ITT: We sum up Sup Forums in a picture
Other urls found in this thread:
WTF I I hate Sup Forums now
drumpfkins eternally btfo
HOW will Sup Forums recover??
yeah I'm pretty sure only weird looking autists voted for Trump, that's why he'll never be President
That picture brings back too much memories.
>ITT: We strawman Sup Forums in a picture
die scum die!
>spain, sweden and america are white
>norgay doesn't look inbred
Why does everyone in this pic look inbred ?
>Sup Forums on the left
doesn't really have to be Trump, but this expression and demeanor
OP is a faggot
You'd be familiar with that look being people have been fucking each other on a small patch of land you call france.
Can I do video instead? youtube.com
This will be Sup Forums, in time, as we ultimately train our weaker half, Liberals.
I would absolutely fuck that spider
That spider is your mother. Have some respect, user! Such a rude, young boy!
Can't tell gender of Norway.
Dare to enter my magical realm?
But females eat the male in spider sex.
That's a very commanding look
What became of this young stud? Any follow up?
>Dare to enter my magical realm?
what do you mean by magical realm?
she'd eat my cum absolutely
>That spider is your mother
No it's not, shush.
The male still rules over the female, in this world, even upon being eaten.
Don't fear your own death, user. You'll miss out on it!
The reason I eat you is so you can feel a real release. And, I am the thing you can eat whenever you want, if you let me be that.
fuck it roll
Wurf it lmao
Also, rolling.
>Not having schizophrenic KGB agent as your MoD
Get with the times.
Your Mother loves you, user. Embrace it or she'll probably flip out and destroy you because she's a bigger fool than you are, haha!
Rolling again
On a scale of 1 to gay how much are you stupid
Well fug.... Time for magic
I'm not fucking a dwarf, gimme something good, I wanna fap.
Roll again
>what do you mean by magical realm?
Go home, newfag.
Fuck off
Give me a hot fantasy one night stand or I'm killing the queen
Meh what the heck, roll.
What the fuck
Two in a roll? What kek mean by this
>all them feels
>I want to get banned for saying roll 10 times
Fuel for my escapism
I like this pic, can I have it?
yes i do
Don't be defensive, user! I just want to embrace you fully! Surely, you're strong enough to handle me, aren't you?
oooh rolling!
No, I'm not racemixing with an Asian, cmon BOI.
in a gaff how many?
Hehe well meme'd bro :^)
Wtf are you talking about nigger ?
ditto, actually. Shitposting to disguise.
This is so fucking stupid.
How about that one kid sitting alone at the indoor lunch table playing vidya
rollng for nazi demon dom
Gimme sth good fampai
rollin along
Reminds me of the security guy that was at the high and ready in the same frame as Merkel with the caption
>I could save Europe right now
Fuck it roll
Ignoring the autist for a second, who the fuck let's their daughter go to the ball/prom looking like a $2 Russian hooker?
Im rolling and saving this image f-a-m
10, as always.
>we are the sexy spiders
Sup Forums is a christian board.
save n roll
fun times