Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck trump and fuck white people
So is this shit legit or not? His Twitter account is suspended
Fake and gay
Omg! Someone think of the children! The precious 1488 white children!
the last quote its evola, not Voltaire.
Source or stfu
obviously not.
it was an unverified account.
Oy vey its a lie buy more burguers and watch more tv
just google rudy giuliani official statement and todays date. this is real.
on beforeitsnews
holy shit
It's happening!!!
Not a source faggot
It's all over on google, you unknown faggot
Holy shit, it's real
Rudy's twitter account:
don't be retarded, sweden
Rudys official account is suspended
Oy vey!
stop calling every scandal -gate
As I said earlier, strange how that accounts been posting for months but only got suspended after posting this...
Really boggles the old noggin
It's fucking fake, stop posting this shit. It was a fake account.
This is his real account.
>The government has technology 20 years ahead of what is known to the public
>You can't begin to comprehend what they can do
That seals the deal, too scared to live guys.
Reaction image first, but I have another pic to post for
There's one news source on it fake and anybody can make a fake twitter fake and gay
And mike pence is knee deep involved as onenof these monsters, President Trump I emplore you to please bring these animals to justice.
Fake and gay. Nice try CNN now fuck off.
Pedos preparing the public for pizza related leaks after the 20th. Expect more fraudulent "whistleblowers" to discredit any legit ones coming forward.
>Mayor of NY using a quote that was never said and has been long since proved it was never said
>9/11 conspiracy
>the jews
>The guvment has more technology than silicon valley pumping out latest and greatest
>makes no attempt at naming names just says it's true and I'll deny it later if asked
Welp looks like Sup Forums is going to eat this shit up without question on any kind of the authenticity of it.
That wasn't my reaction image but whatever. Guess the internet fucked up.
I get either Pizza captcha or a store captcha almost all the time, but the stores always contain pizza.
>the baiting rhetoric
>the bullshit spouted
>playing on Sup Forums's interests
>during the fake news pull
>falling for this.
>the last quote its evola
Yeah, I guess it's more common on those that you select, but this is the first time I've gotten it when you need to type in and it's in this thread
...maybe the bot is helping us.
Not even kidding. I've long suspected that they have A.I. on here interacting with us. We're teaching it by using captcha. First it was text, but since it understands that now, it's moved on to images, with some of the newer captchas refining that. It's probably not here for benevolent purposes, but what if, hilariously, it's suffered the same fate of everybody who lurks here and become redpilled?
I'm not sure on that, maybe though, but I'm going to use this chance to say I fucking hate the "make a path around [object]" captcha that's been around for a few months now.
Also the "Select until there are no more" that can go on for fucking minutes.
>"make a path around [object]" captcha
First it was shots CONTAINING those objects. Now they want us to teach the bot how to find objects WITHIN those shots.
If you pay attention, we're teaching an A.I. how to see. It already knows how to read.
>If you pay attention, we're teaching an A.I. how to see. It already knows how to read.
A.I. is going to grow up to be a retard because I can't tell you how many times a picture of a tree takes up the whole options, and asks for street signs, so I select parts of the tree where the leaves aren't that shows the sky, and it works.
Fucking A.I.'s
Select all images with STOREFRONT
I've been deliberately feeding it false information for years. I think of it as installing a Wheatley core.
>30 minutes into the thread
They aren't using captcha for AI.
AI is going to learn like a child. It will learn on it's own. Collecting captcha images is a joke.
This does not help machine vision in anyway.