Balkan - 30/40% Muslim = Never a happening

Balkan - 30/40% Muslim = Never a happening
Europe - 3/4% Muslim = Everyday happenings

How do you explain this?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Muslims kill non-believers
>More Muslims means less people that "need" killed

Well that was pretty straightforward.

We don't have 30/40% muslims but the muslims we have in Bulgaria are integrated, and they're turk muslims.

They have been subdued by communism and kebab removal, they know the score

Because they're not arab/negro

different kind of muslims, "muslims" in croatia don't wear burka and shit, hell half of the "muslim" population is not even muslim at all. My ex roommate had muslim surname and everything and one day after a football game we had I ask him if he wan'ts to grab McD's, he says yes and grabs some nasty McTripleBacon double. Later I asked him how come he eats bacon, and he said that only his dad is muslim and him or his brother don't give a shit about that crap.

non-castrated culture like western europe

3 type of muslims exist:

>allahu akbar

pllaces like sweden are full of somalians, or gibsmedats muslims, on top of already being niggers, having the toxic mindset of honor killings and shit only emphasize their violence.

Arab muslims are commonplace in britbongistan and france. they will carry out attack and openly express their violence and lack of tolerance for anything but muslim ideology. within the three, these tend to be the smartest and most disregarded on the human food chain, making them unstable.

turkroaches are in eastern europe and inbalkans, they're loud and very poo in loo type muslims, however because they're very "muh culture" driven, they tend to be much less violent than arab or gibsmedat muslims. The worst thing to expect from turkroach muslims are them ripping u off at their convenient store

They had one big happening from 1991-2001

>How do you explain this?

Just because a shitload of turks live in constantinopole and albania doesn't mean the balkans is 40% muslim that's a retarded statistic and i have no idea where you got it
secondly, romania is balkan only in culture, it is not in the balkan peninsula and arabs represent 0.1% of population

Balkens, Eastern Turkenstan (China) and Russian Muslims are far different compared to Arab and black Muslims. Mostly because they don't have inferior genes.

we do get a bosniak / shqip chimping out every few years

>tfw he died for that fake statement

feels good


Their Slavness acts as a natural counter to their muslimnes, this way they get to squat and drink like Russians and eat pig products etc.

Pretty much Daywalkers.

They're not a problem because people don't put up with their bullshit and no gibsmedats because we're shitpoor ourselves anyway.

Best they could wish for here is to own a kebab shop or sell spices in the market
muslims have no place in eastern europe

Bosnians are literally the worst Muslims.

Its more so they can maintain a separate identity than anything else.

but you do have a decent chunk of your land under the Danube. That's Balkan by definition
*record scratches*
"Well, you're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation. ."

We had many happenings a decade ago, enough is enough.

Heh, take that bullet Franz

Dobrogea has 0.1% muslims.
And our culture comes from the mountainside not the seaside. That's just captured land from the steppe slav bulgar

Westernized muzzies aren't as much of a problem because they see the benefits of occidental civilization.

The shit head arabs are the fucking problem.

literally a decade of happenings in the 1990s

Ooga Booga

i love you guys as neither bulgarians nor romanians were living there, just turks.
and they got btfo'd once romanians got northern dobrogea

Because when it comes to dealing with people western europeans are complete retards. You welcome foreigners with open arms, but you despise them at the same time. They quickly realize it.

I'm not implying you have a lot of muslims.
Well, that land is yours now.
great ajvar

I don't know about the other countries but in Albania the Christians and the Muslims get along because their parents and grandparents grew up strictly atheist so they never taught them hatred for one another.

Unfortunately the Saudi and Qatari are like vultures swooping in and offering paychecks for people to grow beards and build Wahhabi mosques. Thus far in mainland nobody cares but in places with diaspora like Kosovo and Macedonia they are already holding Islam parades and dressing like sandniggers. What a sad sight to see.

Awfully enoguh, apart from throwing money on anything islamic in Bosnia, now a rich arab is building his Hotel in the middle of our capital Belgrade. People say it's gonne be the biggest building in the city. I wish somebody throws a bomb over there.

its called лютeницa and I agree is bretty gud

I can give you 10/10 for pleskavica and grilled meat in general

Serbia, I have no words to describe how sorry I am for what retard NATO did to you !
2PAC is serbian!

Balkans have "muslims",arabs have those real hardcore animals that they call "muslims",it's about the race and nationality,not the religion.

Its very good land. Did you ever rebuild the oil rigs there?

Home made is best

You know who is letting them do this, right?

The EU. They are telling people to look the other way when Wahhabi Joe moves in with his million dollar mosque and investments, because otherwise you are racist.

I can't wait for that cancer of an institution to destroy itself already.

>Its very good land. Did you ever rebuild the oil rigs there?
Yeah it is, really pretty :)
We rebuilt some of them, but why waste money on useless oil when you can steal off nonexistent highways ? amirite?
fucking politicians

You get more stefans killing their entire family than hasans blowing themselves up in concerts and such.

>How do you explain this?

They had a civil war and ethnic cleansing and the local muslims don't want to taste death again so soon.

Maybe this is a hint for us.

His father was even worse. He came to the city of Maribor and a quire of children welcomed him with a song and he said:"What kind of barbaric language is this?".

What are you even talking about? Also some of your best allies are arabs, dumbass.

They eat bacon, drink beer, respect women and love dogs. For all intents and purposes they're not actually muslims. But this really isn't strange here, very few people in the balkans take their religion seriously. Based on the last census, we're supposedly ~85% catholic, yet churches are completely empty aside from a few grannies. It's mostly about preserving culture, not actual faith.
Also, they're local converts from many generations ago, not newly arrived middle eastern / african migrants, so that might have something to do with it as well.

pic mostly unrelated

Ljutenica and ajvar aren't really the same thing.
thanks homie
I get some from my family in Pirot every winter. This time they sent some from their bulgarian friends.
Nah it's our dumb prime minister. EU is probaly giving a thumbs uo at most. They don't really care about us.

Ironically, my name is Stefan. But no

Communism made them secular. For now.

>le kebab man
A decade ago was all about independence and nationalism. Nothing to do with any faggot religions

There is an actual, organic peace and tolerance in the mixed regions here between Bulgarians and Turks. Most of them are decent people.

Not to be too idyllic. Of course, we remember the past and things can always go to shit, especially now with the neo-ottoman ambitions of Turkey and people from there and from Saudi Arabia trying to radicalize the local muslims who are otherwise pretty chill. The gypsies are also being converted and radicalized so shit will explode sooner or later.

But for now, the majority of Muslims here are Turks and I think they don't feel like throwing their normal lives and the friendly relations with their Bulgarian neihgbours and friends on the altar of Erdogan's ambitions.

In the Balkans war: muslims killed muslims, christians killed muslims, muslims killed christians, christians killed christians.
Religion was the last thing in this story.

Saudis are paying people money tho to practice Wahhabi Islam. One of those shot up the U.S. embassy in Sarajevo. Plus the approximately 1500 mujaheddin that came to fight during the war.

It's because muslims in the balkan are afraid;they are afraid that Serbia will start war with them and...well,remove kebab.You can see the same thing in my country,Israel,when muslims get fucked they just like cowrds run away.

are you autistic? Those wars were pretty much only about religion. Orthodox Serbs vs Muslim Bosniaks and Albanians.

this, plus the only real distinction between Serbs and Croats is that the former are Orthodox while the latter are Catholic

scums knows their place !!

You're both retarded and autistic. It was about the break up of Yugoslavia and ethnicities wanting their own countries
In Kosovo Albanians of all religions fought against the Serbs. Catholic, Muslim and orthodox Albanians wanted independence from Serbia. Moreover they all hate Serbs, not because of the religion they believe in but because they're dirty Serbs

>dirty Serbs

fuck off Clinton

>Le religion of peace meme

>T. Cuckovic
You can eat my ass after you eat Mohammad's dirty asshole

Spot on

It's 10%.

Also they're mostly concentrated in Bosnia, Albania and Kosovo which is a fairly small area.

>The radicalization in Kosovo didn’t come as a surprise to local authorities, the newspaper said. As early as 2004, then-Prime Minister Bajram Rexhepi tried to ban extremist sects. But he said the draft law was spoken against by European officials, who said it would violate religious freedoms.

>“It was not in their interest, they did not want to irritate some Islamic countries,” he said. “They simply did not do anything.”

As for allies, none of our best allies are Arabs. All we have is Saudi Arabia for oil and a couple others for some military bases. They do not contribute to our protection in any way, they cannot be considered allies at all.

Simple... You do not fuck around with slavs. They removed kebab so much that the rest of the shitskins enjoy a low-profile life.

It's true. There was a Catholic Albanian village the Serbs attacked and did some massacres in. A guy who participated in a different massacre said it didn't really matter what religion they were just that they were non-Serbs.

Not saying all Serbs are this way though, this was volunteer squads made up of criminals who donned ski masks before shooting random civilians.

I read kurir and blic a lot and there are murders really often,fucked up world we live in ey

Also that guy could hit a tank with closed eyes.Send him to fight for Bashar!

Because they literally have a safe space country,and the ones in Bulgaria are literally whore slaves who got genocided to 2 mills.And we all know how it ended when safe space ones tried to make a happening.Even the ones here live in one area and could be cleansed in 20 hours.

Not a part of "The balkans"


Most happenings are Jewish false flag attacks, that's why.

because muslims and whiteys are seggregated in different countries.
"the balkans" is not one country.

For example Serbia is only 3% muslim.

its like 10 percent in the whole balkans not 30/40 and in croatia its like 1.5 percent, and these are white

Muslim Kosovars threw my grandaunts out of their homes simply for being Orthodox. It didn't matter that they were Albanian. Guess we aren't as tolerant when it comes to religion as we sell ourselves, eh?

Our muslims are good, have usually 2 kids and the jihadi thoughts were long kicked out from their heads.
Only kosovars and gyppos are a problem.

*long ago

According to Sup Forums wisemen like Varg, places like Kosovo have a ton of happenings, like being run by muslim organ thieves and organized crime. He called it a "Bandit state" bossed by NATO

>muh anecdotes mutha Fuka
It's simply a fact, the move for Albanian independence was made up of Albanians of all religions. Albanians are the least divided by religion than most ethnnitites, certainly least in the balkans
Are there some religious retards? Yeah probably, like anywhere else

1. The Bulgarians ITT are fucking idiots who don't know their own country and history

2.The muslims in Bulgaria are PURE BULGARIANS genetically who were forcefully converted during the slavery. Hence, they drink alcohol and eat pork, plus, they don't give a crap about jihad. Sadly the government let t8rkish propaganda run amok and now many of those BULGARIAN muslims think the are t*rks, despite historical proof that NO t*rks remained in Bulgaria after the Russians kicked them out.

It is mostly like this on the Balkans. Our muslims are indigenous populations who got converted forcefully (and in some cases formed their own countries as in Bosniaks are muslim Serbs)not shitskins coming from the Middle East.

I hope this clears your questions OP.


How can you not know a shred of reality to call your brothers and sisters t*rks?

All genetic studies show we have no t*rk or turkic genes.

All history shows no t*rks stayed here after we gained freedom.

You are either:
A - dumb as fuck illiterate teens
B - trolling on purpose Soros shills

And how long will that last? Not very, methinks. The pro-t*rkish and pro-"moderate" islam sentiment is on the rise in Kosovo, while Albanians of Albaniae proprie dictii are rediscovering the Christian identity we had before the Ottoman conquest.

...oh and it's more like less than 10% not 40% wtf are you smoking OP?

that was the result of enver hoxha's communism. he destroyed your religious entity, hence that's why you're rediscovering it now

they lived under secularism for 200 years and didn't hold any power, their females don't cover their heads. also, they're not shitskins.

It's about both. The religion is sick and twisted.

I was referring to former Albanian "muslims" (who eat pork and drink wine, but simply identify as Muslim) converting to Christianity. There was about 10.000 in 2015.

>The religion is sick and twisted

this coming from a fellow burger if funny

1,2 murders for 100 000 people

Even before Albania's independence from the Ottomans, religion didn't divide the Albanians. It was a collective effort from Albanians of all religions, they alll united under the same flag and identity . There's Albanian heros who are orthodox Muslim and catholic. Religion never superseded Albanian identity then and it doesn't now
No matter what Serbcuck posters here try to propagate

Because the balkans are filled with non-arab muslims. Arabs are the violent ones


I wish I had merely swallowed Serbian propaganda. It would make it so much easier. I'd suggest you watch the documentary about Skanderbeg and learn why he truly fought.

I don't understand how you can browse Sup Forums for years and never get a grasp on the fact that race is a gradient, and muslim ethnic groups between Europe and the middle east are going to be far more moderate than muslims in the middle east.

This is basic shit.

I'm sure in 50 years and more, Balkan Muslims will be under 10% or 5%

that would be nice but what's the relevance

Well I wasn't talking about Kastrioti but since you brought him why don't you consider that the Albanian people who are probably 90% Muslim globally consider a Roman Catholic man who fought for Christendom as their national hero. That should tell you about how "deeply Islamic" they are. (They aren't)

man I wish serbia would just be like "okay kids enough played, time to remove the kebab you fucks imported" and just get it over with because apparently we are too busy changing facebook profile pictures and lighting candles for victims or muslim violence to do it ourselfes

also kosovo je srce srbije

What's up with mother Russia?

>There's Albanian heros
manlets cannot be heroes

I agree with that. I am simply stating that Islamism and the disdain towards it in Albania is on the rise (though it is nigh unnoticeable as of now). Honestly, we should just revert to paganism and be done with it.

I love Bulgarian-Yugoslav-Romanian friendship almost as much as I love British-Portugal friendship. Warms my heart.

You forgot that Turks are actually Greeks

Skanderbeg was described as very tall. And that's pretty rich coming from a Christian, who is supposed to have grown with story of David vs Goliath. I used to know that by heart when I was 5.

because most of Muslims here aren't retarded Arabs who get conned by Islamism
radicalism exists in poor areas though


it's a degenerate shithole.