 1945.

Only 6 million were Jews.

The other 63 million were white.

>yuros will now assimilate to their conquerors

when will yuros rise up?

6 million jews did not die during WW2

holy shit this kike actually promotes whitey. still lieing jew flith tho

>6 million were Jews.

>Because of you 70 million people died between 1940 - 1945.

Should have just admitted that you guys fucked germans over with WW1 and given into their reasonable demands. But no muh sheckels are always more important

>german edcuation

Its not like they lose anything.

Poor Germany. It's happening in Canada too. The girls get molested by "minors" who have been sent to the local high school and the boys get beaten up. No one is allowed to report on it in the media.

The leaf trolls all day because he's being picked on by muds in geography class.

Err, don't Cologne's schools close for carnival every year since times immemorial?

>muh 6 million
oy vey I thought there were 600 million

whoa there Poland

Whatever you say bud :^)

It's coming to the point we will have to send our Chad's in to save Germans from themselves. How cucked can the average German guy be? You're embarrassing yourselves in front of the entire world. Take a stand, my God.

t. polish intellectual plumber married to a former hooker

I hope you mean 6 BILLION, stupid goy, you aren't anti-semitic, are you?

The state loses out on vital indoctrination.

Germany is beyond saving. It's time to accept that.

At least Poland will survive to pick up the pieces and rebuild.

>How cucked can the average German guy be?
Meanwhile in America

I honestly did not know there still were all girls high schools in Germany nowadays. Are there all boys schools or is it considered a sexist patriarchy den?
Anyway, they will have abdullah as substitute ayrab language teacher soon.

>Polish trucks are so based they even kill stupid krauts.

That sounds fun and exciting

>It-it was Germanys fault goyim! Blame those evil nazis!

lmao get fucked bitches

shekelberg pls

I would think there would be a lot of catholic all boy or all girl schools like there is here, but thats just me assuming.

Good thing. That high school is pretty much redpilling all the girls by subconsciously telling them the refugees and immigrants are dangerous and bad people.

Except we have Trump and a right wing majority government backing him up to get us out of this. You have that old cunt of a bag who's only going to allow more brownies to come and culturally enrich you.

did i hit a nerve? did your girl spend some time abroad to "study" like the rest of your whores?


at least our trannies don't reproduce. Your letting cockroaches plant their dirty seed inside your Aryan beauties and making half-breed abominations. Nice try Germanicuck

You would think the Jews would have better math skills to count out their shekels with.

I guess he just assumed to number of non-whites killed in the war to be a nice round million, which is already wrong considering the chinks and burgers were in the war.

actually makes a good point though.

most of the strong white european men moved to america or died in the war. the next generation of germans and swedes should be crazy though, after have growing up watching their mothers and sisters being raped by migrants.

infact, for all we know, the point to bring millions of migrants in was to allow european nations to have a sense of nationality while making some easy money on the side.

besides whites and Jews other races died autismo

>Except we have Trump and a right wing majority government backing him up to get us out of this.

wow and it only took you 8 years of a anti white muslim nigger as president, a financial crisis, media excusing kebab and nigger crimes on masse, fag marriage being legalized with other LGBT shit coming, feminism gone apeshit, white privilege becoming part of your academia and 18 months of nazi trump shilling to get your asses up and change things

so based

>Your letting cockroaches plant their dirty seed inside your Aryan beauties and making half-breed abomination

like you have been doing with mexicans and niggers and are pushing it 24/7 via your media. when it comes to coalburning you guys are the number one champions

He kept a million for himself.

Jews invented the skim, point shaving, etc.

No sauce no bump.
If you like death muzzies kil them yourself semite

Idiot goy, it was 6666666666 gorillion you racist anti semite

yeah, but we jail niggers and will be deporting the spics soon. Your cunt leader is literally forcing your cucked assholes open to take dirty hajji dick. Nice try Germanicuck

most of the americans who fought in ww2 were white and of german ancestry.

relative of mine was in italy and they were serving lunch to both germans and americans (the germans were retreating, end of war). he said you couldnt tell the difference.

$100!? Why do you need $20?

>Germans replying to Jew flag in Sup Forums about the 6 million

Gutsy move I have to say.Isnt it illegal to be a Holocaust denier in Germany at current year?

I mean anons have been vanned for less

>will be
thats the keyword faggot you havent done shit yet so stop mouthing off 24/7

you faggots are as delusional as the obama change faggots by now


That cover was produced by a literal Jew.

Old news

Because of you roughly 500 million people died between 1900 - 2016


It's okay leaf. You're safe here. Let it all out.

Decent women stay home.

Women who are in the streets in mini skirts getting drunk are asking for it.

Europe must become Christian again.

This is not tolerant of peaceful muslims and quite frankly, its an offensive thing to do. Those girls are racist and islamophobes who were tricked by too much reckless, violent and dangerous alt right, Trump facist propaganda.

The Japs and Chinks must have lost a few million in WW2 as well, just saying.

At least they're both white, Ahmed.

You realise that your ID very nearly spells "oven", right?

The "n" got turned upside down though.

Oh my, it's a Geller shitpost. What's its source, her colon?

Can't Slow-ah the Shoah

Talk about fucking racists.

The fuck is this cunt saying

spaniards, not mexicans

I wish I attended an all girls school.

Say what you want. He is not a cuck at least.
Now, take your daughter to Muhammad.

>people are finding out and the media calls everybody neo-nazis

but men aren't allowed there, it's a man-free zone!

He's talking about a time that he had to keep an eye on a paellera and the tide came almost taking it with it, that's what I can decipher.