
One of the most stunning moments in all my years of lurking Sup Forums was browsing /his/ and seeing a thread regarding gypsies.

I was shocked, for I had never seen anything like it. An entire thread with every single person in agreement that gypsies were terrible.
I have never dealt with a gypsy in my life.

The one comment that stuck out to me was :
>gypsies make american blacks look like a refined aristocrat

Now I'm an American black. I know how shit we can be.

Are the Roma people really that terrible?

Other urls found in this thread:


Im still waiting for them to be returned back to India

You should meet a Brooklyn Gypsy there is not greater scum

They are terrible when it comes to thieving and abusing their own children.

But at least they don't become violent for no good reason, like the American negro so often does.

Maybe one day you'll find someone who's had a positive experience of gypsies, OP. Until then, it is what it is

Here is a nice webm that sums them up

even normies dislike gypsies


How much would a gypsy loli cost?

Pretty much everyone here hates them

it's one thing to dislike dirty thieves and another to have this meme hate of gypsies just because gypsies as usual for pol

Gypos in their natural habitat acting naturally.

Have you not seen the gypsy kick that woman down the stairs?

Yes, in a certain area where lots of them dwell our paramedics have recently started wearing bulletproof vests. They are also very aggressive towards any poor soul that needs to go do their job in their "villages", like the postmen, which reminds me of another story, I think from the same group of them mentioned above - postmen refused to continue doing their job where these shits live because they got beaten many times and attacked by their dogs and whatnot, so the municipality offered the post delivery job to the gypsies living there so they could get their own damn mail delivered. They refused, saying "that would make them no longer eligible for social support, and that would be discrimination"

>Are the Roma people really that terrible?
No, they are worst.
I had to live next to a gypsy project once and it was the definitive red pill for me. I have never met anyone that came in contact with them and didn't want them gassed.

You would never believe how horrendous they are. Just to give you and example they are the ONLY people ever to be kicked out of India. Not even Poos in the Loos could deal with them.

A bottle of cheap wine, probably.

I've met lots of acceptable blacks or Muslims, but I've never met an acceptable gypsy.

Kek, I remember that one. They gypsies also stated they could not entrust a local gypsy with everyone's mail, since he would probably steal and read it.

I think it also made the headlines when someone was found in a well with most of the major organs missing near a gypsy village.

Pls post hot gypsy slags

Like 95% of them refuse to integrate in any way, and its not like your average mohammad no go zone in London, they live mostly in.. shacks i guess, either on property given to them by the government or just build shit illegally, including stealing electricity for whatever electrical appliances they might have, like the two tvs or the village washing macine that they share. The good thing is they live in somewhat secluded areas, but that doesn't help the few old folks who happen to live near them and have to deal with shit like 8 of them stacked in an old, falling apart yugo driving crazy around the countryside for fun.

What's the worst is the lefties defend them passionately, news sites reporting on these incidents never specifically say it was the roma (tho you can tell by location and by the absurdity of the bullshit that happens), and there are constantly documentaries about them on the national tv about their "rich culture"

Yeah i lived in Europe for a few years and no one likes them. They'll throw babbies at youand when you catch it another one will come up behind you and steal your wallet

Still waiting for some one from EU to have balls to let us deport them back to India.

>You should meet a Brooklyn Gypsy there is not greater scum

Basically they are modern day urban nomads

they can be about as shitty as everyone els

My wife is a police officer. She has Romanian colleagues to help with translation. We have hordes of beggars and pickpockets, they carry around drugged up babies for sympathy.
Last week it was a pregnant 12 year old arrested. The baby will get passed around like a prop.
Many are unregistered births so can be sold to paedos for rapemurder easily.

American blacks just aren't in that league. Roma are scum. Regular Romanians have my utmost sympathy, as they are quite based.

> they live mostly in.. shacks i guess

exactly like . Jesus christ it's the same wherever they go.

They are obsessed with some dark magic.true story

A female friend of mine is in the Police. She had to search a female gypsy once.

It's not just that the gypsy's pubic hairs were unshaved, it was that those pubic hairs would go from her crotch to her knees.

Believe me, those leeches are scums on Earth.

Are those ethnic Gypsies are just pretend Gypsies like Irish travellers?

Pray tell user

In rural Spain every now and then neighbors get fed up and burn their houses to kick them out of town. It's usually done in group by the whole town, it's been happening since they got here 600 years ago.

They were cast out of India thousands of years ago because they were considered lowly and disgusting creatures. They have been begging, raping and stealing their way across Europe ever since.

gypsies are literally parasites.
a negroid will at least TRY to act like a human being, the ziganeur will dismiss any thoughts regarding civilized behaviour

To add something positive, there is a relatively small number of them that are trying to get a bit more civilized. Not like, "move into town, get a job, buy a flat civilized", more like "get my illegal shack registered so I can legally sue my neighbour who keeps dumping his trash on my lawn" civilized

They are dirty people that happily live in squalor and their entire culture revolves around lying, stealing, and begging.

Why would anybody on Earth like these people?

Yes, yes they are.

Why would anyone pretend to be a Gypsy?

Because this is how the live in India, you can't change them, you can't integrate them. Sure, may be one exception at 1k or something, but usually they are scum everywhere.

Thats scummy refugee

But are they redpilled about the jews?

>Are the Roma people really that terrible?


Also the kids that try to become something better through our school system are usually shut down by their families and eventually indoctrinated back into their shit culture. Saw it happen to a few kids my age while I was going through midschool and highschool.

My 'fave' gypsy is the sock-gypsy. They are selling socks in the *insert hypermarket name here* parking lot. They come up to you, you say no thank you and they instantly put a sock in your hand. claiming you accepted it and now you have to pay. If you refuse suddenly like 10 gypsies appear and make you pay. And of course their target is the 90 years old grampa, not the 100 kg pure muscle skinhead guy.

Nope, they are too dumb to do anything that involves any kind of thinking, unless it is pointed at stealing, then they become PhDs

Fuck me. last time I saw one of them driving in the UK was like 10 years ago and even then it surprised me.

>Befriend nice teenage gypsy online years ago
>Become close
>Tells me she's scared to be talking to me because her family would disown her for talking to someone outside gypsy circles
>Gets a boyfriend and gets engaged
>Tells me her boyfriend has cheated on her repeatedly but she can't do anything about it
>Asks if I'd run away with her
>Ends up getting married anyway because that's what gypsies do
>She'll have a baby and the cycle will start anew

Gypsy society is fucked and people who defend it because "muh different cultures" are liberal dicks. Girls are literally raised to breed. There are decent gypsy people but they're helpless in the bullshit system they inhabit.

Sounds pretty hard core. It's still done according to the law and they get the action gets green lighted by politicians, court or the police, right? Or does it just ensue spontaneously after gyppos pull off some of their usual shit and people get angry?

Such a shame hitler didnt manage to gas them all, not even edgeposting here, there is not a single positive attribute to gypsies.

animals that mildly resemble humans, they should all be deported back to their pooinloo homeland.

Haha.. dude, believe me we could pay for transport fees + gifts, if ANYONE could vote for deportation. How I see Merkel now I doubt she will move a finger about that in EU council.

how can you be a non-migrating people and still live in tents and shacks
it's not like they move from place to place, is it?

I'm sure most of the Six Gorillions were actually gypsies, (((they))) just ignore that and add them to the number.

They move like roaches, what you gonna do with some one with out papers officially??

what's the story behind the webm

I live in Germany and see and smell there everyday the mudslime subhuman creatures. The good thing is: this experience made me appreciate the gypsies in Romania. I underwent a learning process and now I can actually see them as human beings. They would never plant bombs, truck down people or gather in sexmobs. They are just filthy, illiterate and stealing and this is so much closer to civilization than the average mudslime turd who should be gassed and burned.

>Now I'm an American black. I know how shit we can be.

they are still whiter then you fucking nigger so your attempt to find someone to crawl over in the subhuman pyramid failed

Not a lot of gypsies reside in Sweden permanently. Most come to Sweden to beg and thieve then go back to their families in Romania with the money they earned.

>live in fairly rural, quiet town in southern France
>village is peaceful and picturesque
>for one season every year the Roma are allowed to park their trailers on the community football pitch
>a dozen shitty mobile homes appear with clotheslines everywhere
>naked or half clothed infants running around with dogs and chickens into the road
>everyone has to lock their properties because the Roma """youths""" will wander the town stealing anything that isn't nailed to the floor
>they will break into anything that isn't secured
>they once stole my dad's checkbook and used it to buy €300 of cigarettes in the same fucking town where they stole it
>if you give them anything, even some change or a can of soda, they will not ever leave you alone and will follow you and hang outside your house until they get more
>they are filthy and they stink, they throw garbage all over the football field and on more than one occasion I have driven past to see one of them squatting over the field and shitting in broad daylight

They are filth, luckily we have a pretty based mayor who got shit a few years back for refusing to let the parasites bury one of their larvae who had died of some preventable illness in the community cemetery.

>Not a lot of gypsies reside in Sweden permanently

Shhhh... you already have welcome them now, be warned:D

The real question is how did they manage to infest whole Europe. Who the fuck brought them here?

Nah, the best are the car washing, who clean your windows while you have stopped on a traffic light and want money even if they made the windows look worse

>1 post by this ID
>all these replies

God I hate jews.

Cucked by a gypsy. That's a new low for britbongs.

>They would never plant bombs

They would if they could.

So I've seen a few different threads about gypsies, but I still don't understand exactly what they are. Is it a culture, an ethnicity, etc

>Who the fuck brought them here?

They come throw Turkey, they are nomads, they don't stay forever anywhere.

Léa Seydoux at a press conference for Blue is the Warmest Color. The director was basically complimenting her and she cried the whole time. Qt.

>culture, an ethnicity

They come from India, culture? Fucks knows...

They would maybe do it for monies but who would hire a gypsy for a bomb job? However there was recently a case in Romania where slave workers were freed by the police. They had to chop wood in the mountains for years. Turned out that the slave owners as well as the slaves were all gypos. lmao

hey man what's the sauce on this?

What the fuck is wrong with this people?
Is that their normal habitat? They look like some sort of refugees.

Fact it, they completely destroyed our image in world:( And some peoples have no idea how we are for real.

Gypsies don't do WTC. This is what makes them better than the Jews.

take this

That's from a fucking movie.

Gipsy "camps" don't really exist. There are some gipsies who travel and build shitty houses in different rural areas and the villagers hire them to take care of their cows, sheep, goats etc.

But you won't see more than a family of gipsies there.

This is a genius scam. Too bad it will never work on me. Anyways why cant you fool a dead baby?

>Are the Roma people really that terrible?
I've lived in France and Ukraine and yes, I honestly think they should cease to exist.

And so does everyone.

You can keep them we are full

The gipsy anecdote that will always make laugh and shake my head is the one about the Gipsy stealing the nails from Jesus's cross

>H-he wanted to ease the pain of our Lord! Therefore the Gipsy is based!
>muh heritage! muh ancient lore!

Do the gypsies have some sort of religion?

They seem similar to the jews in a lot of ways, like they are somehow related. I imagine the kikes bought plenty of children from them... maybe they are just the chaotic faction who steals children and does their own witchcraft and shit. I feel like there is some connection though.

Why don't you leave posioned bottles of booze around where they can "steal" it?

Those cunts are a plague.
The poor ones live in trailer parks and nigger around the cities, don't pay a dime, don't go to school, chimp out when you get close to their zones and are ugly as hell.
The rich ones instead have their own mafia. They own entire blocks in the shitty suburbs, which are actually super kitsch and luxurios. And the worst part is that the left protects them

Lived in your country for 2 years. Only problems I ever had was with gypsies. Ship them the fuck out of your country already!

yes. but you see the thing is, there are very very few gypsies who can be considered a normal person. they segregate themselves aswell, i dont even know any person who knows any gypsy personally. i've never talked to a gypsy (like real conversation, not them begging for money). so its not just that they are horrible and criminal as a group, but you dont even have the "cool gypsy friend" or anything like that. they just live in their shitty ghettos. also they are loud and act very differently from europeans, i dont know why they wont try to adapt at least a little bit.

They are either christians or muslims

Kill them? They have no papers.

>he wants a disgusting half human half trash to be his loli

The power ranking goes

>Gypsies > Muslims = Niggers

I have complained a fair lot about them before witnessing the religion of peace. You can kinda use them as labor if you are strict enough, sandcoons that follow Islam are just dangerous.

they are doing it
shipping them to western europe

They are the living proof that race is not a social construct, basically some kind of proto-humans that never finished evolving, they are from India but they are so fucking disgusting that even the poos didn't like them. Some 600 years ago they reached Europe and since they didn't had another place to go (they can't swim and their intellect is incapable of envision ships) they decided to stay there.

For some reason some managed to get to the Americas and started their shit cycle, luckily our governments are quite effective when it comes to eliminate people they don't like, in Mexico one president lured all the gypsies of the country to the middle of the desert telling them that he would give them a nice place for their community.

No one has heard about them since then.

They are an ethnicity. The story is that they were an Indian caste that was thrown out for being awful.

During the communist dictatorship they were forced (yes, actually forced) to live in apartments just like everyone else. Come the fall of the dictatorship, very few of them did not revert to their pre-commie dictatorship stage.

The worst of them live on the streets and are basically softcore niggers. The better of them go to school and bully other kids and teachers. The best of them (very few) have some low paying job like taxi driver or fixing bikes. Up to the 9th grade, at least. Never known a gypsy who went past that.




think a combination between niggers and indians.

Imagine the worst nog on BLM-night.
That's a gypsy all year round.

You know how blacks are known for pulling the wires out of the wall and shitting all around the room before they're evicted? Gypsies do that while living there.

Know how blacks bang their underage daughters? Gypsies not only bang their daughters from age 10, no, they get them hooked on drugs and pimp them out from age 11.

You know the bibical locust plage? That's a village after a gypsy caravan has passed through it.