We famous again
We famous again
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I know what that acronym means, but not in this context.
Is it just some slick code for flophouses?
This is a very interesting news article. Why is the hacker known as Sup Forums getting these places shut down?
basically people renting warehouses and using them for shit they are not supposed to do
archive, faggot
>Sup Forums trolls want to quell anti-Trump dissent by shutting own DIY venues and art spaces
Do we? Did I miss it. Am I late for something?
>The efforts are reminiscent of “swattings” that happened during Gamergate — a practice in which groups on Sup Forums or Reddit would falsely call the police or even the FBI on people they considered their online enemies, reporting crimes or emergencies severe enough that law enforcement would storm their homes.
Weren't the gobbergabbers the ones that got swatted?
There was a dude yesterday that went to his local libshit nest and posted some photos of what's going on inside. He later reported it to his local fire department since they were hosting some local concerts and had zero safety inside. May be related.
Try searching the archive for "Bombs away", or something like that.
They're just looking for excuses to blame us for shit.
You got it. (((They're))) very slick with their new terms
Top fuckin kek
I love how liberals don't think laws apply to them.
That Oakland fire killed like 50 people because the building was being used illegally by a bunch of hipster douche bags with delusions of high art.
They broke the law and people died. If there were any justice in the world the owner of that building would be facing manslaughter charges.
And now they're saying, yeah, that space was being used illegally and it resulted in 50 deaths, but like, warning the fire department about other such gross housing violations that could result in further death is like, mean or something.
What a bunch of special snowflakes.
Have you not seen all the Safety squad (SS) threads?
Except these places are legitimate fire hazards that are one bong hit away from burning off 40 hippies.
Can I post my RWSS memes without getting banned again?
The past few days there have been "Right wing safety squad" threads where people find antifa,liberals and sjws that rent out warehouses ect to do drugs and host concerts and they report them to the fire department for not being up to code.
Fire dept show up and shuts them down, cue crying libs.
There was a shitty mod that gave everyone warnings for oppressing groups or some shit so hiro fired him but said not to make the threads any more.
Mod got fired, can't make the threads but memes are fine.
united safety squads when?
>abiding by the law is considered trolling
The author of that needs to be lined up on a wall and shot
hey guys, guess what this means?
safety squads are Sup Forums again, despite /qa/ shitposting
I feel like RRSQ threads were the most wholesome thing this place has done. I dont see the problem with saving lives
Right Wing Safety Squads
Rather than renting a traditional space for concerts, or whatever, they rent dilapidated (and thus cheap) warehouse space and use it for purposes for which it is not zoned and for which it is bellow safety codes. The DIY tag comes because you do the stuff to convert the space for your uses yourself.
so now reporting unsafety locals is a bad thing?
i love how we can be bad by being good
>tfw used to be mod
>used to be
>now sit on Sup Forums all day reporting threads
>but reports getting ignored
>just like I used to do when I was mod
are we allowed to start making RWSS threads again?
those threads were the best part of my day, fuck /leftypol/
he explains his reasoning here. check it out.
Yes. And these places are actually violating laws so it's not even the same.
We are living in such a meme timeline it's not even funny, we are investigating the us government for having a child sex ring and we shut down unsafe buildings.
>Abiding by the law
fuck that you are theoretically saving lives, if these diy spaces wherent fire or some other type of hazard they wouldent get shutdown
>liberal dumbasses hate safety and want to play in condemned huts that burn down
They must really hate each other if they try to rationalize burning to death in a shack.
Not safe at all
It may be off topic for /pol. and still be a humanitarian effort.
Maybe post at Sup Forums, Hiroshima specifically said not to make advocacy threads about it here since it is off topic here.
Swattings are not even related to GG afaik.
What a buncj of bs propaganda. We were just trying to save some lives
He's using the Sup Forums is one person argument. Just because one poster said something about liberals doesnt make it all about liberals
What a fucking faggot, I bet he slurped on his "girlfriends" cock while writing that.
That's kind of the secret of Liberals. They hate themselves and each other. Know who hates gay men the most? Gay men. Know who hates women the most? Other women. Know who hates black men the most? Other black men, and black women.
They are constantly in a battle with their own cognitive dissonance and identity problems.
Why do you guys hate DIY spaces? It's a great place to spend time with friends to hear poetry and stand up. Though, I guess DIY places around my area are different I guess
My grandfather hates gays a lot. Are you saying he's gay?
If they aren't up to code it's dangerous. You don't want another Oakland fire do you?
I was wondering what all this fireman pepe shit was.
Ah ok. I had a brief look in one or two SS threads but that's it.
Sorry, I've got job and family. Can't lurk a vietnamese embroidery board all day.
hey besides the sites rules, is there any other reasons why the things stated are not allowed?
my socialist roommate was pissed because I couldn't not laugh when we were talking about this. He legit believes those people are making worthwhile art that will change the world, when really they are a bunch of degenerates who can't handle regular participation in normal society, and think their shitty crafts are actually art pieces.
He couldn't get over the fact I didn't see any problem with people skirting regulations getting the boot. He was all emotional about how these "poor creative people" don't have anywhere else. He said they need these safe spaces.
I said either they can get their places up to code, or move in with relatives/friends, or even a homeless shelter if they cannot be fucked to get a job that will afford them an apartment.
It hurts lefty fee fee's.
The world turned into satire.
>It's a great place to spend time with friends and burn to death in a barn fire
Yes fellow liberal I too enjoy burning to death like the jew I am with all of my friends!
Then why are we shutting them down again?
What? How autistic are you? When did I ever say I was a liberal?
Eh, it's their problem, if they die they die, but just let them have fun I guess
No, I guess your right, they really should get it up to code. But I still love going to them
pissing them off while saving lives > killing them
Safety violations
Fires bring other people and buildings in danger too. Not counting the costs for the Firefighters and insurance effectively hitting the economy.
Pissing them off is just a sweet little side effect.
>Eh, it's their problem, if they die they die, but just let them have fun I guess
You can have fun and be safe
Did that ever cross your mind?
Why are they reporting it after the mods shut it down already? Those threads were super fun and comfy,I already miss them.
I am proud of you, Safety Squad anons
>the libs are complaining about housing regulations openly
shadilay, brothers
>prevent people from getting burned
>such a nazi!
What a time to be alive.
Yea, so? I like going to them, so I'll go, and I don't know the places I go to are up to code with the city, but I'll go find out next time, and if they are up to code, then I'll like them even better
I often have to go to one of these places so I can use their wood working stations to restore old furniture.
The amount of liberal hipsters that go make me want to give up my hobby.
Making a pile of cardboard in the center of the room and calling it art.
Really it's just a fucking fire and safety hazard
The cherry on top of all this is that they want to stop getting BTFO by the safety squads all they have to is follow code or maybe put some effort into hiding their infractions. Seriously it's not rocket science all you have to do is not stack useless shit in front of exits and do you wiring properly.
But means they'll have to actually work and they wouldn't be leftists if they could do that. So they'll sob and cry about those literal Hitlers shutting down their poor starving artist houses for no reason, and they'll hope like hell nobody actually looks into it and finds out all the literal Hitlers did was report fire code violations
>board of peace demonized for promoting responsible civic action
Underrated comment of truth. This timeline is becoming increasingly bizarre.
Working on their own stuff is one of the biggest redpills for lefties.
Thanks vlad
>all this ass pain
fuck you faggots who genuinely want to prevent the death of leftist scum. hope they all turn to hard drugs due to lack of things to do.
Why do you want all the art creators in your community to die screaming in an inferno?
This has nothing to do with Trump.
It has everything to do with saving lives.
Fuck off Verge.
>take DIY
>term for productive open-source engineering movement
>apply it to nonproductive, narcissistic arts movement
We won't hate DIY spaces.
We hate the thought of innocent people burning alive in a horrible fire because the owner of that DIY space can't maintain a building up to fire-safety code.
Sup Forums is a board of peace
There hasn't been a fire yet, and you assume this building isn't up to code, if it isn't then boo hoo
That's not a good thing.
Just means more newfags, which is part of the reason 2^3chan's leftypol board is raiding us.
>how are they being shut down
>why are they being shut down
Beats me goym maybe if you donate money things won't be so bad
Yet. Tell that to the fifty some odd dead people in Oakland man. It was a horrible way for all those people die, with a higher death toll than most terror attacks. Most of the victims were late teens to early twenties. Just a senseless, stupid tragedy. Now we're trying to prevent other tragedies from occurring.
you should check grandpappys sock drawer, you might be surprised by what you find
What the actual fuck? Is that footage from that Oakland thing?
What the fuck were they dousing the goddamn place in gasoline?
>Anti-Trump sentiment
Funny way of saying "Needless Fire Related Deaths"
What a weasel
Glad he's out and has to get his power kick somewhere else
If you save them, they lose.
Man, Backdraft was awesome.
I only remember one gaming swatting that was caught on tape. Seems like the others were aimed at celebrities.
Just hippie squatting that's been going on since the 80's.
Normally I'd say let them burn in their occasional fire, but now that they're such fans of state force, I love the poetic justice of using it against them.
Safety Squads did nothing wrong.
Lieberals and Jews are physically incapable of telling the truth.
It's their slick new 1984 Ministry of Jew term for flophouses, drug dens, and squatters that have illegally taken residence in old warehouses so they can do shoot heroin and rape children.
Post the address here so we can partake in its fun
Btw, does it mean talking about current news about the rwss is kosher? I mean, halal? I mean allowed?
What was deleted? Mods deleting posts but keeping the thread?
>Btw, does it mean talking about current news about the rwss is kosher? I mean, halal? I mean allowed?
it seems so, but they often shut the threads down before the bump limit for no reason even if it's just about news.
the stairs were made out of old pallets
i dont think that was the oakland one though it might have been the one in brazil
Be safe guys. Fire is no laughing matter. We don't need more statues like pic related.
We've moved to 8ch since the mod drama
Hundreds of people on fire at a Taiwan concert. (Dust explosion)\
You guys are fucking faggots for shutting down places that support the arts. RIP Flux in Denver, we had good times.
Because fire spreads
Antifa niglets becoming crispy critters is all fine and dandy, however the buildings next to them are probably going to light ablaze alongside them
I must have missed these threads
Ban assault dust.
Seriously though, you would be impressed at how much stuff catches on fire once it's a fine dust.
Post-feminist chanting and intersectional penispainting is not art, you fucking queer cuck.
PRO TIP: use of the word "spaces" where normal decent folks would use "places" is a good way to determine if a story is leftist faggotry