So, I'm a black guy and I was going through my FB feed today when I saw a picture posted by some Italian girl I know (Who's a super huge SJW, always talking about muh LGBT rights, muh Trump is evil, muh cops are oppressors,etc..) which jokingly compared Trump and Kanye West to a slave and his master. I've never posted much on facebook, let alone anything to do with politics, but this really fucking irked me. I don't understand why libtards think it's suddenly okay to joke about slavery when blacks don't tow the line. Am I justified in blowing up her post about this? I also want to see this white girl spilling her spaghetti over why she posted something so problematic ;^)
I hate SJWs
you are just like her you fucking idiot.
go ahead, throw a hissyfit at your friend for uttering mean words.
Use their usual rhetoric.
If she's white, tell her that due to her privilege, she is in no position to judge black people for their choices. Stuff like that.
>Italian girl
>this white girl
You should just LARP as a disfortunate black and post the results here for the keks
BBC or gtfo
Stop being so hard on yourselves, you are white.
Did you not see the ;^)? It was a joke, I just imagined that's what other libtards might call her post.
Yea, I was just going to ask her straight up why it's okay to joke about slavery when black men don't tow the line.
For all intents and purposes, she's white. Or at least she's always talking about her white privilege.
Monkey paw + time stamp or GTFO!!!
Check my Flag.
I'm a Mick hence, a fucking potato
Don't do that. Do not legitimize their worldview.
Inb4 bait, but seriously, just get mad, and fucking post what you feel. It offends you that she thinks she can use slavery as a point scoring excerise. I disagree, because I think the entire wellspring of fuck you should be open for grabs, but it would at least be the truth. Don't approach it with she's doing something she's not allowed to do, she's just wrong, and an asshole, and insensitive to you, personally, as her friend. All things which are perfectly allowed, but make her a horrible person.
Just ask to bang her. When she says no, call her a racist. If she says yes, reject her.
Play the race card, leftists do it all the time.
"Ooga booga bix nood mofucka cracka."
What did he mean by this?
Oh, nevermind then.
You're definitely not white.
They are fucking GINGERS, idiot. You don't get more white than gingers.
>semi-colon, caret, parenthesis
What did he mean by this?
> I'm a black > Am I justified?
Nigger, what?
> I also want to see this white girl spilling her spaghetti over why she posted something so problematic ;^)
Wont happen. Females live the lieful promise of feminism, they care for problematic things, because it distracts them from their own misery and grief. She`ll just use the confusion to distract herself even more. To not cut the losses till it`s too late and go further the way of lie.
We aren't white
Oh god guys I have written the rant but I haven't pressed send, should I do it? I'm honestly not sure if I want to become "that guy" who starts shit on facebook.
Sure.. Sucks Kanye is being blown up these days. He's put out some good stuff dropping some truth bombs for years.
Question for you. Do you think other blacks will get fed up with the SJW BS or are they just too far gone for Trump to make any inroads with?
Being the one who starts shit with the neighborhood SJW is surprisingly rewarding as long as you stay somewhat rational. I felt that feel several times and did it anyway, ended up making some new friends. Remember, Sup Forums is the silent majority.
>For all intents and purposes, she's white. Or at least she's always talking about her white privilege.
cant you claim her pussy because her privilege and fuck her?? or post at least nudes of her?? kek :>
>Don't do that. Do not legitimize their worldview.
wont that auto redpile her by proving that her worldview is idiotic?
What's she going to do? Call you a racist? These people are racist as fuck. They've racially profiled you and think you owe them your allegiance because of your race, even if it's against your own opinion or interests. You know very well how honestly racist Sup Forums is. Be honest with yourself, you probably are too. But you also know how respected all the people who can think beyond their race and do the right thing, like Malik or based black Trump supporter, or Priti Patel and based Nad the brexiteers, or jews like Milo or Brother Nathanael. These guys just saved themselves from the gas chamber. At least Sup Forums is honest and realistic about race. Really all we want is to live among our own kind and not have our people, society and culture destroyed. Who doesn't. It's nothing personal and doesn't stop us being friends. These people though, they're like betas complaining about Chad the asshole. Yes, Chad is honest that he wants to fuck the beta's waifu. But doesn't the beta want exactly the same thing, only hiding it behind a fake, deceptive whiteknight veneer? At least Chad is honest and authentic. Bitches respect that. The beta is just a manipulative coward. Bitches friendzone that.
go for it
occassionally its good to have it
post results
You can, but you are still an uncle tom. House nigger who wants to be counter culture for attention
The cops are oppressive assholes. You're a boot licking retard if you think otherwise.
Also this. These white supremacist on this site will never accept you, coon.
Tell us what she says
Thankfully there aren't as many White Supremacists on this board as it appears. At least I'm happy you're here.
do it
send pics
Bumping. Deliver based user
>i'm a black guy
No, you're a brainwashed uncle tom ass faggot assimilator who's too weak to fight the white mans.
You're a traitor and they will betray you the minute they know they will win.
Do it faggot. As a black guy you're basically bulletproof.