Sup with anti Serbia threads recently and hate in general ?
Anti Serbia threads
havent seen any
i do it for the memes
volim te Srbija
Maybe because you guys are genocidal maniacs?
Turk rape baby
Many such cases
can someone tell me what bulgaria is like
All i see is bait threads.
But you gained more attention since the CTR fag came back yesterday.
>aww they making fun of me mommy
Always the sensitive types you Serbs. I thought after the 1999 bombing you'd enjoy a good roasting every now and then
Serbs are fine, I only fuck slavs so Serbian women are fine.
Don't worry Serbia bro. God is a Serb
LOL sure, that's why they keep getting their asses kicked in every war. They're pretty much the Jews of Europe.
>owning 100 bills
Idk it just seems like they picked up steam recently
shoo shoo roaches
This is now an Albanian hate thread.
The recent assassination of the Russian ambassador has reminded and rekindled in many the fact that 100 years ago an autistic Serb literally ruined the world and set in motion the events that are ending europe and white people as a whole
t-t-thanks guys
was just about to post this
Serbs are bros
cheap, corrupt, sexcellent tourism, very national.
I don't hate Serbia.
The threads popping up are a bit fishy though.
I think that whole part of Europe is fucking stupid.
Faggot atheists just like the Swedes yet you love muslims.
Shit is fucking dumb.
>love muslims
Dude wat
Are all Serbs such attention whores?
nice i'll come visit soon do you have many rapefugees right now?
burger pls
It's that one retarded albozerg from
USA and there's one from spain also
Probably ger eerrr achmeds and leafs. If we decide to purge the bosniak backstabbers we'll need them.
oj ba don't forget the 8000 tisuca hiljada gorillion
Here I found them
Serbs actually keep some districts in Vienna Turk free and livable because the Kebab can not grow in this mileu.
Sure they are loud and obnoxious but still better than Turks or even Arabs.
Bless them.
>pic related
OY VEY GOY!! what are you doing?
>districts in Vienna kept roach free
holy fuck
I have lots of Serbian family in Vienna so I visit pretty often, you cant walk Mariahilfer strasse without hearing serbian
We're better, you infidel brother.
>serbcucks can't handle the bantz
KEK get fucked Turkovic
13 near Hütteldorf. Barely see Kebab and maybe one Nog per week but cyrillic graffiti instead. Quite comfy here.
You're a serb living in my country?
are you really though ? :^)
Serbia: 3,1% Islam
Croatia 5,91% Islam + Orthodoxy
We don't have problems with Catholics like you do with Orthodox(read Serbs)
didn't they fucking start a world war? fucking gypsies
behead those who insult Serbs
born here
you just confirmed comic
dali muslimanite u crna gora se siptari ili crnogorski pomaci?
Aj ne bulazni. Boli nas dupe dal se križaš sa 2 ili 3 prsta dokle god ne pikiraš prema meci dok se moliš. (govorim mišljenje većine prijatelja u gradu gdje postoje neke tenzije i u kojemu su sve denominacije zastupljene i crkve i đamija - za ćifute neznam i jebe mi se).
parents are serbs? Why did they come here? I know more bosnians who came here after we were send on that destined-to-fail UN mission.
Croatia is 1,3% islam. Cant you chart bro ?
Thanks for the hint. Moving to this hell hole in February and will really consider this.
Have pic related friend
šiptari su oko 4%, ostatak su Sloveni
ali naši šiptari su mnogo bolji od vaših
Half only, they fled from the war yes
Same here
I meant 5,91% as in % of Islam + % of Orthodoxy
met a good serb on omegle you are not all so bad
he said za dom spremni
Ah I see.
Serbians are based tbqhfamlgbt
Fuck everyone in this thread for not laughing at my hilarious kike book comic
Kod nas je No šiptar = No burek and that's a bad situation. Seeing as I systematically reject purchasing anything from balija or with a halal seal.
>being cucktholich is better off than being based orthodox christian
Jesus Christ maybe you are also so cucked because Adolf called you aryan
Srecni ste :D
Fuckin CTR
it was pretty funny leafbro
Why does bastardized bulgarian sounds so god damn awful?
Atheism is the religion for white people.
Come home, white man.
ma i ovdje su većina buregdžija šiptari i poneki musliman
jebiga najbolje bureke prave, što jes jes
Dafuq ?
I'm a greek catholic, why would I hate orthodox ? It's still christianity.
As a general guideline look at the local politics and be sceptic about districts which have ~30:30:x SPÖ FPÖ Other. That usually translates in two resident groups: Kebab and leftover Austrian prolls who can't afford living anywhere else but Kebab districts.
ÖVP-FPÖ is what to look for, but it's always just a hint.
Mene me nervira sto ne blamiraat zasto sve nigersko sto siptar pravi niz evropa so nas pasos se brendira kako makedonec
probably because the days of bosnia and kosovo and probably montenegro balkan micro nations are numbered
europoor mudslimes are upset
not sure if serbia and croatia would want bosnia desu
this is a good gang..
Orthodoxy in Croatia is usually associated to Serbs, that's why
low bait threads
We're getting a really bad rep around these parts because of that CTR fag.
pa to ti je ono isto kao kad neki Sandžaklija zasere i onda postane "Srbin" ili "Srbijanac"
ne znam brate, nas je istorija posrala svakako, tako da ova mržnja i govna ne donosi ništa dobro
what is the butthurt about chocolate about? Heard something of it but i dont understand
Serbia has strong chocolate industry, Croatia also.
Croatian presidents who is all for muh Croatian muh advanced muh new Switzerland fucks up and gifts generic tier Serbian chocolate to veteran kids...
Retarded really both the president and the backslash.
The Croatian president was handing out her photos and Serbian chocolates to 6-year-olds at some pre-school.
Part of the butthurt is because handing out your photos to kids is North Korea-tier and part of it because the chocolate is Serbian-made.
Typical Balkan bullshit
tldr: Croatian President gave out chocolate that was made in Serbia to little kids while they were honoring the day of Dubrovnik's defenders and people got butthurt
Well that is typical, tbqh Kraš chocolate is GOAT
never seen that chocolate here
>~30:30:x SPÖ FPÖ Other.
Looked it up and everything east of the inner city seems No Go area like also most of the western, southern and northern districts except for 13. and 19. Even the inner city is completely fucked in this regard.
If I find something nice in the 13. seems like the only viable option. But the more I look at that map the more a flat around Vienna and drive half an hour to work seems the most rational solution. You really helped me here. Didn't even thought about looking at it this way
It's fucking accurate too
My history teacher in 5th grade told us the same thing
Based Seselj accepted Croatian chocolate though
I called it bootleg stuff from Bosna on the day it was marketed as a controversy.
Npr. Jaffa Keksi iz Srbije su 10 koplja ispred Milke, Kraševog pokušaja ili Slovenskih hitaca u prazno.
Kažu starci da znaju za brend ali kod nas nisam nikad vidio tu čokoladu, probably Todorić or Tedeschi unloading some old surplus.
Thanks serbia
>Vienna is fucked
I must compliment you on your spot on observation skills, dear sir.
stop screaming for attetion , don't be like rumanians. We already have cucкnada,'straya,kiwis and finland
Ama crna gora e odlicna :)
>3 put po srpski nacin
Yeah fuck me, I thought it was a meme and it couldn't be worse then Graz. Guess I will live the dream now.
race is a social construct. the only reason you don't want a black son is because you're racist because when you think about it a black son would be closer to you genetically than a white daughter would be, so clearly your issue is with race and not your offspring being like you.
why don't you care about eye color of your children? huh? or hair color for that matter? that's what I thought...