>dont shower for 4 days
>dont change clothes for 3 days
>go to the gym every day
>not only that i dont smell bad, i actually still smell nice
How the hell do you guys manage to smell like shit
Dont shower for 4 days
we're past puberty.
>Balkan slav thinks he doesnt smell bad
good laugh
nigger detected
fuck off
I remember as a kid I could go a week without smelling anything.
>How the hell do you guys manage to smell like shit
I dont know either.
Well I actually try to shower everyday, but even if I dont do it for 3 days, I still dont smell anywhere near as bad as all the shitskins I have to endure in the gym...
"I dont smell bad I smell nice." Said every fat smelly fuck ever.
Because Europeans generally smell better than other races
Haven't showered or changed clothes in 3 days no smell and I'm 27.
Some of you people are fucking disgusting.
>people ironically think smelly people know they smell bad
i don't really smell that bad, but some of my clothes can smell. that's what that stinky gym smell is, the sweat mixed in with the synthetics, it's fucking horrid.
hey fuck you baltic slav is best slav. balkan slav is shit tier
You're used to your own smell.
>dont shower for 4 days
>dont change clothes for 3 days
You smell like autism. Everybody knows when you skip showering and they SEE it too in your ragged clothes and greasy slimy autist hair. Just because you don't smell it (since you're so acclimated to you own stench), and just because you don't swear very much (low test), it doesn't mean others don't think your literal human garbage.
That's a point satantrips, but also practically meme-tier. If other people you don't live with confirm you don't smell bad, it's irrelevant.
>3 days
>no smell
How the fuck is that possible? I smell like roadkill when I wake up out of the bed in the morning, my eyes burn from the smell if I don't get a shower. Does lack of testosterone stop you from having any smell?
How can you work out and not shower afterwards? Feels fucking disgusting man.
Balts > Slavs.
I also literally guarantee this guy is not white.
Because you're fat you stink up much quicker.
>1 post by this ID
fucking hungry skeleton
You can't smell your own stench because you get used to it, on the other hand if you do nothing for 4 days you probably won't smell that bad maybe unnoticeable unless someone is like 20 cm from you
It's because you're a nigger of some kind. Huehue, sand, mexi, flop, slav, you just aren't full Caucasian, son. Niggers do smell worse than whites, just like they do commit crime more often. And neither of those problems are 'social constructs' or 'circumstances', this has been demonstrated, let it die.
Yeah that's fucking bullshit it has told with how much you sweat and if your hair fucking smells. I'm fat as fuck and I'll smell halfwY decent for a day or two but my hair will get greasy as fuck because I usually shower everyday. Also it's mostly fat females who stink like fucking hell or rather any female that doesn't shower every day will stink really fucking bae
I have a little Cherokee but no nigger nor does anyone in my family. They've taken those DNA tests so I'm absolutely sure.
That's a cool flag. What country is "Isle of Man"?
omg are you stupid or something you dont smell your self
>he doesn't shower
>He doesn't wash clothes
>"works out" sure
Mate you smell like shit but you've been living in your own filth for so long you can't smell it.
Most people are too polite to say anything.
Filthy fucking slav
I have heard that you smell like what you eat. Maybe I need a better diet.
google it you lazy fuck jeez
Fuck off idiots.
ROLF nice try fatty.
This is correct. Anybody that doubts it just ask yourself how many times you never said anything to some smelly fucker. Alot.
are u a fatty?
literally nothing to do with politics, news or current events
report and sage
its politically incorrect not to shower every day
People dont smell themselves like Others do . But they notice it though
they are probably to creeped out to tell you