Tfw u agree with Hitler on almost everything except for his hate against Slavs

>tfw u agree with Hitler on almost everything except for his hate against Slavs

Why did he kill millions of Poles and Russians? Why did he destroy all of Warsaw?
What was the reason for him thinking they are subhumans?

The Russian empire and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth were successful Slavic countries so they are able to not be drunk retards if they try. Redpill me Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Hitler hated Slavs.

He didn't kill millions of poles and Russians, he killed communists and partisans.

Besides, Poles and Russians were allowed in the fucking SS.

>Britburqa education

Codreanu seemed to like him.


Some racial thing about the Germans conquering Rome and the Slavs not doing shit until the Germans civilized them

I forget the specifics because I read it so long ago

He hated them because they were being useful idiots to a globalist conspiracy.


That was just the Russians tho

The "Hitler hated Slavs" myth was created by jews so other countries would join them as allies and turn against him.

He hated commies.


please first inform yourself. get some details about history - not from the commie or jews or msm.

then won't raise this question again. welcome to the Reich, rumanian bro (unless you are a gypsy)

I guess when you fall into racist ideologies and genocidal mania, all you need is an excuse.

Hitler found his.

slavposters on Sup Forums prove slavs are subhuman.

Go fuck your cousin, Cleetus.

the baby would still have better genes than you

Burger talking about genes. I've been to US, I've seen what you people look like.

Bunch of obese midgets and necks size of a torso.

He tried to destroy communism.

>>tfw u agree with Hitler
>What was the reason for him thinking they are subhumans?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Dude, he's right.
Ethnic Slovenians were in high positions in the SS:

It was obviously not a racial hatred of Slavs. Maybe cultural.

Battle over living space. Nothing personal, just business.

one example doesn't excuse him from the hatred, particularly if he was a germanized slav.

>It was obviously not a racial hatred of Slavs.

Confirmed not having read Mein Kampf or having no reason comprehension. He specifically discusses the slavification of German lands under the rule of Habsburgs and it clearly wasn't just cultural.

>culture is genetic
>except when it comes to "white people"

You can't have it both ways. The entirety of euraisa does not share the same culture and never has. There is as much reason to think there are genetic cultural variations within Eurasia as there between Eurasia and neighboring peoples.


Hey I'm no Hitler fan-boi
I'm asking you if the Nazis considered all Slavs to be Untermenchen why were ethnic Slovenes allowed to be in high SS positions?

you didn't ask. you stated.

and I just told you why

Cool you are an idiot.thanks for making this thread

Exceptions to every rule and people have ways of rationalizing these things. What's that Himmler quote about everyone having their "decent jew"?

Many on this board seem to have this deluded idea that Hitler was "white nationalist". He was German nationalist and didn't give a shit about everyone else unless they could be made use of to further German ends.

Great argument nigger

Because Poland created Prussia in 1525 as a vassal of Poland - one of Poland's greatest mistakes.
>"us Prussians ... are the Poles equal brothers or their servants"

why should one support white nationalism instead of their own nationalism?

Make Germany 1933 Again

>>tfw u agree with Hitler on almost everything except for his hate against Slavs

t. slav


>arguing with a jew
Common now

Prussian aristocrat. Not a Nazi.
Check nazi ideology.

>I agree with Hitler
>Non-German flag
No you don't.