The perfect anti-establishment, non-globalist, pro-worker, pro-living-a-decent-life candidate is available

>The perfect anti-establishment, non-globalist, pro-worker, pro-living-a-decent-life candidate is available
>Americans pick a billionaire from a billionaire family that has already surrounded himself with rich bankers and CEOs, and has no real plan to fix the country

Why are Americans so stupid?

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stopped reading

>voting for the perfect anti-establishment, non-globalist, pro-worker, pro-living-a-decent-life candidate
>when you can have a meme president instead
I'd say americans are pretty smart


The only people who voted for Bernie in the primaries were rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

It will be good this time!
Believe me, goy!

>communist jew, who was an establishment plant and scammed supporters
Your kind deserved the Holocaust



>defending a commie
Nice try Shlomo

sanders didn't wave around a harriet tubman $20 and the promise of free welfare for life, that's why

>pro-living-a-decent-life candidate
I heard he's living a VERY decent life after losing the primaries. Whats up with that?

no, DNC puppet masters chose Hillary and they owe no allegiance to America

the guy is a freaking idiot



Actually Americans largely did pick him and polls showed he had a significantly better chance at beating Trump than Hillary, the DNC just rigged the system against him. It was Hillary's turn after all :^)

>It's a holiday special Capitalism is Bad thread.


He would of gave Israel back to Palestine.

>>Bourgeois socialism will never work

>Why are Americans so stupid?

Knowing that this Jew wanting to give away free gibs to every one and that its not actually economically feasible. Literally not a single thing he suggested is feasible. Masters in Econfag here and I have spent hours explaining to retards like you why. Maybe just don't be such a dense cunt and look into things before opening your mouth.

Bernie killed it in Seattle

Lol kinda like how hillary had a 99% chance of winning? HAHAHAHA

Oh look, a Jew doesn't like the new pro-white president. That's so surprising.

Translation: OY VEY BAD GOYIM!!!

>LITERALLY a communist kike

no refunds, haim. not even for the chosen.

>bernie sanders
>not Ron Paul

kill urself my man

>actual kike
yes, you hook nose nigger, we do not want a commie socialist.


Bernie would have actually been competitive in the rust belt. It would have been way closer with the winner barely breaking 270

>Wanting a sellout, a traitor, a Communist, and a senator who has no idea how the electoral college is supposed to work despite being a senator.


killurself or Rand Paul will evict you from his helicopter

Please leave Bernie.

We've had an Bernie-bro party in power in Brazil for 14 years. Economy completely destroyed, country bankrupt... it will take more then a decade for us to recover, so the US made the correct choice, Shlomo.

City people are niggers.

Don't look at me, man. I voted for Bernie in the primary and Hillary in the general. It's not my fault that Trump is going to fuck everything up.

>worked in politics for 40 years and did nothing

Yeah nah

You can't really apply what happens in a shithole like Brazil to the US.

>hops on board withe most "establishment" person there is after losing immediately

really dodged a bullet

i'll bite
he was a plant all along, made by the design to lose
read wiki-leaks mails
also israel need more refugees and to be more tolerant
israel need to be more multicultural
tear down those walls mr netaniyahu

>sold out when Shillary won the nomination

the bigger they are, the harder they fall

a socialist in america will doom the world into a global economic collapse

Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Equador, Venezuela are shitholes. Agreed.

But why "shitholes" like Colombia and Chile have growing, stable economies, Shlomo?

He would not have united the country any better than any other candidate.

The rift caused by identity politics is pretty fucking major.

because poor people are successful right kike?

And most importantly my Israeli friend, hes a Brooklyn Jew

>that flag
Yes goyim, this jew is not like the rest

>Trump is rich already he could do stuff for even more money but that wouldn't improve his life anymore.
There's no real incentive for him to suck dick of big companies for personal financial gain in contrast to a person who does not yet have much money.

>Since trump is already rich and knows about loopholes to abuse certain aspects of the system he is aware of where to attack and fix it.
This won't make him poor for the rest of his life.

Hey dumb fuck, we explain this to you every day. The DNC and Hillary Clinton fucked him out of the nomination.

Sage is my favorite herb.

>From a billionaire family

His father wasn't a billionaire.

>No real plans

Except he's been saying the same shit about trade and debt since the late 80's. Don't believe me?

I will never vote Bernie ever. I thought about it during the primaries because I knew Trump would win and I did not want Hillary in.

But after he bent the knee he threw all of his credibility.

If he had any conviction and aspirations for what he was pushing during the election he would have ran as an independent.

Instead he chose to be a cuck.



>implying Sanders is anything but a social democrat in recent years

Now come on ova hea and take yo undaweahs off


Backed Hillary, epitome of establishment

Was told to back down by his owners and gave in to Hillary

Socialist isn't always pro-worker, he was pro wealth redistribution

I'll give you that... until he gave into the DNC masters and Hillary

>OMG guz he's not a commie he just wanted to start a new socialist party, has pictures of commies in his office, has defended bread lines in the Soviet Union during the Cold War, and was a Castro apologist til the day he died

Only backed hillary against Trump who is direct establishment instead of indirect establishment (hillary) kys

You're a typical retard American

Choke on your false equivalency please.

He's israeli too. Y don't u get him as PM?

>Israeli flag

>jew shilling for the jewish communist

>oy vey goyim why didn't you pick my little marxist-kike?

3 of your points are >muh hillary

He supported Hillary because if he had ran against her, Trump would've won by an even bigger margin, and probably would've gotten the popular vote as well.

Supporting Hillary was the best opportunity to prevent a Trump victory, which Bernie saw/sees as a very bad scenario, compared to Hillary being elected, and at least doing some of the stuff Sanders is in favor of.

I'd take him. Bibi is trash, and so is every party on the right. All they do is suck rabbi and settler cock, while actual tax paying citizens that don't live in the center rot away.

>Trump has never been a politician
>Lifetime business man
>Somehow direct establishment

>Hillary lifetime politician
>Sold favors to multiple countries
>Voted for and supported multiple wars while a politician
>Instigated regime change multiple times
>Somehow indirect establishment

False equivalency my ass, clearly you don't understand that "establishment" means "establishment politician" you fucking tard.

Here's a photo of OP

He touted himself as an anti-establishment politician with a grass roots movement of the people and backed the most establishment politician of anyone in the entire race (including the primaries). That's called being a sell out.

He could have bowed out, taken his anal raping that the DNC put on him, and stayed out of it supporting nobody. Even better, he could have run as a 3rd party candidate and said fuck both Trump and Hillary, I'm doing my own thing. I would have respected him then as he would have stuck to his convictions. Instead he sucked that big ol' establishment dick and supported Hillary.

t. Meretz

He didn't do either of those things because he cares about the country, and believed that Hillary getting elected would be better for the country.

That doesn't change his platform, or make him a hypocrite. He lost to Hillary in the primaries, probably because the DNC is a corrupt bag of shit, but he didn't throw his toys out the pram, and instead kept doing what he though was right.

He backed the only """"""""""liberal"""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""progressive"""""""""""""""""""" candidate that had any real chance of winning (except himself)

Because you fucking Zionist subhumans rigged the Democratic primary against him. Bernie would have won the general in a landslide

>The only people who vote for Bernie in the primaries were college students and white democrats

It was the black vote that killed Bernie in the primaries, plus superdelegates and DNC corruption. we go...

So what constitutes the establishment and why are they hated. I'll wait...

you corporate cuck

Wait is Hillary Liberal and Progressive, or is she more moderate and center? Or is she a bit more on the conservative side? She's claimed all three within the past 2 years, so which is it?

Hillary Clinton is a no stance politician who does the bidding of her financial investors, and that's it. Her opinion means nothing, her word means nothing, and she is 100% only interested in money and a title, and that's it. As long as she gets the title and the money, she'll do whatever her financial backers ask her to do.

Don't believe me, just ask Haiti and find out why Saudi Arabia was so interested in the Clinton Foundation. Hillary was selling favors, both to big business and abroad, she didn't give two shits about liberal or progressive values. She said what she needed to in order to try to get liberal and progressive votes, which included making Bernie "bend the knee".

>muh lesser evil.

Hearing Bernie talk, it sounds like he wants to make laws, he should run to be in the Senate.

>Americans pick a billionaire from a billionaire family that has already surrounded HERself with rich bankers and CEOs, and has no real plan to fix the country
Ftfy. Hillary Clinton isn't a man

Regret :/

It doesn't matter what she is. Hillary isn't Trump, and that's why Sanders backed her. It's that fucking simple. It was either do nothing, run as independent and give Trump the win, or back Hillary and actually have a chance to win.

>sanders didn't wave around a harriet tubman $20 and the promise of free welfare for life, that's why

Pretty sure 'free stuff' was his main campaign policy, do you really believe middle class America would vote for a massive tax hike just to give it to some entitled neckbeards and fuel their already unbearable holier than thou attitude?

If Bernie won the primaries his campaign would be over once people realised that every single person who pays tax would be paying a lot more.

The Americans weren't able to choose Bernie because the (((DNC))) had decided that Clinton was to be their candidate a long time ago. God knows how he would have had to grovel for forgiveness after standing against her, his pathetic endorsement would have been the least humiliating thing they would have made him do, fucking coward.

>muh dogma

Can you stop vomiting in multiple threads? Thanks.

Can you write a simple explanation? I want something to throw in people's faces, but I only know the simple reasons for why his shit wouldn't work.

I used to think Bernie was best but I honestly just think he was a shill from the beginning, only to be used to scoop up people to go against trump

(((Bernie Sanders)))

The echo knows

>Appealing to the jews

So now the question is, "Well why hate the establishment?"

I don't know, I'd say having obligations to fulfill to financial investors is a conflict of interest contrary to the interest of the American people, woudln't you? Hillary had interests investing in her both in US corporations and international governments. That's proven. So if she took office, she'd be beholden to the interest of her investors, because if she didn't play nice with all of her financial backers... it wouldn't turn out pretty for her.

Trump is not beholden to anyone but himself and as of January 20th, the country. Could he have COI with Trump Industries? Sure, but the same argument could be said of Hillary and the Clinton Foundation, which was being used to accept contributions from foreign donors and special interest groups for political favor. You know, the same foundation she said wouldn't be a problem as Secretary of State, but never separated herself from.

That's what's wrong with establishment politicians like Hillary, she owes everyone favors, and she will act in the interest of whoever holds those favors.

>that video

Why was her campaign so incompetent that someone who took up politics as a retirement hobby beat here? Didn't she have one the most polished campaign team of all time? This is really the best the Democrats could put together?

Jews are so much better when they're not shoving socialism down your throat. Trying to make enemy's jew boy?

>Trump is not beholden to anyone but himself

Weird, have you looked at his cabinet?

That's fine if that's the answer, but don't act like he backed her because they share values or policies, or any stupid shit like that. His goal was 100% to combat Trump and he didn't care if he had to sell his soul to the devil to do it... which he did.

He sold out to stop Trump, which effectively proves my point as being correct. He sold out to the establishment after the establishment fucked him instead of sticking with his convictions.

Why do you hate Bernie, Sup Forums?
Don't we have a common enemy in the dynastic DNC, and Hillary Clinton in particular?

I don't think he "sold out" on his anti-establishment ideals. He just recognized when he could push those ideals, and when he had to dial them back for the greater good.

Sure, the establishment fucked them, and then he still supported their candidate, but that was him turning the other cheek like a good christian would do, and attempting to do what was right for the country.

>NV76RhhX) 12/20/16(Tue)21:14:17 No.103759531▶

this is one of the only 2 position he gave to someone you can define establishment.

also, his campiagn wasn't payed by goldman sacks, sio he doesn't owe them nothing.
i liked the "ron paul secreatary of treasure" too, but let's be realistic, mnuchin probably knows how to do the job

Is this the face of a man who had a choice?
No, this is the face of a man who is frustrated and angry. Look at the gash on his cheek. You think he sold out willingly?

>cucked by own party
>still support them
>cucked by BLM
>still support them
>economically retarded
>panders to identity politics
>possibly a communist

yeah, no.

because bernie's economics were stable lol

The correct question is: why are Dems so stupid? (After all, they are the ones who rejected him.)

Why are you trying to hard to get us to like your jewy, jewy friend?

i guess the money his supporters gave him to buy his new house will help him to take out the stress

You're talking about someone who had to appear at their confirmation as candidate via video link while their opponent took to a stage bedecked with a gorillion US flags.

The bitch thought she had it in the bag, it was her turn after all.

Weird, yes I have.

>Betsy DeVos, Sec of Education, billionaire
Oh my god, a billionaire, THE SWAMP! No, how about someone who supports every single stance Trump has in regards to education. National school choice, voucher programs for inner cities, charter schools, anti common core.

>Wilbur Ross, Sec of Commerce, billionaire
ANOTHER BILLIONAIRE, SO MUCH SWAMP! No, a guy who knows the steel, energy, and coal industries, coincidentally three industries Trump wants to bring back to the country.

>General Mattis, Sec of Defense, Marine General
Swamp how?

>Steve Mnuchin, Treasury, millionaire
But Goldman Sachs and Democrat party investor! SWAMP I SAY! Still... not a guy who was political, and was running the finances of Trumps campaign. You know the campaign that spent 1/5th the amount of Hillary's campaign, and actually achieved the presidency.

>Jeff Sessions, DoJ
LIFETIME POLITICIAN, TOTAL SWAMP! No, how about a guy who reinforces Trumps policies of immigration, feelings on sanctuary cities, is in support of the wall, and was one of the first Senators to publicly support Trump.

>Rex Tillerson, billionaire, Sec of State
This is the closest to being swampy I can find, and guess what? An international business man who has ties to multiple countries and is looked at favorably in multiple countries is a good Sec of State choice. I don't care about anything else, he has international presence.

Should I go on or are you already tired of me proving you wrong about cabinet members that Trump has selected?