Trumps proposals won't help working class Americans

Well you stupid fucks voted for a total fraud. And after his term you'll end up right where you tarted: Poor and stupid

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>listening to Nate Uranium after his failure of a political coverage

He'd better find a new job.

fuck Hack Silver


nate bronze is still a thing?

>Trump cannot run
>Trump cannot win the republican primary
>Trump cannot win the election
>Trump cannot bring manufacturing back
I'm starting to see a trend here

the comments are shitting all over 538

itd be a shame if we kept doing that

>trust me guys NAFTA is good thing, so it TPP
>the "refugees" are a good thing
>Hillary Clinton being funded by Wall St. is a good thing

i could fertilize my lawn with this shit

>already confirms 1,051,000 jobs at the working class level
>not even in office yet
>"Trump will not be able to fix the things he's already fixing"
Sage faget.

>hehe stupid goyim
>you can't prevent those jobs from leaving your country
>it's the future we chose for you
>embrace the future goy

What a reliable source with such a great track record!

this post made me tarted

Fuckin tarted, man.

Ah yes, well known political analyst Nate Tin, I'm sure that this time he's finally right about something.

>nate cork

lmao how is this hack still employed

oh yeah he's jewish forgot that bit

>nate plastic
>right on anything
He got BTFO with the rest of his ilk this election

Don't care, he's pro-UK, which Barry wasn't.

Things are lookin' up.

>Nate Gravel still thinks he is relevant

>Nate Silver
Into the tras-
>Expecting any kind of prediction to be accurate
Straight into the incinerator

What the fuck is the political body going to do when the economy doesn't "work" any more.


Anyone with a basic education in economics could tell you manufacturing jobs won't be coming back. That's beside the point though, I didn't vote for trump to bring back entry-level manual labor.

>wealthy first world countries like Germany, Japan, and South Korea can manufacture things
>the US cannont manufacture things!!!



Lmao, nate rhodium right on the money as usual

This. Nate turned into a full-on shill this election season. I remember betting for Trump and looking at Nate's 1:5 odds of Trump victory.

Its not possible because we gave up our manufacturing infrastructure decades ago. Those countries have been constantly improving decade after decade where we basically have to start from scratch.

I was just in it for the memes

We know

We only supported Trump for the memes and chaos, not because he actually would help anyone

Sup Forums is Right-Anarchist

Here's just germany for reference. You can research the rest yourself (which you should've done before posting).

It's a no brainer that manufacturing itself still may occur, but manufacturing jobs (the entry level manual kind that we once grew on) are not a part of that. Automation is.

>this is the way it's always been goy

>listening to Nate Participation award

He's right, though.
The market didn't kill those jobs. Shipping them overseas didn't kill those jobs. Automation did.
And Automation is going to keep killing them until all of the jobs are gone and everyone is stuck on welfare except the ultra rich.

Make your time, fleshbags.

>Nate Shitter
>right about anything

Pick one

But really you gotta give the guy props for daring to show his face. You would think he would have changed industries out of shame

I mean, don't you get it?!

Of course more immigration will help workers! Fighting with christianity will boost their life opportunities!

in the chinese social webs there is already some massive chatter from rich people bitching about how expensive it has become to do anything in china and how they want to instead invest in factories in the US now. because it will be higher quality, they dont have to worry about the bribery and corruption, the product is more respected and they will be selling to the US mostly anyways and the new tariffs will destroy any profits they might be able to make if they stay in china.

fake news

we are losing the whole thing

the jobs and the factories

you are right mostly

but we can get the factories back which at least employ a few people and pay towns taxes

>believing that Trump could convince thousands manufacturing companies to come back to the states when they can build the same products for 1/10th of the price elsewhere.

you'd genuinely have to be a sub-90 IQ fucktard to believe this

I absolutely agree, and I think that Trump is on the right track to do so, but that author in the OP is correct that there won't be a reverse in the long term decline of manufacturing jobs. We might get a bit of a bump up, but not a reversal, and one big reason is

ESPECIALLY in the automation age.

The nerve of this kike.

How many times can one person be BTFO without spontaneously combusting?

>no policies can help us
>lol, but hillary would've been better
Fucking kikes



fucking kill yourself, liberal scum. Seriously, find a bridge, and dive off.

to the ctrl-left the state is simultaneously totally powerless and able to control everything depending on what suits their agenda

>Its not possible
Yes it is
We are the consumers
All we need to do is raise tariffs

>tfw only betting 10€ on trump presidency 1:1 with a libshit friend when the primaries weren't even over

automation doesn't cost jobs
we just produce more

This is just insane. The world in on the brink of the next industrial revolution. The automated factory. The old methods are on there way out.
To operate automatic or semi automatic, you need trained maintenance and operators. They don't have to be in China or Mexico.

Oh boy!
Nate Lithium is an economics expert now!
Dis gon b gud

that's for high tech manufacturing, user. We won't start making stuffed animals or shoelaces ever again

That would take self awareness, and fortunately for us liberals are immune to it. Nice digits fampai.

you are poor and stupid

We can with automation and tariffs

Damn son I got 2.5/1 a week out.

Only eliminating fiat currency will reverse that trend


They think gov. programs can close black/white IQ gaps when even super expensive early intervention studies that are unfeasible to replicate universally fail to produce significant narrowing in the racial iq gaps of adults.

On the other hand the gov. can't make companies move manufacturing back via tax reforms and tariffs.

Total cognitive dissonance.

He's not wrong, if you want a job you should learn some skills or get educated. If any mfg jobs do come back, they will all be done by robots and the only people getting jobs will be the ones operating those robots. It's not hard to make a good living in America if you aren't a lazy fuck.

Liberals are TERRIFIED that Trump is going to be a successful president
because they know that means its not 4 years, but 16 years+ of republican domination

>All we need to do is raise tariffs
You'll just make things more expensive, which will fuck over the middle class.

Sorry dude but free trade didn't kill the manufacturing industry: Automation and technological advancement did.

Yeah, they're shitting in their pants so hard right now.

And they want Pensylvani, Michigan and Wisconsin back at all costs.Because what the fuck are they going to do without those key states.

You know that these countries, esp. Japan and Germany make a lot of money selling their manufacturing machinery and know-how. Don't you?

exactly. and with automation it might mean that we kill a 500 worker factory in thailand or indonesia or vietnam and replace it with a 20 worker factory where the only real jobs are programming the machines, maintaining them and sales.

and it will be far better in every way.

i bet these toolbags also like to go around spouting how the USA needs to do something about global warming and pollution but NEVER talking about china

tariffs are the same thing as business taxes in the end, and there is no opposition to those, so how about a 0% rate on domestic businesses and a 50% tariff imposed on all imports in sectors we would prefer to be domestic?

All tariffs are non-refundable and collected at point of import. There is literally nothing wrong with this at all. The only reason tariffs were an issue before was due to the lack of labor, skills and ability to make things which were being made overseas. That is no longer an issue.

We need automation and sky high tariffs which will force all manufacturing which we want back to the US. Even if it only creates 1 American job while destroying 1000 3rd world jobs, it's a good thing.


I've talked to liberals and some of them even admit this.

They are genuinely afraid Trump will do well which, coupled with the DNC crumbling this election, means Democrats become a regional party while Republicans become more and more popular with everybody.

Trump isn't a neocon or an evangelical, he's a classical liberal mixed with well learned fiscal conservatism, Liberals who aren't brainwashed sheep know this, and it actually scares the shit out of them.

>The only reason tariffs were an issue before was due to the lack of labor, skills and ability to make things which were being made overseas. That is no longer an issue.
or more importantly we were a net exporter not importer
We dont have to worry about retaliations from other countries

Why are you linking stuff from Nate Silver? The retard gave Clinton a 90+% chance of victory. He lost all of his credibility the second Trump was elected. Hell, he was wrong about everything in this election for fucks sake. He didn't even think Trump would be nominated.

It's true

Eliminating the corporate tax rate wouldn't be enough. You would have to heavily tariff imports, which wouldn't itself enable you to compete outside the us, and would damage exports when other countries start tariffs on our goods

Or you get rid of the minimum wage and allow people to work for less. But even then the regulations create massive effective costs and you'd still be outdone by other countries.

You'd have to do all three and even then it wouldn't be enough to compete outside the us.

Robots could be better, and yet that wouldn't solve the Muh jobs

>and would damage exports
We are a massive net importer
We have plenty of leverage

>hahaha stupid working class conservatives your jobs aren't coming back from overseas
>hahaha stupid working class conservatives your jobs are all going to be automated
what is the left's envisioned endstate here? are they just being fags to people they don't like?

>insulting cork and plastic
Rude, those materials are outstanding and were one of the largest contributors to humanity's rise to glory

In the last two years, this guy hasn't been right about much. Did he get a brain transplant in advance of this article that he should suddenly be right?

Ford and Carrier are coming back, that's about 3000 jobs. He's not in office yet, so its only a start.

Fox business says it can be done:

While Fortune says it can be done..with caveats.

Washington Monthly says there are 3 ways it can be done

Business Insider says he definitely can bring Construction and Manufacturing jobs back, those would be fairly easy

And Us News goes over BOTH Trump's and Clinton's promises to bring jobs back, with a fine tooth comb and decides it can be done but needs a multi-prong approach

Those countries will also want to keep their industries afloat

The loss of exports would be made up my the grown in domestic sales

It's not blanket tariffs, you enact tariffs on nations which are shit level and refuse to play by any rules. This means that you can have tariff free trade with real nations and at the same time enact massive tariffs on China. You prevent China from trying to go around by threatening to impose those same massive tariffs on any nation that conspires to allow China to take advantage of that special status.

You actually use your brain, and you ignore the absolute technicalities which may be used to find some loophole and then you just crush it with extra penalties for fucking around.

This is not a hard thing to do unless you're a moron. If I was given an advisory role in dealing with China I could put them into a massive regime-ending depression inside of 6 months using nothing but trade policy and it would have zero negative impact on us.

The current administration has done me no favors and actually screwed up my benefits.

>Trumps proposals won't help working class Americans
well I thought Trump supporters had taken that much for granted. you know, like, he's a billionaire and shit.