Why do Blacks live shorter than Whites on average?

Why do Blacks live shorter than Whites on average?

Because even god doesn't want them alive

cuz u crackas keep killin' us

Because black lives don't matter. They keep killing themselves and blame whitey for the other 1% like it was 100% of the problem

because you flush the toilet after shitting


Why do blacks fuck more girls than whites on average?

Because they leave the house and actually do things.

Whites can survive with higher cholesterol levels
and can keep a higher BMI than blacks without as many problems. lead poisoning is also common in black communities.

In the west they're all obese, everywhere else they're starving


Obesity and murder

>lead poisoning is also common in black communities.
Really? I didn't know that. Is it because the niggers don't tell their kids not to eat paint chips?

Because they're objectively inferior at almost everything, including taking care of their health and avoiding violent/accidental deaths.

"Soul food"

Because gang warfare

I'm a racist white guy and this is very true. can confirm.

this desu

blackskins are reincarnated criminals, being dumb violent savages is their punishment for what they did in a past life. only those who rise above it have a chance at salvation, otherwise the cycle repeats itself until they learn.

Nah it's because black women are whores

Black parents have the intelligence of 6 year olds, black kids are even worse :^)

Whites have been eating our shit western food for countless generations, we can suck down all kinds of sugar, refined carbs and dairy. Meanwhile the African diet was probably a lot less rich eating bugs and drinking menstrual blood of cows.

States and cities run by democrats ironically have attrotious public utilities

Too poor to afford to replace the lead base paint from the 70s. They just say they did and forget about it.


Are you telling me the Democrat controlled city of Flint, Michigan had its weird public water fiasco however many months ago because Democrats don't know how to run shit? It wasn't evil whitey after all? I have a hard time believing this...

>african diet

>Why does this species have a different lifespan than an another species?


This one, desu. Niggers love to kill niggers, and it drops the average. It's not unlike before modern medicine when more babies died. Average life expectancy was around 40 or 50, but that was misleading. For those who lived, it was around 80 or so, same as us today.


White supremacy and oppression. Look it up

The guy with glasses holy shit
Those dead eyes...

They mature faster as well. Sexually and intellectually.

It's a product of genetic strategy that took place in our development as a species over the last hundred thousand years desu.

Blacks have the intellectual maturity of children, and just because they fuck infants in a misguided attempt to cure aids does not mean they are sexually mature


try harder

I didn't mean that you insecure faggot. I meant that in terms of development they mature faster. I didn't say it was a better genetic strategy. But it is a different genetic strategy and it has obviously different results.

I'd have to throw some money on their diets. Ever ate with blacks? Good food but not shit to be eating ever day of the week. There's a HUGE portion of them with diabetes too.