>Now, a court order released by Eichenwald reveals that Twitter will cooperate with his civil lawsuit and turn over all user data they have on the offender.
Lol what a whinny jew
>Now, a court order released by Eichenwald reveals that Twitter will cooperate with his civil lawsuit and turn over all user data they have on the offender.
Lol what a whinny jew
Other urls found in this thread:
inb4 it was his wife's son
>inb4 it's a Sup Forumstard
>inb4 no VPN used
>inb4 spaghetti
Ironically the Judge who signed the order is Jewess with the surname (((Goldstein))) perhaps she knows/is related to jew_goldstein? Funny how she obfuscated her last name completely in her signature....
This jew thinks suing is a good idea?
He's declared war with Sup Forums and thinks the lawsuit will end and all will be well.
Can't wait til you can print out GIF images on paper. Gonna mail this fucker so many seizures.
Hope he gets cancer too.
This guy has no case
Did he even go to a hospital?
How can you prove you had a seizure after the fact?
jew_goldstein is a Sup Forumsack so obviously not.
Nothing is ever obvious.....
So if eichenwald willingly opens an attachment that he willingly accessed doesn't that make it his fault? The creator is a dick if this is to be believed that a seizure did occur but this guy opened something on his own free will.
Any competent lawyer
>prove you had a seizure
And that's the end of that. The burden of proof is all on Kikenwald, and ubless he's got some hospital records, he's fucked.
Bonnie Lee Goldstein?
Holy shit that guy in the blue got fucking destroyed by that sign
You could mail him a flip book I guess.
He didn't go to the police, so I doubt he went to the hospital.
Really won't matter.
> Jew finds Twitter person. Jew can't prove damages because no hospital or police. Jew loses case because you can't sue someone for hurt fee fees, even in America. You need to prove actual damages.
Anyone that rings his door and strobe lights him will be named king of pol.
You call that a Jew nose?
are you saying jew_goldstein was an inside job?
Animated gifs can't melt steal beams
I'm more amazed by the fact that twitter hands out user data for such obvious bs