We did it user! We took back the jobs from those leftists, globalists and le degenerate non whites WE'RE #WINNING

>We did it user! We took back the jobs from those leftists, globalists and le degenerate non whites WE'RE #WINNING

>now it's up to you to make America great again one sweep and scrubbing at a time, make your daddy donald proud again

>btw I expect this bathroom to be in tip top shape, I'll be paying you $7/h, with your great efforts in this bathroom we'll turn around the economy!

Where were you when trumpanzees were conned into believing that recovering low pay, soon to be automated jobs would solve anything aside from cletus' temporary mid-term hunger?

>being this butthurt you have to go back to throwing away your toilet paper rather than flushing it

I thought that person had a shark's head

I'd rather have poorfags doing trash jobs than sponging off the employed by being NEETs.

Please keep in mind that the sort of people spouting nonsense such as this are the ones pretending to fight for the interests of the working class.
And then they are actually surprised the working class wants nothing to do with them.

You're not coming back, Gonzales.

>>being this butthurt you have to go back to throwing away your toilet paper rather than flushing it

I don't have any relatives or friends in the US illegally, nor have I been to the US illegally, or even thought of working there.

What now? What strawman will you produce to avoid dealing with the fact you got conned?

>people don't consider that toilet scrubbing jobs will turn around the economy
>that makes them elitist leftists

>>btw I expect this bathroom to be in tip top shape, I'll be paying you $7/h
Actually by getting rid of shitloads of mexicans janitorial type jobs should see a significant increase in wages, considering the competition literally just got deported and every cleaning company in the state has to rush to replace its entire workforce.

White people will refuse to do it for that price. Without illegals to hire, they will have no choice but to pay more. Welcome to the free market.


>we're gonna turn around the economy with a significant $2 rise in a $10/h job that was done by Hispanics for 4$/h
Lmao, holy shit trumpanzees are geniuses

Nobody cares about you Pablo, just worry about your own country and not getting decapitated. We will figure out how to employ our citizens for the less desirable jobs up here.

>We will kick out everyone who does this job below X wage
What you're describing is the opposite of free market.

Oh look, a Mexican intellectual
how nice

If there wasn't so many niggers dirtying toilets everywhere, cleaning them would be a breeze.

No, we're kicking out the criminals that come here illegally, you retarded monkey.

Actually most of the increase is probably going to come from reduced backflows to mexico, less welfare and health spending on unproductive nontaxpaying shits, and increased morale stemming from a more homogeneous society :-)

>taco people this butthurt

>spics only clean toilets

seems pretty racist desu senpai



And then employers will refuse to hire white workers who are entitled to right wing tumblr tier wages, legal Hispanics will offer their services for less, and you're back to square one.

Beats being a burgerturd memer intellectual.

In a perfect world everyone would clean up their own shit or be punished with death so nobody would have to hire cleaners.


well done, that was a good joke, I laughed

Deport what you will but artificially increasing costs by getting rid of competition is not free market.

>I don't have any relatives or friends in the US illegally, nor have I been to the US illegally, or even thought of working there.
Then why are you posting this or making this thread at all? Doesn't make sense at all.

There will still be plenty of Mexicans and niggers to take those jobs. The difference is those Mexicans will actually have to pay taxes now and will make a better wage.

>Hi, I'm Armando, I learned to English.
>I found this place on YouTube.
>I'm mad because I have relatives cleaning houses illegally in Arizona and I find your comments very racist.

Theres 3 levels if cleaning jobs. Custodial slightly above min wage. Maintenance starts around 12-13. And full janitorial duties usually union and can start anywhere from 15-22 an hour if you work for a school system/federal building. I just got an overnight custodian job where all I do is clean shitters for an hour then walk around sweeping listening to music and shitposting from my phone. Perfect job desu. Also stopped me from getting evicted

Why aren't you grasping this? Think about it for a second, paco.

>>soon to be automated jobs

Oh boy, I think he's serious. This isn't a sci-fi novel, we don't have androids or even the remote ability to power an android which would have any bit of strength/dexterity to do anything

>nobody wants to do entry level jobs

>teens and homeless need entry level jobs to be protected from automation

pick one

If you don't understand that these jobs are primarily being done by people who have no real skills or prospects in the first place, then your opinion on the subject belongs in the trash.

Hence the term


We're giving all our jobs that can be done by monkeys to immigrants.

We should be giving these jobs to the HOMELESS PEOPLE that we have on our streets.

Hey, here's an idea. Go Google the number of homeless adults in Phoenix Arizona, and then Google the number of illegals currently employed in Phoenix Arizona.

And then go fuck yourself for being such a retard. You and your country are a fucking plague on our lives. Fix your own shit.

incorrect, whale sized white people make the biggest fucking messes, it's insane

I work at a grocery store, and almost every friday, this landwhale comes to the store to use the bathroom
She changes her diaper in there and literally leaves shit all over the bathroom
I feel so bad for the porter, but also very happy that I don't do that job

Hi Goldberg Shekelstein.

It's okay, we'll start the fire with them. Whale fat burns wonderfully well.

sounds good
honestly we'd probably stop having landwhale customers if we got rid of the mobility carts, they would be utterly unable to walk around the store

We won't be allowing Hispanics in so they can go do shot jobs, only smart ones willing to do important work will be granted citizenship.
>arresting the competition for raping someone is anti free market because it's removing competition
>arresting drug dealers is anti free market for removing competition from doctors

Are you my fellow burger in a finland proxy?
If you decrease the labor available
Labor becomes more expensive to get
Supply and Demand, it is the free market.

ok that one's actually funny

They wouldn't be fat if it wasn't for the jews making those degenerate lifestyles possible. We'll burn them second.

Hes just memeing. Let it be!

I used to work at a McDonald's the salad was like 12$
and it had more fucking calories than a big mac

Janitor here. I happen to enjoy my job, and I make $12 and hour but the company I work for is full of stupid fucking beaners.

I only get paid so much because I was working for a different guy who had contracts with the places I clean before he died, and when this new company came in they insisted that the company hire me to get the contract. I would have started my own business but since this big company hires illegals for so cheap I couldn't compete with them, because they bid insanely low for every cleaning job they can find in the state.

If all I had to do was clean toilets, and if I could get a job within walking distance of my small apartment, meaning I save money on car, gas, insurance, "fancy" clothing, and everything else, all while allowing me freedom within my mind (or podcast, etc.) while doing simple, easy physical tasks, I would take $7/hr. The only reason I don't know is that all of those jobs are taken by Mexicans anywhere within ten miles of me, so even to work as a janitor I would have to drive to work, negating any money I would even make. If I could walk there, and get paid basically to hang out while making things nice and clean, it'd be great.

Office and clerical jobs are going first m80. Research your shit.

>Implying we need to solve anything more than Cletus' temporary mid-term hunger.

Oh look it another "'tolerant' left uses a demeaning tone towards the lower classes of white society in order to justify their garbage views" thread

God forbid we talk about impoverished blacks or hispanics though



Why are Mexicans so ugly

Whites do fill all the low end jobs that beaners take here. I saw this first hand over Thanksgiving when I drop from Dallas to Denver.

All of the highway construction crews in TX are mexicans probably 90% of them. As I made my way north into Oklahoma, Kansas, then Colorado, I started noticing all the highway crews were all white or black guys. I chuckled a bit every time.

Sup Forums was right again

Everyone needs a first job, as a 16 year old with a work permit I worked a grill, did dishes, cleaned bathrooms and mopped the floor. And I took some fucking pride in it, I made it my job and my manager was very happy.

I took this level of ownership to my next job at a data entry firm and quickly advanced to middle management by the age of 20. Making $60k year.

I now have 13 years at that company and have done every job that no one else wanted to do. I have literally watched at least 15 people get fired because they simply did not want to work or had a very poor work ethic.

Bottom rungs of the employment ladder.

Hell of a lot better than getting only one chance to make a debt-boosted flying leap into the middle class establishment.

>muh Mexicans do all the jobs sissy Americans won't do
>if the Mexicans (who are apparently our indentured servants) don't do those jobs no one will do it
1. We did those jobs before we had millions of illegal immigrants and we'll do it again.
2. There are millions of unemployed Americans who would be more than willing to do those jobs if illegal immigrants weren't taking them all and accepting less than minimum wage.

idk how stupid you have to be to think that we should be grateful for you idiots squatting all our unskilled labor.

once you're gone those jobs will be forced to pay minimum wage again and millions of unemployed legal citizens will gladly take them.

only thing we might have to worry about is enlistment rate plummeting because people won't be desperate enough to take the military route anymore
but wait... I guess that means they'll just have to make joining the military actually a good deal again!

so I guess there ISN'T a downside!

I worked McDonald's for a few years. I've cleaned toilets, and floors, and grills, and cookware, and dish clothes. Also worked at a gas station where I had to wash out the garbage cans after dumb natives dumped their diapers in them. I've cleaned up vomit, blood, feces, and fucking sanitary napkins stuck to walls.

If I could do these dirty jobs, my fellow whites can too.

You have to go back.



My friend owns a grounds maintenance company and makes $60k per year.

>You and your country are a fucking plague on our lives. Fix your own shit.
Retard, richer nations don't export as much labour, making Mexico poorer through the wall is going to increase the ammount of mexicans who want to jump the border.


You're insanely jealous of the politics of a real country.


These kind of shit jobs (excuse the pun) actually build character. There's nothing at all shameful or demeaning about them. It's a symptom of today's degenerate, narcissistic society that these kinds of occupations are looked down upon

whatever portion isn't prairie nigger is filthy spaniard

I'd gladly scrub toilets for 7 hour

So, are you admitting that all spics are good for is low-wage work?

The funny part is that the toilet cleaner makes 10 times as much in a week as a mexicunt does in his own country doing a skilled job.

Ariba Ariba!


Does abortion mean reroll?





All memery aside (le plumber joke) I worked as a janitor for a company for about a month.
It paid extremely well for what it was and it was a temporary thing so I didn't mind.

Holy fuck it was the easiest, most laid-back jobs I've ever had.
I think only working at home could beat this.

>Zero fucking responsibilites.
You missed a spot and it's not painfully obvious? Who cares you'll do it tomorrow
>Zero fucking physical extortion.
The heaviest thing I had to lift was a 5l can of general purpose cleaner.
>It takes absolutely no fucking brain to do whatsoever.
I arrived at work, ate breakfast, took a piss, had a cigarette, actual day starting like 40 minutes after everyone else.
The actual work was so uninvolving your brain shuts down and you don't see the time flying by. In no time your workday ends, you take a shower and youre free to do whatever you want.

Definitely hardly something youd call the careeer from your dreams BUT If I had to pick one shitty paying job I'd have to do for the rest of my life It would be definitely a cleaning job.

we're getting 15 an hour min wage.

the kikes wont be scamming good goyim any longer.

c o m f y

I make $11 an hour to clean bathrooms, Paco. I can't wait for the rest of you beaners here to get launched over our glorious new wall.