We need to kill all the Romanians and Hungarians on this board, they are a disease infecting not just the Earth...

We need to kill all the Romanians and Hungarians on this board, they are a disease infecting not just the Earth, but the internet too.

Fuck off and leave Hungarians alone

Nah senpai

Your opinions are irrelevant because you're German, please die in the shithole that you call "Berlin" while Mohammed fucks your daughter.

>being mad at the hungarian masterrace

the fuck is your problem ?

At least we had the fucking courage to build a razorwire fence on our border to keep the sandniggers out

agree with the second part of the proposal

Fuck off leave based Hungary alone

Keep telling you kikes to fix up your own mess

All they need is an Austrian overlord again

sage hide report
back to rebbit

knowing them, they'll probably like getting KuK'd (Kaiser und Koenig)

of course you are

The gypsy scum needs to be silenced

Why? I think they're nice posters.

Romanians are very toxic in cs go just like turks

>tfw still conflicted about Austrian-Hungarian empire
>they built a lot of civilized shit around, but still treated all minorities horribly

Only the gypsies should be executed. The others are okay

ewwwww gyspyies

infecting the earth is the american's job
the romanian merely infects Sup Forums

sewer-dwellers detected

what about the cross breeds

Depends, they're alright for the most part

Low quality shitposting. What the fuck is your problem Mr.

don't talk shit about us or about our kebab-removing neighbour you little shart

Don't talk shit about me or my wife's rightful clay ever again

You know who was the biggest loser with Trianon?
Austria lost all his fuckbuddies...

Anyway dont turn this again to transhungarians are ancient romanians or transromanians are ancient hungarians thread .

im actually okay with this as long the romanians go first, and i get a front row seat

how about no

>or my wife's rightful clay ever again


Go back to mongolia and watch your faggy cartoons there faggot

>hun ok with killing himself
nothing special
just do it faggot

Thank you for making another Hungarians vs. Gypsies thread

Have a (You)


you're not one to talk about gypsies magyar cigany

>hurr get out of my le /board/

It's good to see my memes are getting recycled, and upgraded

Hungary and Romania could unite and become top 5 powers in the world.

/bro/zgors, why do you hate us?
Gypsies, why do you hate them?

>when "román cigány" is the actual existing term

Minorities weren't treated that horribly, there was no forceful germanization or anything comparable, it was just a multinational empire with a german speaking (most Habsburgs spoke Hungarian, too though) ruling class. No special privileges for other ethnicities (before 1867 of course), but no horrible mistreatments of minorities either. They considered themselves to be part of the same Danubian culture group anyway, so there wasn't really a need to be gruel (before the rise of nationalism of course).

shut up and direct your energy towards roaches and dindus.
hungarians and rumanian are bro tier.