This is fact. How the fuck can you defend this?

This is fact. How the fuck can you defend this?

One is a huge success in the energy field, the other is an academic ideologue with a shitty haircut from when he was in high school.

>Drumpf chose idiots in his cabinet


How can pole defend dis?

Just because you're good in a field doesn't mean you'd be good at fucking politics.

>degree in theoretical physics
>wasting his supposed talents working for the department of energy



So Trump is against career politicians yet he doesn't appoint people actually knowing shit about their field either? I mean he himself doesn't know shit about politics and that's a main reason people voted for him. I mean he didn't receive the majority of all votes. But like the majority of some elitists who got elected then voted for him

Libs defending nuclear lobby, what a twist

>Rick Perry not knowing anything about energy

toppest of keks

I'm so glad we have a nuclear physicist--not an engineer--as secretary of energy considering all the new nuclear plants (0) and planned (4) and cancelled (46) during the Obama administration. A man who understands natural gas and coal would be unreasonable.

>One is a huge success in the energy field
This is a joke, right?

>unqualified money junkies running burgerland

nuke weapons are under the dept of energy?

Yeah, well I have a theoretical degree in physics

Business as usual 2bh


>Nuclear Physicist
>Less than 20% of our entire grid relies on Nuclear plants, and will continue to shrink as they are all multiple decades old and will be put offline "for safety"
Good, maybe we'll actually see some new fucking plants under somebody capable of doing something

I think you do not understand the role of the Secretary of a Department, nor do you understand the role DOE is expected to fulfill under a Trump administration.

The Uranium and such is.

>nuclear weapons
>department of energy

nah, I don't think so

i voted for trump, and would vote for him again...

but honestly, putting political hacks in these positions is bullshit

(i'm not saying putting in an academic is any better, though.)

Why only 20% nuclear?

Why isn't Perry wearing his problem glasses to look smarter?

We don't even need a department of energy

That's what Rick Perry wanted, shut it down.

Relics of the Cold War, last nuclear plants are from the 70s and 80s, after Three Mile + Chernobyl they cancelled contracts, were going to add more in 2010s but Fukishima killed our program for at least another 25 years.

Anti-nuclear tards who don't understand how nuclear power works always point to Three Mile Island (where nothing happened), Chernobyl (Soviet incompetence) and Fukushima (massive earthquake and tsunami). Even though nuclear is the most efficient and cost-effective method.

Pipelines are better for the environment fuckface. Less emissions from trucking or loading up train cars with oil and far lower risk of spills and explosions on our shit freeways.

The only thing Cuck McCuckerson on the left accomplished during his tenure was the Iran Nuclear deal. Mr Nuclear Physicist didn't manage to get a single plant built here but he got some for Iran.

A nut less monkey could have done better than that.

I want cheaper gas so I'm for the pipeline.

>tfw nuclear also provided loads of medical isotope we have to import now
Just fucking kill me

It is true, the DOP is in charge of them. Rich"oops" Perry will be in charge of the nukes.

>Obama puts a nuclear physicist as Secretary of Energy even though he hates nuclear power

Brilliant move. Far better than putting in charge who knows about the politics of energy.

>"in charge of nukes"
This is what Shitocrats actually believe.

Lesson to be learned, don't let yourself go and have your hair grow out that makes everyone cringe to look at you.

Fuck you nigger.

I can't.

I know that we're in for four years of pure Obama/bush tier leadership.

But I had a laugh at the expense of college age liberals, so its ok.

Rick Perry is based and brought Texas back from the dump.

The other big 4 need a man like Rick Perry. Then the US would truly thrive.


Kind of shatters the entire "middle Americans are hurtin and they needed an anti-establishment guy in Washington to shake things up" bullshit retard narrative that right wing media was pushing during the election though...

Liberals had 8 years of hope and change and did neither.

A degree in theoretical physics has as many job opportunities as a degree in gender studies. Degrees in theoretical sciences are worthless, that's why most of them are either teachers or have a job outside their field


Best post

Welcome aboard!

seems like his theoretical physics degree couldn't help with curing his goddam ugly face

What has the guy on the left done while in office?

Defend him with his accomplishments on the job. I'll wait.

>Kind of shatters the entire "middle Americans are hurtin and they needed an anti-establishment guy in Washington to shake things up" bullshit retard narrative

How so?

>> Tranny loses his job to actual man

Fun fact: Rick Perry used to be a democrat and actually wants to do away with the department of energy

3D chess

I did not know that the Secretary of Energy had to maintain all nuclear weapons and power plants himself. You guys should not let russia hear that or they might start ww3.

>hires literally the entire establishment to govern

What exactly has Rick Perry ever done for energy field?

Aside from oil oil oil oil oil for Texas


Even if trump turns out to be 100% establishment, it doesn't mean it's good. It doesn't mean it's what conservatives want.

I'm silent now. I'll be watching Perry's every move when he is positioned in the department of energy

I dunno. At least it's not Transportation. Perry sold our toll roads to the Chinese, so the tolls, instead of becoming freeways, have only risen in price. There's other, abundant ways to pay for road expansion and maintenance like they're doing all over Houston, but jewing the citizens is their first choice.

one less jew

rick is pretty comfy

What the fuck did the Stanford scientist do for us though? Did he create limitless energy with his vast intelligence? Or did he do jack shit?

I don't care if someone has a degree in basket weaving, if they can actually get something done they are good in my books.

>Massive public works programs
Oy vey slow down hitler

Yeah, that's not true.

Texas-fag here. A lot of our highways are now toll roads, so we have to pay a fee to use them. When the toll roads were first built, there were two promises:
> eventually the tolls would pay for the construction of the roads, and the tolls would go away
> part of the highways in the meantime would be for public use

now all of those highways are tolls, and the fees are higher than before, and the free public lanes have been vastly reduced


All of Trump's cabinet picks are designed to weaken the US government so Putin can do as he pleases in the world.

Because tackling the energy systems in a country is not about science, it's about economics, business and politics. What're we supposed to do? Get the leader of Green Peace as Secretary of State?

t. left-wing conspiratard