Seriously you're women are being raped and murdered by these useless shitskin migrants. How do you not feel rage in that? I tell you one thing if these fuckers were in Ireland and started raping Irish girls on mass, I wouldn't just sit back, i'd batter the fuck out of them with a Shillelagh till their brains were splattered across the ground.
German men how can you just sit back let shitskins rape your women?
Germany is a lost cause. National suicide.
They want the refugees to please their women since they're unable to
If you fight back you're up against the government, everybody knows that. Yuo talk tough now but you wouldn't fight back either, its not worth going to jail for
Germany is a nation of cucks
They men all died for the most part by 1945.
Breh... 5 muslim business' were firebombed yesterday and shitskin rapist stabbed today.
It's a start.
That's right Germans
OP and his chums working hard to propel you into blood in the streets
OP's livelihood depends on getting results
OP needs the shekels for noodles
This is the twentieth thread on same theme in half an hour
OP is clearly getting desperate
Jetzt reicht's aber echt mal mit diesem widerwärtigen, Nazi-Scheiß! Echt alter, irgendwo muss doch mal Schluss sein. Da wird einem ja regelrecht schlecht wenn man sowas liest. Wir reden hier von ECHTEN MENSCHENLEBEN, was muss eigentlich bei einem schief gelaufen sein, damit man so über ECHTE MENSCHEN redet!? Leute wie du gehören direkt an die Schweine verfüttert.
fuck off right wing scum
implying they are worth saving. worst women anywhere in the world. dont white knight these whores
Because then you'll have the countries' entire law enforcement units(mercenaries) on your tail.
>inb4 romania gypsy doesn't like the police xDDD typical
>get paid to put people down
>betray your own people and get away with the excuse "just doing my job"
Yeah, my blood is boiling alright, and i'm actually on a bluepill treatment otherwise i'd go insane.
>european flag
>spits on human right
you don't belong here
Spotted the Muslim. I know exactly what you said.
The jews have done very good work dociling the german race.
Obvious proxy shill or subversion of leftypol
Women are the ones who causes this and are destroying western civilization. If only men could vote then we wouldn't have migrants flooding formerly white countries.
They deserve it.
>Spotted the Muslim.
Nice luck getting at least something right. How does that make you feel Italy? Fuck you for refusing to help refugees, just fuck you.
Shut up Juncker
Good goy accept your slavery like a bitch.
It makes me feel super proud to be Italian. We realize you lot aren't worth saving. You're worthless, useless, alien, and pathetic. The ocean is doing a good job of swallowing your filth.
You are a traitor to the true spirit of the welcoming german
Fuck off Achmed. We see through your taqiyyah. May you drown in pig blood.
I actually have a copy of the Qur'An on my desk you know. I rip out a page to wipe my dick off with after I have a wank. Feelsgoodman.
fuck off suicidal self loathing beta cuck
Germany was lost when millions of their women were polluted by inferior Slavs at the end of WW2. Most Germans alive today are Slavicized mutts & don't even know it
You're losing the battle, how does that make you feel?
says the guy who is from the country which is enslaving minorities, you're worse than SA
could not believe there are people so hateful like you
I'm Christian btw, but nice satereotyping
Germany exists in name only to serve the jews as slaves. That is why the are cucked. they sinned against the jews.
They're waiting for the next Hitler to rise up and make a call to arms.
>implying the Irish do anything but get drunk and bomb the brits
You fucks are the original terrorists
>You impy that is a bad thing.
Man up boypussy and realize your a slave to the jews.
Would Provos actually fight Muslims?
Look how happy that bitch looks. Her face is red. I guarantee you he piped her out while her husband watched right before this pic was taken
will never happen, people here are smarter than in trump america
>i love the bad educated
When will you stop these shitty threads bullying Germans? Isn't it bad enough that we had a major terrorist attack and all of you are celebrating it like Arabs dancing in the streets after 9/11? You have to mock our rape victims too?
German women marched for multi culturalism.
When I read cases like the latest with the one girl helping in rapefugee centers getting raped and drowned I am not even mad.
You reap what you sow
I'm gay lol. Let those whores die. They voted for it so why should I care.
And then you'd go to jail for assault you fucking tinker. You people are so fucking stupid - attacking the rapefugees makes you as uncivilized as they are.
I want Germany to survive, I can't believe how totalitarian Germany has become over this.
There has to be a way for most Germans to rise up and oust merkel and purge these so called refugees.
can you please stop calling them this names? Thanks.
>no weapons
>no real elections
>EU super state above us
>every media outlet belongs to the state
>schools teach "OBEY YOUR GOVERNEMT" for centuries
>patriotism got erased in our minds
You're saying there is absolutely no hope in preserving Germany and German culture then?
not in Europe.
German people bleed out slowly and get replaced by the third world.
It`s too late. The only stop to this is a civil war. We might win it if you don`t interfere this time
muslims only attack the weak, so i do not have a problem with them. i dont have a gf, dont have kids, why should i care (especially when everyone around is still not waking up to this ivasion shit)
A better way to win is to have Europeans helping each other out.
Like a new crusade. It would be both antiglobalist and antimuslim
Yea right, Ireland has probably enough population that women are raped there every day and you do nothing about it.
Also some random woman =/= your woman.
I'll call him what I want. I'm more than 1/2 Irish myself. He's a tinker not because he's Irish but because he's Irish and stupid.
>I tell you one thing if these fuckers were in Ireland and started raping Irish girls on mass, I wouldn't just sit back, i'd batter the fuck out of them with a Shillelagh till their brains were splattered across the ground.
How does it feel to know that your gene pool is basically English?
I hate to admit this but Germany is once again the final boss. Its Germany whos running this god forsaken EU, thats why our state propaganda runs on full steam. 24 / 7.
Once Germany falls the EU will collapse. Or let`s say Globalist shills like Merkel have to be removed, which is kinda impossible .
Pic related explains the German Spirit very well
Says the country that thought engaging another world war and genociding millions would totally work the second time around?
>going out and hitting random people who meet your criteria of being a supposed perpetrator
That's 3rd world behavior.
>engaging another world war and genociding millions
I got some news for you pal...
that was fake news user, no sauce
Echte Menschen, die auch echte Menschen bei uns belästigen oder im schlimmsten Fall ermorden. Informiere dich bitte über alle diese Fälle, wo deutsche Kinder, Mädls, Frauen, Senioren auf irgendeinen Art belästigt worden sind Dann wirst du sicherlich deine Meinung ändern.
>ihr seid alle Nazeees! Ich liebe alle Menschen auch wenn sie meine Nachbarin vergewaltigen.
Du hast recht, jetzt ist Schluss aber mit dieser allertolerienden Einstellung. Man kann nicht einfach alles tolerieren, weil es sich gut fühlt.
user ffs that was fake news. Check facts. A fucking subhuman posts smth without links and you believe it all.
This broke my heart srs.
They're not my women.
>I wouldn't just sit back, i'd batter the fuck out of them with a Shillelagh till their brains were splattered across the ground.
sure you would man youre definitely not just some limp wristed 14 year old faggot talking shit on a chinese toilet paper discussion forum
pol can be so fucking cringe sometimes
Tbqh, what would you do?
Just run around and kill any shitskin you see?
I personally have seen no woman get raped. (and do not know any that was)
No. IRA has been pretty cucked recently. Same with Sinn Fein.
*Northern Irish, and that is what happens when you restrict peoples rights in their own land. Muslims just kill, cause Allah.
>leaf commenting on Irish affairs
Sinn Fein are literal cucks obviously, but I am talking about the former Provos, not the current versions of the criminal gang formerly known as the IRA.
>wanting to defend your own women.
=stupidity. Keep eating your burgers you fat fuck.
>I'm more than 1/2 Irish myself.
Imagine you live in San Francisco
Dare to make one step.
Dare to hint at not being a leftist.
Or dont talk at al
"Take action"
Go out and punch a didnu in the face who was aquitted of rape.
You will be hunted down, not only by the police,whole city but even by the "victim". Thw biggest crime in the world isnt being a murderous rapist , its NOT obeying the (((program)))
You are automatically nazi bigot white scum who doesnt even deserve to live.Thats the evil genius of the globalist psyop that was started after ww2
Now imagine a whole country being San Francisco
They don't want my help.
Just sit back and laugh at them.
I actually applaud shitskins for taking over and raping the cucks.
I never got into any trouble with shitskins. They feel that I am secretly on their side.
When the islamic domination of Europe is completed I will still be alive and recieve special benefit for being a 'wise man'. It's in the Al'Quaida playbook, look it up!
Bismillah faggots!
>5 muslim business' were firebombed yesterday
>shitskin rapist stabbed today
that's true, but a small drop of water on a hot stone
Still rootin for you lads.
Yes. It is. The only way to get this shit changed is for people to start speaking up and getting thrown in jail for speaking their minds, revealing that the liberal utopia is a totalitarian state with mind control verging on Communist Russia.
Potatoe nigger have you been to Germany? You'd understand.
8/10 german guys are REALLY fucking weird.
I've done my share of traveling around the world, outside of Chinese guys, German guys from like 18 to 50 are really really strange.
Education is my guess.
OP when you killl your enemy, they win....
>Literally have their coastguard picking them up from the sinking ships at sea
>Refusing to help
I guess they just didn't hand out enough welfare from your own taste? Do you even have a job in this country?
You expect a country like Italy, that was in full economic crisis when the emergency boomed, to be able to fork out cash and personnel for all that people, when they couldn't even help their own?
Remove the kebab skewer from up your ass and do something to stop those of your own ethnic community who are making people think these things, instead.
Austria you do know OP is Irish and Italy is the meme name for Irish posters, right?
>Remove the kebab skewer from up your ass and do something to stop those of your own ethnic community who are making people think these things, instead.
That's like telling a nigger to fix Detroit