Why is diversity only pushed in countries or regions that are predominately white?

Why is diversity only pushed in countries or regions that are predominately white?

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I would love to bathe in her cummies

Its not "pushed"
The quality of living and welfare systems tend to be better in the West than anywhere else, so it naturally attracts migrants.

Eastern Europe is predominately white, but it has no diversity because its poorer.

Am...am I being Jewed here?

only white people are suicidal

thats the true redpill

white liberals are the problem (obvious, but still needed to be said)


Ask Israel
but don't expect an honest answer

>eastern europe

By participating on Sup Forums, we've all been jewed to some extent

They call it colonization when white people immigrate to non white countries


Because diversity is code for white genocide.

This, if first world countries would suddenly be poor, you would see the migrants going out.

>predominantly white

because whites are overall more compassionate than other races. its our achilles heel.

Nice trips
Check these


going to defend latvia here

because we have it too good, the capital we amassed for the last 500 years is partially due to exploitation of brown/black/yellow hordes

Also this, in America, before the spic invasion, America was already a meltin pot (but with every european country)

Because the people pushing this shit are parasites on a prosperous society

1. Colonial countries don't want to appear "bad' by kicking out their Indian/African people from the colonies
2. Backlash against turbo-nationalism after WW2
3. Wealth attracts migrants
4. Birth rates fell drastically in all rich countries so economists want migrants to stave off a pensions crisis
5. Boomers and '68ers pushed for free love and free borders
6. Pop culture made diversity look cool in many countries from the 80's on, kids would brag how futuristic and hip their country was for having a new hit black/arab DJ

Serious answer? Because only white countries are advanced enough to have the time to worry about dumb shit like that. Well, there's Japan and China and they nip countries but they're uninfluenced by the Jew and they're too oriented toward working to even have fun let alone think about liberal shit.

Because a proud white people are literally the only impediment to (((them))).

Whiter than you, 60% boy (counting Arabs and Africans as part of the 60%).

Don't know user

Forgot to add, there's supposedly a fairly large SJW movement in Brazil, so it's not just white countries doing it.

White people are the only goys to put up with it
we are too nice and we think the other races must have as much empathy as we do

The Jews.

diversity is Jew for the mongrelization of the white race

I bet she looks for BBC on Craiglist

Good lad, he deserved it


its pushed in all occupied countries. only national unity will ever set them free

Because you deserve it, goyim.

Dumbass you might as well just say "It's the kikes".

Note that millenials are SJW scum, Gen Z (since '97) are turbo-redpilled though


White genocide is obvious. Hope Trump will fix it.

>t. literal cuckold nation




whist, why we are here


If you ever see the side profile of her nose, you will notice that Jew/Arab hook.



Take your countries back you cucks


Because weak liberals feel guilty what their ancestors did. If ww2 didn't happen, I guarantee Germany wouldn't be the Islamic state it's in now.

Who is this jizz mistrezz?

>...Jessica Nigri??

If only he came back to life, like in the "look who's back" movie on netflix. The refugee problem would be eradicated and the people would be behind him...just like in the movie.


Because we whites are the only ones silly enough to accept it.

You tell Africans, Chinese, Indians and more to be ashamed of what they did and they will literally laugh at you.

Probably because the country you STOLE was never predominately white to start with.

>only white people are suicidal

No, only white people developed high-trust societies. In the cold winters we had to work together to survive. In Africa, every nigger expects every other nigger to rob, rape, and cast magic spells on him. Other mud peoples developed caste systems or just developed ruthless societies that occasionally wiped out entire populations.

Only the white man understands trust, stability, civilization. But we've grown complacent and our enemies have taken advantage of us. We've tolerated the outsider for too long. They fear us no longer.

The day is coming when all that will change.

w e w




I'd pay to play with her feet.

Good luck with your birth rates oh "The day is coming" cringe worthy racist

daily reminder that the girl in OPs pic is 15 and if you spanked it to her you're going to burn in hellfire for all eternity

That's funny. The most destructive wars in history were caused by Europeans wanting to murder each other. Europe was endless fighting and pillaging, just like the rest of the world.



Because that's who the jews are attacking.

What a find

Huh. She looks exactly like an ex I had in high school.

Because of these guys.



Excellent question.

Thats not true. only white people have been so successful for so long. Being the strongest has made us weak.

GTFO libfag. Your time has come.

Nigger detected

Make me.

diversity is absolutely pushed. maybe you don't know because you're country is a shithole but in real white countries diversity is pushed as a good thing

But it is. Stop giving in to Eurocuck memes. We can do shit in America that plenty of Europeans can't, yet we still sit on our asses. If you guys are so assblasted about non-whites then start a business and make money to stop it, or become a politician and stop it. You are born in the most prosperous nation on Earth, you can do this.

After all this time on Sup Forums and you still haven't understood it?


came here to say this

why the fuck do they rub their hands so much?

has strict immigration and didn't let in shitskins like the west

The answer is mainly Jews, and white people being too compassionate for their own good, which makes Jews and non-whites able to take advantage of it.

Jews opened the floodgates in the United States, with the 1965 Immigration Act.


They also did in Canada, Germany, the UK... They are in control of the EU , NATO, Hollywood, the media, etc. which have been responsible for pushing the same policies.
