>Post your first red pill and age

>>Post your first red pill and age

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>14 2002

>Discover internet

this thread

Saw that social justice stuff was stupid

Saw that blacks and whites arent equal

Saw that women shouldn't be trusted and aren't equal to men. Only good for pussy and doing chores.

Voted for trump.i turned 18 in june.

>teacher says things like "You can see where God removed legs from Snakes in the Garden of Eden."
>realized there are adults dumber than children
>realized having a position of authority doesn't necessarily make you qualified

>Das Kapital

all the "red pills" before that were a joke in comparison


realise that reality is nothing more than a projection of my own consciousness and that in an absolute sense, there is no such thing as an external, objective reality




OP was a faggot

>10 years old
>niggress in neighborhood always fucked with me
>get into fight
>when asked by parents why I did it nervously reply with "I don't like black people"
>gain reputation as complete rascist
>part of me thinks even ten year old me somehow knew niggers are less than human

Turner Diaries

I read the book Dawn of the magician when i was 18 years old. It open up my imagination and made me think differently. Prior to that i was a moronic pothead. Now i'm a lonely enlighten drunk.

Worth it i guess

>2012 , 23 years old, watched the trayvon martin case live streamed, in its entirety.

Nothing opened my eyes more, jesus christ. It's also when I first came to Sup Forums. I saw all the news reports saying there was damning evidence against zimmerman, and how he slaughtered a child.

Then they paraded up the ignorant and worthless "witnesses". One was a black female who looked like she ate a tire, and said Trayvon thought a homosexual man was following him and he was going to beat him up.

Everyone who "saw" zimmerman slay the kid were looking out dark windows in a non lighted area and couldnt explain themselves.

Such a shit show with 0 real evidence against zim zam.

After all that... all that evidence proving his innocence... people on facebook chimped out about the injustice.

I lost faith in every fucking person on social media.

Middle class white neighborhood rode same bus in elementary school with nigger trailer park kids.

Media jews killed Michael Jackson.


>September 2012, age 16
>new york High school economics
>muh socialism muh communism, never really been tried correctly here's why it's great ideology
>me, raised by southern, capitalist, business owners, am like WTF?
>9/11 comes and goes, someone tells me to research building 7

At that point I found alex jones, decided he was a nutter, and went about life like a bluepilled faggot until age 19, then decided to go on Sup Forums when I realized the Sup Forumsasement was complete cancer and started checking out other boards. Fully redpilled by february 2016, age 20

Being introduced to quality classical music at a young age has been the greatest redpill.

2005, 15 years old, everything surrounding 9/11

>only good for pussy and doing chores
>17 y.o.
>pic related

lived in a primarily white area in the south, then moved to north carolina where the black population was like a third of the town

there was a brawl between bloods and crips the first week of high school and a guy got pistol whipped

the next four years were bad

If u believe in these things with all of your heart then I believe you should be sterilized and never allowed to adopt

Yeah this was a good one. For me though:
>OJ trial
>stark staringly obvious he had killed her
>that shit with pretending the gloves didn't fit
>he gets off
>melanin enriched fuckwits genuinely delighted

>living in east London 2001
>TV on
>see second plane hit
>hear car horns, whooping and cheering from the street below

> 9/11 documentary (ran here in state TV)

> 2005 or 6

September 11th, 2001. Age 13.

>hear car horns, whooping and cheering from the street below

we will cleanse your island saxon

deus vult


To extrapolate:

Listening to good classical really cements in your mind a kind of standard of quality, an idea of what is worth aspiring to, and a craving for grace.
It spurs you to not abhor all things old, to surround yourself with things that inspire and helps you open yourself up to things outside of the mainstream, and to see the mainstream as being this very small and limited thing that has very little room and thought to it. It's been the original redpill for me and everything else kind of flowed from that.

>Be only white person in school.
>Literally everyone around me is comparatively retarded.
>Teachers treat me like shit.
>Still outperform athletically, financially and academically.
>Literally get some brown principal on my ass because I've put exponential debt on a group of poor idiots.
>Mom is still a Christcuck trying to help these thirdworlders somehow.
>Christianity is degenerate.

Damn it feels good to be white.

French horn was always my favorite.
I'm a trained alto recorder player but my passion was always in brass.

>going on the internet and lying to make yourself feel better

The redpill comes from experience since it is banned from being taught in schools. If you are the only white person surrounded by others you can't help but notice how you are different.

fbi and fbi

I was almost sexually assaulted by my black "friend" two times, in grade school.

I can go into detail if anyone cares, but for the most part, I haven't trusted blacks or any other minorities since that happened.

My whole life has been a redpill. I was born into a multi ethnical city with crime everywhere.

By the age of 10, I already knew how weed smelled like, differemt kinds of sexual practices, how dead bodies looked like, and what porn was.

By the age of 11 or 12, I started to suffer from severe depression that has been tormenting me for years now. I became depressed once I started to realize how much of a lie life really was.

are you a grill?

>Then they paraded up the ignorant and worthless "witnesses". One was a black female who looked like she ate a tire, and said Trayvon thought a homosexual man was following him and he was going to beat him up.

>be gay
>realize Muslims are a problem
>realize immigration in general is a problem
>all roads lead to the Jews


Probably no older than 6. My brother was being harassed by some negro that lived in the street. It got to a point that my brother had enough and he told him off and called him a nigger. Needless to say, the inferiority complex kicked in and he threatened my brother's life so police had to be called. Niggers, not even once.

Used to lose political arguments right and left in high school
Remember saying that there were no differences among races and ethnicities other than their cultures, was savaged mercilessly. Still kinda agree with the sentiment, but after it all started noticing more unquestioned arguments made by msm and in pop culture, digits

age 14, found out fathers coworkers was an israeli spy. (defense industry)

I grown up with arabs.
So, i don't know, preschool ?

More clearly, i mean that any time there was noise, there was a conflict, there was trouble, there was illegal behaviour, any time someone was disrupting the peace and quiet, it always was an arab. Always always always.
And they were like what, 5-10% of the schools pop.

Looking at the news was the only thing i needed to understand it wasn't local, but global and tied to race. After getting on the internet, it expended to basically anyone that's not european or japanese, and it still hold true to this day.

Not really. I was the only white at my job everyone else was Mexicans with little English skill or literal Nigerians. Even my manager couldn't speak a word of English. And they treated me no different because I treated them exactly the same way. I was even given better positions and showed up late while they'd get canned for being seconds late. Long story short you're a liar and regardless of creed or ethnicity hard work is universally respected.

No, I'm a man.

I lived in Santa Ana California in the early 1990s as illegals took over entires sections of the city.

I speak Spanish so I was able to understand what they were saying about whites AND legal latinos.

I watched them drive around the city protesting prop 187 by flying Mexican flags from thier vehicles.

>one girl in my class kept flirting with me so I asked her out but she refused
>even after she refused she still kept flirting
>try to ignore her
>this goes on for about a year or two
>notice she does this to multiple other boys in my grade
>all of a sudden in eighth grade she says "I'm a lesbian now tee hee"
>whenever any boy asks her out she rejects them and says she is a lesbian despite flirting with pretty much any boy she comes across
>finally realize she is an attention whore
>get redpilled on attention whoring and what women to avoid

in my early teens, slightly before 9/11.

Wondering why white people in particular were always bending over backwards trying to make nonwhite people happy at white peoples' expense.

and here we are

16 hated the far left but was still liberal ish
18 realized niggers are sub human
19 realized what jews are doing.

I got in trouble in grade school because I assumed that having black skin was a side effect of being born retarded because growing up I honestly couldn't tell the difference between the mentally retarded and "non-retarded" black people.... their speech, body language, and general aura of rampant stupidity made them indistinguishable from each other.

Then after that you kind of put two and two together and realize that all these liberal adults were lying about everything they told you. What really pisses me off is that the old boomer-hippy scum don't even understand why we resent them so much after trying to sell us on such blatant under-handed lie.

>being retarded
>taking 10 blue pills at a time

> 0 1995

>Grow up in white part of country
>Literally a handful of non-whites in school
>Nobody gives a shit, racism is bad anyway why are people even racist it's just skin
>Move to London
>I hate everybody

>Lady Gaga, 2010
>Gay marriage, gay rights etc
>I'm gay and along with my gay friends none of us are endorsing this, like yeah it's cool but why don't straight people butt out
>Gay marriage
>Seriously? Nobody gives a fuck, where did this come from?
>Terrible soaps with token gay characters
>mfw girl at work makes the assumption that I must be rooting for her with her money grabbing Nigerian husband because I'm gay and gay=accepting of anything.

18 - Became racially aware and had a better grasp of things. I hate to say it but I used to be a liberal a while back

>death is a thing


You woke as fuck now.

have you read Das Kapital?
I'm guessing no...

God isn't real, and that theism is more nhilistic then atheism

Like 4 or 5 years old
went to kindergarten with gypsies

>age 16
>Open-borders turbocuck
>grandpa tells me that immigrants are leeches
>tells me that Sweden's identity is risking being lost
>tells me to remember to stand up for my country
I couldn't just simply dismiss him as a racist, I respected and trusted him. Then the migrant crisis struck, I started doubting the SWEDEN YES mentality. Then the Bataclan massacre happened, and that was what made me turn my back on the open borders stance. My views completely flipped within the space of a few months.

>Then the migrant crisis struck
>My views completely flipped within the space of a few months.

Same story here. Total paradigm shift. There's a reason why they call it the red pill.

>whenever they made us read Night by Ellie Wiesel back in hs
>the evil germans made us run 270 miles butt ass naked through arctic temperatures to the next concentration camp

>trained alto recorder player
how does it feel playing a childs intrument?

t. saxophone player of 22 years

was 26 at the time
Literally turned from lib to pro-Putin because of vidya

>Oldfag me

Sit on my face and guess my age

-Nigger tier uprigging due to alcoholic mom and Willy Lohman dad failing in a nafta world

-O.J. trial combined with Rodney King shit

-College and seeing how slutty girls were and how retarded chicks and Indians were getting engineering degrees.

-Start work at the peak of affirmative action and the beginning of militant H.R.


-Working part time in music. Seeing shit go down in bars, clubs and with owners/managers, patrons, bkacks. Late 90s early 2000s

-SJW explosion and being near ground zero college areas.

-2007 Found heartiste, then stormer, then Sup Forums

Woke AF


>The Jewish question also that whites ate getting genocided

I was weirdlu popular at high school I was that funny racist kid (I would hide my racist rants under sarcastic jokes)

Age: 12

In my English Class I called Nelson Mandela (topic of the lesson, teacher kept calling him a brave freedom fighter) a terrorist.

I was born in a white dutch family in South Africa.

I was born red pilled.

>Kid who bulled me in 2nd grade was Jewish
>learned that Jews don't believe in Jesus
>assumed Jews were cunts

Correction: I am currently 19. I got redpilled when I was 7


>Left clergy (Catholic) to become a magician after learning ancient Hebrew.

War in Iraq and Hussein's death. The time i understood that pure evil exists and it's name is America.

13, asked a question in class about the nazis
question rejected, low angry tone "the nazis were bad guys"
started doubting history itself and questioning/debating EVERYTHING since that day.

>pure evil exists and it's name is America
And Uncle Putin is the good Christian here to save Europe. Newsflash, all governments are evil.

>trying to justify why Trayvon wuz a good boy
>nothing made sense

after that it all went down hill

My first redpill was the Columbine massacre. Every politician, "activist", and weasel came out of the woodwork to build their careers off of that tragedy, and it was so damn obvious they didn't give two shits about the actual victims. I learned that many people are opportunistic animals who wear the facade of altruism.

The second redpill was the subtle guilt they would lay down upon the students during our "Holocaust lectures" in school. I mean, the teachers would go on and on and on about how terrible the holocaust was. Of course, I knew of other atrocities like the Mao's Great Leap Forward and Lenin's and Stalin's artificial famines, so I wondered why these were never mentioned. Especially since the body counts were far greater than 6 million.

I brought this up one day in class, and the teacher implied that I was a Nazi sympathizer. That was the third redpill. And on and on I went, until I starting regularly browsing Sup Forums during the z-trial. By then, I was choking on redpills.

24 2012 moving to a city where there were shitskins and seeing how they act and actually talking to real SWJs. It proved to me that everything I've heard wasn't exaggerations.

1. 911 made me weird i was 11.
2. studying ww2 made me wake up to jesuit/saudi/fakejew/papal control and why race mixing is a disgusting sin
3. when i found christ again after a long journey

Living in Ferguson.

whenever it started turning into niggerville i gtfo. moved a year before Saint Mike "the angel" good bowah din du was slaughtered by the pohleece


realizing muslims were the bad guys

22. Studied Nikola Tesla

On a schooltrip and the lads were playing football and this girl walks up asking if she could join. I was a little shit and said "No, girls are physically weaker than men and you'll slow the game down" Starts crying and goes to the female teacher. Teacher says that that's not at all true and she would join and I would apologise.

5 minutes later she sprains her ankle or some shit.

I don't even know where I picked that shit up. Maybe the patriarchy is human nature?


I have always doubted education desu. It was like something (possibly third eye or something) was telling me that the opposite is the truth. I was also interested in nationalist politics from a very young age and looked at articles on nationalist sites that was saying how we should protect our borders and how immigrants are invading our country.
I was litterally borned redpilled. My family and friends are not though.

>races , and the values of traditions ,culture and religion.

>very young ,my father gibs me red pills

One of the most important pills you could swallow.

Applies to literally every single thing, institution, organization, government, company, whatever.

yeah thats my red pill too. the ecuation system sucked

every week another stabbing death in london
every time its a black guy at the hands of other black guys every time
really made me think

sucks for any innocent victims tho

8 years old.

I was a white latino minority in a mestizo country.
As a minority, I was never fed antiwhite propaganda, also my parents werent racist or anything either so I wasnt receiving external influence in these opinions I formed.
I could feel that my brown friends were dumber than I was, that brown girls at my school were uglier than white girls and that I could trust white adults more.

21, race and iq stats.

Pretty much. Anyone with an IQ above 120 will connect the dots.

10 early 2000's?

went to help this black kid get off this daycare shuttle, roody poo yelled at me saying I'm helping him cause he was black and said i though all blacks where useless, then he went full chimp.


Being a white minority is the most redpilling experience.

Subconsciously, 12, getting gut punched by an elderly Aboriginal man.

Literally, 14, getting sent to the principals office for calling affirmative action / lower standards for minorities inherently racist.

100% Classical music gives one a sense of the eternal and of virtues above everyday life. It will keep you on a straight path.


Can't even remember how old I was. 6 I think?

Parents told me there was no Santa Claus but not to tell anybody else. I was the first kid in my class to know. So I realized before anybody else did that lots of people can believe something that is entirely untrue. I also realized that people get embarrassed and angry when you tell them that they're wrong, even if they absolutely are. Then a couple years later I realized that God was Santa for adults and I was surrounded by adults that still hadn't figured out what I figured out as a child.

Feels good man