What's your opinion of him? Is he /ourguy/?

What's your opinion of him? Is he /ourguy/?

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i guess so but judging by his lack of education about memes and modern culture i guess he doesn't know about us/doesn't care

he is autistic

He redpilled me about how stupid burgers really are

Annoying hack



He used to sell books on how to get with women and for a "small" fee, he would even be your wingman if you were in the San Diego area. He couldn't make money doing that, so he changed his name from Mark Sholdice to Mark Dice and found an easier way to make money.

Complete douchebag and irrelevant

Sorry. It's Mark Shouldice.

He's an idiot.

I like him. He's a consiparatainer who at least makes a solid attempt to tell apart the nonsense from the real deal.
Those man on the street videos aren't that good though. It's so easy. If you talk to enough people, you will get some stupid answers for sure. Many of the people who sign his petition are probably just being polite and not even listening.

he's the alt lite.
just like molyjew, paul racemixer watson, alex jonestein, mike kikenovich, rebel jew media, milo faggotopoulus and others.

Are you serious lol

Watson is a race mixer now? Isn't he gay anymore? I demand proofs.

anglin said he's married to a gook.


he's a burger himself

also it's not fair to cast judgment on us, from the moment we start grade school we're indoctrinated that we are the best so we act accordingly

>from the moment we start grade school we're indoctrinated that we are the best so we act accordingly
you're the best at what?

shit should i know, i was just told i was the best




Mark dice the fake christian

>Anglin said
That is not of proofs.

Who knows, maybe he gave his life over to Christ?

Or maybe he found it easier to make money off of "exposing" the illuminati.


Is that supposed to be bad?

If you don't know about the unironic USA #1 meme that every kid in public school is told from a young age and how all of our history books are written from the point of view than the US has liberated every country its been at war with and has never captured anything, only liberating these countries with evil dictators in place you'd know what that guy is saying.

I like him desu he does a good job of redpilling normies without being a complete controlled opposition shill like Peanut Butte and Jelly Watson.

I like some of his man on the street bits. He gets some good stuff.

go with that. see what you find.
i never took interest in what watson had to say.
i never searched about his personal life.

nobody took the time to ask why?

No. But I think he might be a conman.

Because he tried his hand on the free market and it didn't work out so he tried something else?

You get what he's saying. Where are you going with this?