is this the best meme of 2016?
Is this the best meme of 2016?
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Bump i need more
I wonder who could be behind this post.
yes, germany is a meme since 45. even your language is a meme since then. You, Hans (meme) are a MEME!
you tell me.
I'm greek.
Starts with B and rhymes with greedy.
Fuck, i am at work laughing my ass off rn.
What about that other meme
You know, the one about being kicked out of 200 countries, one after the other
The bjewdy
Wait, you degenerates have ONE tap that BOTH hot and cold water comes out of?
Get your wife's son on welfare lad so he can atleast get you two sperate taps for your hot and cold water, jesus
might as well put canada on this too
What are these things even called
It's like an ancap meme, honestly
it's up there
We certainly wouldn't like to drink from hot water since that can contain poisonous metals passed into the water from being too hot.
did brexit change anything in your daily lifes?
Only the fact its now OK to commit hate crimes against Poles
A couple of blokes at the pub are more right-wing aligning now, I've been going to more parties recently and my mates have been non-stop bantering about Brexit and Trump. It's been a laugh a think so far.
My sympathies in Berlin by the way.
>legalises suicide
>legalises beastiality
We're living the Ancap dream here up north.
People within Germany. Elements within your country have caused this mess.
You have some "housekeeping" to take care of.
Burger, fix your own water.
well that's a start.
>he never got the 'having two taps is redpilled' memo
oh no, now you convinced germany to leave the eu.
Yes but to be specific the ancap version. Because ancaps are jokes
my favourite
Yes it seems to have made everyone happier and richer
>mfw other countries have only one tap
>is this the best meme of 2016?
Those aren't delegates i was looking for.
I actually respect true germans, but may I ask, why are you so autistic?
Are there actually places with only one tap? Seems retarded.
Listen there, m8. 20% of your countries population are literal sub-humans and they are leaking all over europe. I don't want to hear anything from your piece of trash country. Even your genuine people are a disgusting race that's only after money and booze. i have never met a single honest and good romanian person in my life. Your women are literally sex toys all over europe, at least they recognize that they are just that, a hole were you stick your penis inside. I wonder, is that what they are teaching you in school? To become an alcoholic if you're a man and to become a prostitute if you're a woman? You don't have culture, and even if you do, it's from a different era that the greeks probably build. Fuck dracula and fuck your country, but wait, it's already fucked. What's your internet connection like? Let me guess, you have Cosmote right? I mean, your country did not have decent internet until a fucking greek company had to step in. Seriously. Tell your gypsy neighboors to stop having wedding parties twice per day, oh wait, you can't tell himt hat because 127 of his cousins will crawl out of their mud huts and rape your family.
You disgusting sub-slav trash.
wow fucking laughing my ass of here sweden, thanks for joining us tonight
It can't be, given that I hardly know about it. I've seen the image a few times, but I've never caught on to what the meme is.
Holy shit, butthurt level 3000 activated.
Dont get me started on australia. Ive lived there too.
This is one of the better ones.
Is this what Malik based his profile photo off of?
We have two taps, what are you talking about?
Beady eyed
go back to faggit and kill yourself
you REALLY don't want me to start with germany.
Is this actually true.
Minus the capitalism
>not recognizing memmes
You go back to rebbit you rice munching nigger
>heavy weapons employed
>only double-digit death toll
How can people be so incompetent?
Never laughed this hard on Sup Forums
>Germans lift their finger to do anything than pad their pensions
Mein freund jetzt ohne misst, when i was here in the 90's, things weren't like now.
I mean, i will be forced to learn turkish in 10 years because i wont be able to communicate with anyone. it's such a god disgusting language, too.
Unifying Germany was the biggest mistake
why do u need to learn roach mein kamerad?
i dont get how you can be so pessimistic about the future
Fuck right off you fucking faggot.
Germany didn't start WW1, they just blamed by the Anglo-cowards which is what caused WW2.
After WW2, the anglo-coward brainwashed the german population and worked together with the marxist communist russians.
So it's actually the anglo-cowards fault. All of it.
they're the new polanball
top meme '16 for sure
I'm not up to date, who is this guy? Looks familiar.
only queer high school faggots (aka roddit users) like queen and queen memes
m8 i see you on r/2007scape
anarcho-privitism is the best of them all
lel what, queen? How new are you?
Kek, I remember hearing about this.
haha what ?
Count Grishnackh
You dont want the antifapolice at your doorsteps, cease being racist right now.
Two kinds of people.
But I have insurance which covers everything
No they literally have two separate faucets for hot and cold
This is like the swedish government being so naïve that grenades weren't classed as "assault weapons". So migrants and gangs in Malmö killed each other with them.
I do
Anyone notice that Germans on pol think they are the model Aryan and can't take any criticism even though they're the ones destroying Europe?